Not a very interesting log .. but the fact that I can't seem to hit him makes for quite a long chase.
*smile tarn* The staff was exc unall and I had 110 aim ;) .. the dice just wasn't on my side
Nice kill Raqtor, but next time dont use the gc rep ice staff... :p
Darknova's Mirdain? Woh! Nice kill raqtor!
In other words, he was scared shitless
And no Ailin, I could have broke him at mt or anywhere , I wasn't blind either, I had es on. Just too little ep to fade and my brain just wasn't working.
where am I going? what am I doing? I have no idea. Too little sleep. Too little coffee. no ep.
Good job Raqtor
My aim was at 110 .. it won't seem to go higher without funny drinks or special equipment .. and my tactics was at 73. but ok .. he did have pretty nice armour on.
But there is but one bonghole :) Raqtor, you
really have to train your aim skills :P
Props :P
I guess the mirdain guildhall was just a bit too far from Gothmog.
Theese logs of me unable to hit my target is beginning to number up.
I should get an luck messument tool so I know wich days to PK ;-)
Porly ran out of ep
Thats pretty funny, he broke you, yet still didn't get away, thats sad, Darknova
props to Raqtor. nice kill
Aww! .. I only killed him 2 times .. and I really have to take the Contracts. .. Damn you Rhoads .. stop Contracting Darknova .. I hate you! .. ;-)
*pokes Raqtor and Darknova* be nice :P
Damn you Raqtor, stop killing Darknova! I HATE YOU!!! ;)
Kinda embarresing that he heals from dlsg to avarage while I am trying to kill him ;-)