from my view.
from my view.
spartan told me to try him, so i did, with nothing but my trusty forgie. throw in a friend with an srs, 90 stealth and below 50 wilderness and what do you get, me losing the friend as i hunted, then me losing spartan as i hunted and then him finding me again with one of his friends and cleaning up the mess
Eleran says: That was a mistake, Spartan.
(God! Can't I do anything right?)
Bounty tries to trick gold from me with his petty ways. Then I trick it back + 100 more gold. He finds it amusing and wants to be my friend and asks me to help him become evil like me. Then I give the fool a one-way ticket to the Halls of Mandos. 1st lesson: Never trust anyone.
He pissed me off. :)
Not much he could do, prolly misaliased or something but oh, well:P
Just about had a heart attack when i saw that!
Spartan and Dreyboren messed with FRA... Why won't people ever learn how stupid messing with FRA is?
good ol´ tricks still works
Fuingul pulls a sit in the bar.
He was one of the 3 that attacked me when I died. So I decided to give him the same welcoming I got before I died.
I just got done doing flask so the assassin probably thought I was low. He thought wrong.
We were just shutting this minstrel up before we started to kill Erestor. But look what this silly elf does! Sympathy for Sauron! Now i really understand why the dark forces hate elves so much.
Dreadson had something I wanted.
Logged by: Vildoran
Very cool log, I hope he posts his full one. I only got half and towards the end of it.
got me off guard, Good thing Morgar couldn't hunt
I was bored today so I decided to cross the path of Sauron's cat to appreciate her mightyness, probably a boring log for some, but still I found funny to post my little waltz with her, two ladies of darkness dancing in the pathes of Horror...
Normally I wouldn't post this, but I figured everyone should know the newest tactic in escaping a pk. It's especially useful since you can't hunt a ghost anymore anyways.
Why dont you realise. Your not getting me that way. (WARNING! No color, and was a short trip to GH) But hey! My first log.