This is an older log that I was surprised to not find on this page. As I enjoy seeing great logs, I presume that others do also, so I must post this. Piotyr gets attempted and then... well just read and find out.
I remember Piotyr fairly well. When I knew him, I thought he got his own gear. Regardless, I think he shows off a lot of skill in this log, and also a lot of luck.
It was lucky that he took so little damage from the Whip, and he was also lucky that he ran into Vallejo after he had unfaded. It's debatable whether it was skill or luck that got him back to the same room before Vallejo was able to take off.
Yeah, both of those have more skill involved than BB's SoB log, although that one is the most popular.
For me this is the best log I have ever seen together with Spike's legendary log.
Vallejo think about it man, you died, fuck it happens. Noone was thinking shit, we were thinking fuck he fucked up, but when you just tried to Discredit Piotry cause he wacked your ass when you tried him in a 3man party is fucking ridicules. You got owned, live it up
I love when stupid people argue like eveyone actually gives a damn about what they have to say.
Shut up, Adunazon, get reinstatd so I can kick your lame guildrat's ass.
Nice log, impressive kill on someone as skilled as Vallejo.
Anyone else find the phrase 'afraid to attack me' extremely hilarious when coming from Ruiniel?
heh, thought camillus had turned into assassin.
Anyway,a very cool log.Blah.Vallejo, noone says your not cool:p Shit happens.
Except Tuareg but does he count?
Oh, well, I miss the time I was walking around with a cloak full of flasks and VoVs..Squibb was so damn afraid to attack me...:P
I think I can find it, hold on.
Is that the one where he takes them to the marshes? Now that was an amazing log :)
Yeah Lotraz! I saw that log... I've been looking for it again ever since. Best log I've ever seen... Know where I can find it?
I got an ESS once! *flexes*
Heh, Tuareg is funny.
Vallejo is among the very best and active gear gatheres I know on this mud. So Tuareg, stop talking.
And about this log, it was very well fought by Piotyr. Although not half as great as Spike being attacked by 5 megs and then ending up killing 2 of them ... Solo!
Oh and Tuareg, I challenge you to find another log where Megs killed me in 40 player-age days of war.
Hey cocksucker. Yeah you Tuareg, I get my own gear, ask anyone. Secondly, we attacked with no healing and he had tremendous luck to have all those misses fly at him. As for them fading, I went a few north then east and told them to fade and run because I knew the attack failed and didn't want them getting hurt. Notice me drinking the wine because I had _no_ healing. EP ran out and I died 5 rooms from Rhosgobel, but I mean who cares, it's not like you can, could or ever will kill me.
Yeah, Piotyr was good, but I'll always have the same beef about him and it'll never go away. The guy never got any of his own gear and would walk around with like 4-5 vov's in his cloak. I mean, it's great that you can hunt/backstab/partyform, but try doing that same shit from scratch with enemies online.
To Lupin: Then why do I gave him a lute? :P
Piotyr was a good assassin, no one ever gave him credit he deserves.
If anyone says that this is not a good log, they should change their opinion =). It has almost everything a good log could have; a chase, an attempted GB and an escape from one, and a solo kill... oh yeah... no color =( my bad.
ouch. that whip like gc or somethin? mmail aint that good
That's great, 1 of only 3 logs from me dying from PK. I'm happy you have such an old log to hold on to.
Very cool. How could he do several hits per round with MELS?
oh my MY, that is a good log. Holy crap!
Yes, I know I am not in this log, but hey, someone has to post it.