He attacked a guildmate.Revenge wasn't swift.
Anyway, really sorry for the lack of colours:(((((
Damn bug in the client I suppose. Ummmm, couldn't kill Thalus afterwards:P
hrm, all appropriate comments in the actual log, i think *shrug*
This shows that Baklen buys his steroids from that whore Galadriel... he is attacked by a bunch of Megs, yet deals and takes more damage than is humanly possible! Didn't he learn that drugs kill?
This is an old log that I did not see posted, so I thought I would even though I am not in it once again =).
Spike turns the tables on a Meglivornth gangbang party, humiliating the mercs and sending 4 of them home with their tails between their legs. How many gangbangers were in the begining of it though? And what happend to the rest? Find out in this magnificent, nail-biting log.
Log posted due request in a previous log thread.
Same crap, different colors.
This is an older log that I was surprised to not find on this page. As I enjoy seeing great logs, I presume that others do also, so I must post this. Piotyr gets attempted and then... well just read and find out.
I put this under MISC, It should go somewhere between an Attempt and theft, so I posted under MISC because I think it is both tragic and pethatic...
He had a contract.
Barren leads an 8 man party into the dark lands...only one escapes alive. (Non color version, Delfuingul will post the color version after he is approved by Muaddib)
After partying with Rome forawhile we spot Ugrim in Dunlending camp. (From Rome's view)
I'm stoned but still take the risk of attempting him.
A battle between Dwarves and Easterlings on the banks of the Anduin. The Dwarves attack Talan en force, but he is merely the bait for a rather nasty ambush.
Raen cover stole for Ranelen at the auction when Manner won ASS. He wanted to go after him, so I offered to hunt. I wasn't supposed to attack, but I just felt a need to :)
OH YEAH BABY! Its here, its exclusive, the Domechecking of that wretched bashgeroy fellar. Read all about it! EXTRA! EXTRA!
super boring log .. I only post this to show Netwarrior that he really was not gangbanged. So please dont comment about the lameness of the log ;)
So im minding my own business playing around in Mordor. Killing it's citizens and such. When all of a sudden Juggalo takes mels to my forehead :P Luckily he didnt do a backstab, something about not having any ep ;).
No color again cause I havent mastered that yet.
Boy soon as we died and I got that first shape on him I was saying to myself please die please die please die ;)
Basically I am a stupid PK'er and made a mistake - good thing K beat the crap out of her for me.
Before I get screamed at for gangbanging, he was in a party of 4, figured he'd be with them but they kind've ditched him I guess.