There comes a time.....
You've gotta do something to keep busy at 4 days uptime. He backstabbed me a few seconds before so it was payback time :) Watch him go from 221 hp to 0 in one round. (just messing around)
Read it and see!
Ok when reading the log from the racechanging bastard westar :) I remembered that I have one (1) log that a few might find interesting.. its from October '98.. strange how you still care over 3 years ago. Well read if you want.. don't otherwise. Colour wasnt invented in '98 btw...
The deadly conclusion...
I'm on alone with no allies and Relg Nogothrim and Ugrim are lurking 1n of outside rammas...what will I do? Read to find out.
(For some reason, my editor wouldnt allow me to post this as 1 log, so its cut up)
Hochopepa dies trying to kill a Corsair npc in Pelargir.
You leaving our world is something I will proberbly never understand. Your pressence will always be missed in Arda. And you should know that you will always be remembered.
we knew Khralek woden and ulric was waiting for one of us north of mordor gates so we decided to counter them...this is not a log im proud of i made to fatal mistakes but at least we got one of them! :P
Not a very interesting log .. but the fact that I can't seem to hit him makes for quite a long chase.
Forgot to post this one after raen's
Wasach and Ansuil think they can infiltrate the dark lands unobserved, but the eye sees all, and they are dealt with swiftly.
Been 3 months since I last is good to be back in the game.
Swamp dies for his crimes against the dark lands.
Well, We didnt complete the 20k contract on the first kill, so we decided to give it another shot.
After Nagash Raen and Necsipaal failed to kill Dukane, Dukane and friends were hunting Nagash around. Nagash came to udungul for help. We were expecting a large party to come into our room following Nagash, so we built up a large party ourselves, and I even brought out my ole SoB. However, Dukane wised up and stopped hunting Nagash. We realized this and decided to just gangbang the shit out of him. Mission accomplished.
Well up to today I was good friends with Raen, but when he attacks a friend, he has to die sometime.
Serex gets soloed for my second color log!!!:))
Bad laaag, baad, prolly woulda missed him if he hadn't screwed up.I really am level 16 btw:P
Yay, my first log in color!!! THIS IS SPECIAL!!! (copy/pasted the first part so you don't feel neglected, my dear spectators:P)