Me and my G-Dog just had to get our gun off and beat down this Ho. Wow.
Oh .. lookie here .. this dude constandly has a C on his head.
Short work.
At first I was reluctant to beleive Az was the killer, because I could see him moving, but not hitting me. I dunno, as long as I got my money :)
Fofester falls in Edoras to the forces of Sauron.
Just another boring log, though its not a gangbang :P
Gets waxed for outbidding me on my MAIL COAT
LOOK AT THE ass print in it. THATS MY ASS!
I usually don't use this logpage to post kills, but I just don't like this guy. 3k contract easily fufilled.
Druff dies for his crimes against the Sons of Ulfang. After killing Tenzek, he was in no shape to be fighting.
I didn't mean to quit in combat :(
This is an old log, that is without color cause I don't know how to on zmud... and cause I didn't use Zmud ever till Jan. oh well.... it shows funny newbies going after each other.
Well he wants to post old shit, I'll post something from one of my alts. Hows this dravin?
Blah, so im testing pepper, and apparently didnt notice the fellowship walk in. Gazza decides to lightning me, so i return the favour, what fun. No color cause i can't get the stupid ansi bullcrap to work, someone tell me how :P
The SoCal mud party (version 1) as witnessed by Talan.
Well, I forgot to post on the board that I'm leaving...I won't suicide because I've always said people are dumb for suiciding, but I'm gone.
Umm Talan posted a log doing this to me and Relg. So i figured i'd show a log of me doing it to him 4 years ago or something
Maybe someone hasnt seen it?
contract kill
Got attempted, Got one, The other got away.
*cackles* Dumb dwarves