Basically I am a stupid PK'er and made a mistake - good thing K beat the crap out of her for me.
jeezus that was funny Tarn...
I remember Korzan (I think) telling me that Knights are a bitch to kill but if you can catch two of them in mordor then you've fully stocked your armoury.
That was like the funnies thing I had heard had the time...if I recall I was also a ghost at that time :)
im still waiting on remakeing my Drum! wont be long now!
Yea, Devon does his britney spears shit, but I just say oops cause I'm not cool enough to have the entire phrase... :p
Dont rip off Devon's style. He's the only one who can say 'Oops I did it again.'
Stop ripping off Delgaur's style! Only he is allowed to play songs! Bad Woden!
Shit, there goes our entire armoury... :p
Dammit! I never remember to play my cool kill song :(( It is so funny, but I never remember :((