The deadly conclusion...
Hmm, the place where I would find Josef most often was Mordor actually.Not that it means something to me, Mordor is boring and dumb.CU made it completely senseless.Anyway, Mordor is pretty far away from Edoras.Or is it?
Oh and Avaar, I just found out that I soloed one
of your alts :P
I guess you suck even more now.
Tarn, oh yeah Avaar had alts, but nevermind.
Now Avaar what is this shit about how I never left
Edoras? This was something Wise brought up a long
time ago and I never heard anyone else but him say
it, and you too.
Please Avaar. You never knew Josef as Avaar, and
yes I actually left Edoras. Someone please? :P
Jasumin, I totally agree with you :)
Damn Americans is right... I hate em. Oh yeah, so my Mudparty will most likely be happening in April or May, but when I get the days off from work I will finalize the date. The party will be in Albany, NY if any of you live near there... if not then get on a plane or bus and come down to party =). Beer, Wine and pubs are on the list of things to do, but suggestions are always listened to.
Hmm, Well then. Hey Avaar, will you marry me? :p
they hate you because you are a fag that talks a lot of shit for a guy that never left edoras, also, id rather be a teenager playing this game than an adult, i mean your an adult, isnt it time for your life to stop revolving around a game, im ignoring your newbie comments from now on
Hell, I started playing as an immature deprived stupid teenanger with RL problems. (well, maybe I was 12, but close enough)
Actually, the average age of players has dropped steadily since I first started playing. You used to see a lot of older people.
(Judging from some of the comments, I think i can safely say the average IQ has also dropped.)
hmm. Actually, if your not a immature teenager you probably shouldn't be playing this damn game (or were one at least when you started). If not, your just fucked for life... :p
Oh and I dont think Avaar ever really had any alts that I can think of.
Dont be silly Avaar, you know what I am talking
about. Hmm I dont get it Avaar, why should they
hate me? I have never been so lame as you and all
of your alternate characters.
*mutters something about how immature deprived
stupid teenangers with RL problems shouldn't be
allowed to play*
Spartan, will you marry me?
*Dudes Rhoads to death*
Nice kill, but I'm sure its one of many similar you've done like that over the years. Oh and Bashgeroy, the durms that you've soloed has happened by mere luck (well, the ones I can think of lately, Serex and Shaft). One had a big misalias and the other couldn't move due to reboot lag. Oh and go ahead and try to solo Manni. That'd be funny as shit. Prolly shouldn't try him at rhos though. Or you could try to kill me again. 5 people worked pretty good when I was unequipped and drunk with lousy skills. I'd give you mad props if you soloed me though. Of course lately you've never been online when I have so i dunno.
Rhoads definitely aint American...why else would he have an aversion to the word, 'dude'?
Yeah Right Assdunazon :P *poke*
And damn you Spartan, dont offend me by saying I am an american, you know i hate that :(
Fuck you Spartan. Don't ever insult an American by assuming that Rhoads is one of us. *spit*
Probably because you were refering to me. But that was the stupidest insult I've ever heard. Damn americans
It dosen't surprise me the answer came from you Spartan ;), wonder why :P
Rhoads. Avaar, why dont you marry your partner? You know who I am talking about :p
WTF is that? Thats possibly the stupid thing someone's ever said.
Yeah, but what % of the mud thinks you suck avaar? ;)
That was sweet Talan, but you Udungul still blow
Avaar, why dont you marry your partner? You know who I am talking about :p
btw bashgeroy, yeah, you solo killed 2 people, nice job, you are awesome, oh wait, thats right, you can only do it when they misalias
*wonders who josef thinks that i am
btw josef, about 95 percent of this mud thinks you suck, and thats the truth, the other 5 percent are your amruin boyfriends
No , I never said that, and yes I did solo 19's
Infact I was level 14 when I soloed turk just to throw a name out there. Td boosted skills to 600 700 for the whole fight.
Yah you know a lot
fucken idiot.
Yeah, you killed level 19s with your 14 alts?Solo?
And it was you who said things are now different.Now every bitch knows every HB which was once considered kind of secret.Shut up.
ROTFL! ruiniel thats so BULLSHIT
Me and klouse used to make level 14 characters and pk all fucken day
Back when Td was the shit, so don't say shit you are not shit you never will be what you do has been done so long ago its boring now, you weren't even around then.
Please be quiet Avaar, you're not to evaluate
anyone here with your skills. You're nothing
compared to Ruiniel. I knew you both - and for
crying out loud all your alts were sooo pethetic.
I remember one episode where Ruiniel actually
screwed both you (level 19 warrior) and your mate
level 20 something, at boot time in mordor with
no armour or healing because he was smarter
than you two.
Screw you.If I'm not good, then why do your guildmates get soloed by a level 16 or 17 assasin that easily?
Only Massochist and Summem to some extent used to do this.I don't even feel stimulated to level up because you are EASY to kill even at this level.
And Manni, shut up before your log's up there too (in color this time:P), I don't actually feel like attacking you, I'm not a spreekiller.
Spartan, if only you know how many EP I've wasted waiting for you to attack me to use EXACTLY THIS lockup...Just noone ever cared to attack me there.Even after we were already in combat.I guess the surprise is fucked now.
What Ruiniel is trying to say is that he locks people up. but he wouldn't get them lost like Talan did. He would lock all 3 up!
I hate fighting people when they have MELS.
sorry professor manni
Bah! That's what you get for not reading things carefully. Well 'your good' is still wrong!
Your Brave would be winning Andruw Jones at a bachelor auction. While Bashgeroy's lips might water at that prospect, please remember that 'you're brave' is correct.
shut the fuck up ruiniel, nobody here thinks your good, yeah, you may be brave, but you are one of the dumbest players here too
What I am wondering is how a damm assassin/dwarf
Gets killed by a freaken sheriff. *boggles*
Nice Talan.
Your trademark? wtf ruiniel when have you ever fucken locked anyone up here?
nicely done bro.. props
Very nice. One of the best I have ever seen.
Like Tuareg said, you have just blown your cower
old friend :)
he wasnt triggered for NOW
it just looks that way.
nice werk and all
but dont extra props
Very nice indeed.
I never doubted I would see logs like this from you.
Talan your the man!!
Stick to the fruits, Ehtyar. PINEAPPLE! [(c) Anton]
Very nice log, by the way.
Yes, NOW is so passe.
PICKLE is the hip thing, baby.
Blah, this is my trade mark:PPPPPPP
Goddamn, nice kill, Talan.Don't use my secret lockup anymore:PPP
Bah, Relg there's a HB in this room.
And..triggering on NOW is an anachronism.
That has gotta hurt. 'Party say NOW' fdl :) Jeez
It?s stuff like this that makes me wonder if I will ever get to post a log this cool. The answer is no. Damn man, you know what you?re doing.
Gotta say a VERY nice kill.
Mm, nicely done. The coloured names are really irritating though, especially Ash, which occurs in about every third line. :P