Gets waxed for outbidding me on my MAIL COAT LOOK AT THE ass print in it. THATS MY ASS!
Didn't Nichodemus had a 9,8k C, Adunazon a 3kC (I think), and that Spartan guy has 15k now? Proly the biggest contract on the game since Dukane suicided
Well Serex, I see reports of fat contracts on several 'evil' characters. Is 5K+ not enough, or does it only work with 1K contracts like those on Dwain?
In Reply to what Serex said:
Well Balinul, when was the last time a moral aligned guild asked me to complete a contract? Personally 1k on a SoU or Udungul member doesn't cut it. Gimme some prices and we can talk about whos head is rollin..
I hear ya there Bash... I got one like that LF except I didn't have to work, but I woke up with one arm in the bathroom, my head in the kitchen and the rest of my body hanging down the hallway... must have been a pretty sweet night.
sometimes it's really hard not to use my katana on the isp morons:(((((((((((
well I went up at 9 this morning. But I didnt go to work right away because I was still a bit hungover. Then I went to work and worked all day.
Wow... I slept for like 19 hours today. If anyone has similar exciting stories then comment after me and tell them!
I leave my guildhall when I want to. You want me to leave sometime, tell me and Ill be happy to. :)
You have, Tarn?
Erm..who cares about halfling stuff?
LOL Tarn, you could never pk Trempk without a gangbang.
I'm gone for a week, and people already are calling that coat theirs? Come on now. I'll respect Kedrimond's claim to that thing, but the rest of you all will have to sit the fuck down on my coat :) I don't know the percentage of reboots I or an alt of mine got that...but it must have been pretty high. Lotze, you got a chance of getting it now. Good luck.
Tarn, I see alot of contracts on SoU/CoU/Udungul, why does the 'professional assassins' of Arda not complete those?
Or are you just a 'supposedly evil' guild who only plays to PK?
Your a moron Manthalion.
The odd thing is, that it's you guys or your friends that put up the contracts for you. Unfair!
If it makes you feel any better I've completed 5 contracts in the past two days Trempk. Might've been 6 but you never unidled/left your guild hall.
What happened to durms only contract killing? :)
You are so possive :P
Hey, that is the first comment i ever saw you doing! :)
Damn rhoads sorry bro ;)
thats my damn coat though!
Damn it Deadlok, Mortigan is the cool one, ugh
whats up doc? =]