hrm, all appropriate comments in the actual log, i think *shrug*
What are you talking about Wasach?! yea right you never had mudsex. You dont remeber the time me and you uh.... Oh wait, you were pretty drunk now that I recall
Kian, where do you get off saying shit like that? I've never hid in my Guild, I've never hid in an Inn room. I have never had mudsex. You make accusations that are completely baseless. I play the gam, you don't reach 100 days of player age by not logging in, dumb fuck.
If you don't like how the lawsys works, try and get it changed. If you don't then you shut the fuck up :)
ps. why do you want guys to kiss your ass? sick fucker
Anyone besides me amused by Kian talking shit about people who talk shit?
Jesus FUCKING Christ Bash!! WTF is wrong with you?
There is a lawsys in this game for a reason, it is a 'limited pK mud' go fucking play quake or doom or counterstrike and take all the other little 'I play a psycho bloodthirsty killer' peons with you.
Assassination is an art and in the world of art only masters make money. You attack outside of RP, your going to get reported it's that simple. If I get solo'd (attempted or killed) I'm going to report you if it's outside of RP.
Why is that you might ask? Well, it's simple, if I wanted to spend my time wondering around the game grid with a trigger to 'do hunt xxx, backstab xxx, heabutt xxx' or whatever it is you guys do, then I'd go fucking play counterstrike.
Sure, I've assisted in a couple pK's, Tarn and Deadlok and as I have stated before, I didn't know them at the time and was only there because close friends asked for my help. Every other person I've killed has been because of RP. Reasons for these deaths, accidental (yeah, I should have bandaged Fimbu but I didn't...I was in a bad mood from him attacking 3 different lads while I chased him down the road) and for being traitors to the Knights. When I'm in RP combat, I don't TRY and kill anyone but that doesn't mean I don't fight like a demon.
I meant, even when you kill them and they report, that's lame too.
if you are gonna whine for getting reported for solo attempts either dont pk or dont fail you bitches
Baklen, when I ran out Rendor hunted me from Narchost to Edoras.The world doesn't revolve around you and believe me, you are not that important to me.
Besides, not only reporting solo attempts is lame, reporting solo murders is lame too.
YEAH! Go kill QUAM! DAMN IT! He dosent have a char :(
*pokes Quam on the eye* bleh :P
Hurry back Baklen. Arda is boring
Err let me say, fix this little thing, Bad english
I ment to say
Like I care if you think reporting solo's Are gay.
And Yes, I have been trying to come back, for the past 3months. It seems they Will not let me. So When the time comes, talk everyone shit then,
The Storm is coming.................
And what the fuck do I care if you think reporting is solo, I don't complain like little bitches when you guys fail solo attempts, I barely ever failed so I guess I don't got your guys problems, Instead of bitching, why not figure out to be a more effective killer? Bash you would actually be good if your ass wasn't such a fucken moron. Only killers that are left that I know of that I have any respect for are Probably Talan, Val, which I hate to admit we have our own little quarrels, but I give credit when its due. If I didn't mention you either I forgot or haven't talked to you recently. Anyways you can say shit anyway you like but about killing I know what the fuck I'm talken about.
HAHAHAHA do you think I actually get attempted solo? Last person who succeded in killing me solo was Anton at level 16 in Martok's Lair:) That was a very very long time ago. You attempted me solo once, But I seem to remember you runing when I locked you up *shrugs
At last someone understands it, Brahm.Thank you.
Baklen's point is dumb.I completely understand how you get pissed because the fucker quit (happens to me all the time when durms attack me) but, relax a minute, look at what your doing and then you'll realise it's better to withdraw the report.Just so you don't feel stupid to report a solo.
If someone wants you dead and tries to solo you: they won't stop if you don't report them in most cases.But you'd better have a solo hunter after you than his 5 man bang.
If you report for solos, you are asking for at least a double team. If you report double teams, then you are asking for at least a miny gangbang. Hence, if you report for solos, who is going to screw around with just two people when they can just get 4 or 5 people together and crush you? Although people try to gangbang me all the time and I tend to not report solos and double teams, so I guess it doesnt make a difference after all, so report away? Some of us still wont though, because we think its kind of lame and we actually like getting attacked with a chance to survive, or turn something around.
Let me correct that first part...
Baklen makes a good point with his comment.
Personally, I think the only time reporting is bullshit is when it involves RP combat.
Baklen makes a good point, the only time reporting is bullshit is when it is RP combat.
Tarn, perhaps if you talked less shit than you could back up solo, people might think you were an alright guy. To bad you suck and couldn't solo to save your miserable life.
oh but you suicided, to bad so sad...don't forget to take your alts with you, dime-bag.
Hmms, I dont know, When I get attempted, I took it real personal, if I didn't kill you, or you ran like a little bitch and logged off, I reported. When you are in war, I think of it as report, because fines will increase and they will think twice, I think besides BB We are the only ones with like 7k attempt fines. Everyone reports, if you can't handle the fine do the time.
If not don't fucken pk.
So far, everyone who attempted me Solo and I didn't reported never tried me again at the same day :p
Well, Squibb's idea seems a good one anyway :P
Erm well lets see, that shit about Megs gangbanging? EVERYONE who bitched was hypocritical because they ALL did it too. Only difference was that our tended to be more effective ;-)
Maybe make an agreement that if you dont report then the person cant attempt you for 1 or 2 days? That cuts down on the BS of someone trying you over and over yet promotes solo attempts.
Actually, Tarn, if you had done it, someone of your party would have died.I had at least one person helping me then.And I had noone helping me when Kabuto (with MELS), Toto, Thalus (with the whip) and Jian tried to bang me.One more person was all I needed.I kinda couldn't match Kabuto, he had the same armour and healing as me but he had a MELS..then those bastards came and couldn't do anything because I was alone online.
Well, if it works, they are still dead so whats the problem?
I'm not sure what that means, but I know we could've gotten 5 people together real easy with some nice uniques and you would've made it 2 rooms before you died... :p
Blah bashy, I was also on at the time when Zestusuka was messing with you but I was busy being lost in my guildhall so I didn't bother to help.
Yes, I can just imagine.
'Homies, to me, to me!'
I'd have to agree with Trigger on this one. I am going to report anyone that seriously attempts to attack me because, the thought that runs through my head is 'I'm gonna make this mofo pay for causing me this annoyance'. Either way, if I report or don't report they will attempt me again if they had a real reason to in the first place. A thing that i won't do is gather my homies and bang the crap out of the person... I'd just rather report them.
Yeah, you got very lucky, Zestusuka:P
First I had sapphy and you were moral.Then you came faded and ran away too quickly, then Orlandu and you hunted off too quickly...daaamn.
so I failed him *shrug, everybody has there lucky days....right Bashgeroy? :)
lol, PLEASE kian post that log PLEASE
i found it amusing...
but then again, i find car accidents amusing
i'm not asking for your praise horror, nor do i want it. i was bored. very little happens on my side of the screen. i thought maybe in the many people who read the logs, someone might get a little chuckle or something. nor have I done anything to earn your harsh words. i post to be able to look back and smile on my follies of the past. you have the option to not read the posts.
Whats Trigger done to piss you off Zestusuka?
Well .. to report an attempt as harmless as this one ..
Then to post a harmless attempt log like this.
And to show everyone that you report for nothing.
If I were you I would remove this log quickly before more people see it ;-)
So what bashgeroy's really saying is that he cant kill without the bare minumum of 4 other people.
oh yea. Fuckin retarded log. Dont post shitty attempts like this. what you want a pat on the back? whoopdy frigg'n doo, congrats man, You can break bad one person attempt. Your my fuckin hero.
No, Trigger.This is a parasite concept.That if you don't report people are gonna attempt you.May be it's true for some bitches - they like doing only easy things, they stick with power, they don't like getting in trouble etc.
But not everyone acts like this.
The more you piss me,the harder it gets and the more thorns I have in my way, the more I wanna kill you.
Let me give you an example.I tried to solo Duniv.he reported me stating just this reason.So I tried to solo him again..he did it again, then I tried with 3 people..he reported again...then i did it with 5 people and he didn't live.He is lucky that it's nothing personal and I don't feel like killing him anymore.
kian, grow up. you failed the other day too and you have failed to plead. maybe you're just bitter because you suck?
manni, i'm now aware there are people who dont report. but i guess i can paraphrase what someone said earlier on the log pages....if i dont report, that just gives him an excuse to keep trying until he succeeds. this gets bothersome.
To answer your question...Yes.