Umm Talan posted a log doing this to me and Relg. So i figured i'd show a log of me doing it to him 4 years ago or something
Mocassin = Smog for you who didnt know...
No, I wasnt Mocassin.
That's okay, I'm sure those former enemies don't feel mutually about you.
I did't see Talan anywhere in this log.
You can't find a sympathetic thing about anyone, Tuareg.
Oh, get real... Talan done the same to Nogothrim.
From the main page:
'In light of recent events, let me once more clarify that the rules that apply to towers also apply here, so please don't post logs that contain illegal information. '
You guys really need to get your vision checked as this shit keeps happenening.
Not very nice of you to show everyone who he used to be :P
seen that one a couple times, pretty amusing, not even close though.