super boring log .. I only post this to show Netwarrior that he really was not gangbanged. So please dont comment about the lameness of the log ;)
And there goes Wasach, stating his unconditional love for me... again :P
perhaps it's Brahm's shit that likes you Rhoads..
Brahm says to Rhoads: Essen mein SHITIZE!!
Rhoads says (from the kneeling position): umm, okay...
I'm just fooling with you fellows :):)
Well I do have many friends .. and sure I would kill them if their C is high .. But I also have people who I consider personal allies .. People who have given me great help .. I could not just turn around and stab them in the back.
The shit or it is you the ones who likes me? :P
What can I say? The shit just likes you Rhoads. :p
Why you have to throw the shit at me Brahm? damn it :P
And if I were in Erebor and saw you killing a dwarf and was like 'Oh, I'm not going to defend this dwarf because you're my friend.' I would catch so much shit.
And here's the description of
'Rhoads has 5.1 on his dome. Being a Durm, we can't miss shit like this. Sad thing is Rhoads is my dawg.'
But I guess its benefitial to have double standards. Credit goes to Deadlok for being a true durm roleplayer. And if they are really your friend, they would burn you for 'doing your job.'
Yeah, fuckin kill Montar, he's SoU he can't be too tough. ;)
I have a 8k C! :))))
Nah, I was just giving possible reasons and other random stuff
There are not many C's over 6k .. and thoose that are there are eather friends . .inactive .. or hiding in MC room/GH
And it is kinda rare to find such a high C that is SoloAble.
So the real reason that you dont kill them is that you're afraid you'll get hurt afterwards? Please..
Well yea. Killing a newbie with 6k on him will give you a profit unless you have killed an insane amount of people on contract. Also since they are a newbie, it is an easy kill and odds are they cannot do anything to harm you in return
Nope, cant pass up a 6k contract on a newbie, but you certainly can pass up 6k+ contracts on other people.
My colors are cooler!
No! Not enough! Colour your prompt too!
Man you guys really like using colors. I mean you colored everything you can. The kill is not bad at all.:) Just the color thing, too much!
Wow, exciting kill Raqtor. Kept me on the edge of my seat... :p
*smirks* I wonder what part of the message about his inn room reseting he didn't understand..
So this Netwarrior guy.. not much between the ears hmm? Or just living in denial?