good ol´ tricks still works
Vidar tells you: where can i train my attack or aim Theona says: I'm just gonna get them killed.. Morgar says: who Theona says: simple as that Laryn tells you: a finely crafted mattock is now on sale as lot 184, minimum bid 150 gold =FRESH NEW WEAPON!= Be the first on your block to use it! Morgar says: well if you want ***, he's in edoras Retsam enters. 21:14:53 Retsam leaves west. Orlandu tells you: wanna try ***? The assassin asks: Do you serve the master? tell vidar do 40e,10s,2e,20s,40s,40s,2knock on gates from rhosgobel You tell Vidar: do 40e,10s,2e,20s,40s,40s,2knock on gates from rhosgobel <HP:230 EP:152> legend vidar Vidar the dunedain Battle Lord (Immoral) On for: 2h 10m 10s Gender: male Age: 5d 3h 59m 14s Can be mailed: Vidar@Combe Vidar has recorded a life story. Info: >>-------------------|> <HP:230 EP:153> Assassin says: Aid the cause! Ask me about the master! look Thorgal enters. Here on the edge of Mirkwood Forest lies an abandoned cemetery, used to bury those who do not survive the long journey through this dark and dangerous forest. Sunken rectangles of earth cover the ground, unmarked save a few stones that edge the boundary of the graves. You feel a deep sense of peace, urging you to 'pray' or 'rest'. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exits are north, east, south and west. Thorgal the dwarf Murderer (Shadowspawn of Mordor) Aramyss the sindar Enchantress (Angelic) Morgar the dunedain Warlord (Demonic) Theona the dunedain Baroness (Moral) A slender hawk-nosed assassin lurks in the shadows <HP:230 EP:152> Thorgal leaves west. aaah You ask Assassin about hits. Kill *Klouse to get 1000 gold. Kill *Fathom to get 1000 gold. Kill *Konj to get 1111 gold. Kill *Dreyboren to get 3000 gold. Kill *Morgar to get 4500 gold. Kill *Beruthiel to get 5000 gold. Kill *Maronan to get 11000 gold. <HP:230 EP:151> look Here on the edge of Mirkwood Forest lies an abandoned cemetery, used to bury those who do not survive the long journey through this dark and dangerous forest. Sunken rectangles of earth cover the ground, unmarked save a few stones that edge the boundary of the graves. You feel a deep sense of peace, urging you to 'pray' or 'rest'. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exits are north, east, south and west. Aramyss the sindar Enchantress (Angelic) Morgar the dunedain Warlord (Demonic) Theona the dunedain Baroness (Moral) A slender hawk-nosed assassin lurks in the shadows <HP:230 EP:149> Theona says: morgar, got anyone contracted atm? Party say from Morgar: bah 21:15:50 Morgar hmms. legend theodrek Theodrek the eorling Untouchable (Heroic) On for: 3h 4m 33s Gender: male Age: 87d 22h 33m 30s Can be mailed: Theodrek@Adornas Theodrek has recorded a life story. Theodrek is a member of the Amruin. Theodrek is the Adornas Mortal Council Representative. Info: People live on because they forget about unpleasant things. <HP:230 EP:147> Morgar says: hold on look Here on the edge of Mirkwood Forest lies an abandoned cemetery, used to bury those who do not survive the long journey through this dark and dangerous forest. Sunken rectangles of earth cover the ground, unmarked save a few stones that edge the boundary of the graves. You feel a deep sense of peace, urging you to 'pray' or 'rest'. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exits are north, east, south and west. Aramyss the sindar Enchantress (Angelic) Morgar the dunedain Warlord (Demonic) Theona the dunedain Baroness (Moral) A slender hawk-nosed assassin lurks in the shadows <HP:230 EP:147> whee You go "WHEE!!". <HP:230 EP:147> Morgar asks Assassin about contracts. Assassin says: If you pay me now, I can see to it that the victim of your choice dies a cruel and painful death... contract <name> for <#gold> - To issue a contract check contract - To see if the contract was fulfilled cancel contract - If you change your mind, cancel the contract claim contract on <name> - Killers can claim the contract return contract - Killers can return a claimed contract Ask me about hits to see the list of people with a price on their head! Morgar says: ooh!!! Vidar tells you: thanx... can i get killed by an autoattacker there? or something Morgar says: Your last contract has been completed. legend retsam Theona smiles. Retsam the hobbit Exterminator (Immoral) Last on: 1h 34m 4s ago. Gender: male Age: 4d 14h 56m 48s Can be mailed: Retsam@Edoras Info: <HP:230 EP:145> Aramyss laughs out loud. Assassin says: Welcome to the party. Aramyss says: i dont have anyone either Aramyss grins. Theona ohs interestedly. Theona smiles happily at Aramyss. Aramyss says: naga was gotten by mah buddy duniv. tell vidar you cannot get killed by "an" autoattacker there You tell Vidar: you cannot get killed by "an" autoattacker there <HP:230 EP:143> 21:16:47 look Here on the edge of Mirkwood Forest lies an abandoned cemetery, used to bury those who do not survive the long journey through this dark and dangerous forest. Sunken rectangles of earth cover the ground, unmarked save a few stones that edge the boundary of the graves. You feel a deep sense of peace, urging you to 'pray' or 'rest'. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exits are north, east, south and west. Aramyss the sindar Enchantress (Angelic) Morgar the dunedain Warlord (Demonic) Theona the dunedain Baroness (Moral) A slender hawk-nosed assassin lurks in the shadows <HP:230 EP:142> w Aramyss says: and kosty by raptor. The Plains(n, e, s and w) Morgar enters. <HP:230 EP:141> n n n The Plains(n, e, s and w) Morgar enters. <HP:230 EP:141> The Plains(n, e, s and w) Morgar enters. <HP:230 EP:141> The Old Forest Road(n, e, s and w) Morgar enters. <HP:230 EP:141> g n Outside Rhosgobel(cave, e, s, n, se, sw and w) An empty bottle A brand (burned out) A signpost <HP:230 EP:141> s s The Plains(n, e, s and w) Morgar enters. <HP:230 EP:140> s The Plains(n, e, s and w) Morgar enters. <HP:230 EP:140> The Plains(n, e, s and w) Morgar enters. <HP:230 EP:140> e An abandoned traveller's cemetery(n, e, s and w) Aramyss the sindar Enchantress (Angelic) Theona the dunedain Baroness (Moral) A slender hawk-nosed assassin lurks in the shadows Morgar enters. <HP:230 EP:140> Aramyss arcs a curious eyebrow. Party say from Morgar: i need to make gold Morgar leaves north. Laryn tells you: a goblin backpack is now on sale as lot 185, minimum bid 150 gold One Big Pack brb You will be right back... <HP:230 EP:140> w w The Plains(n, e, s and w) <HP:230 EP:139> The Plains(n, e, s and w) <HP:230 EP:139> e n The Plains(n, e, s and w) <HP:230 EP:139> The Plains(n, e, s and w) <HP:230 EP:139> n n The Plains(n, e, s and w) <HP:230 EP:139> n The Old Forest Road(n, e, s and w) <HP:230 EP:139> Outside Rhosgobel(cave, e, s, n, se, sw and w) An empty bottle A brand (burned out) A signpost <HP:230 EP:139> look You are standing just outside a cave entrance. The old limbs of a large tree hang down in front of you; you think this tree may be more ancient than all of Mirkwood Forest. The grass has been cut short, and a gentle path leads into the cave. The old forest road continues south. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exits are cave, east, south, north, southeast, southwest and west. An empty bottle A brand (burned out) A signpost <HP:230 EP:139> i pack Gold: 0 Encumbrance: lightly encumbered There is nothing in your orc courier pack. <HP:230 EP:139> i cloak Syntax: inventory [all|container|here] <HP:230 EP:139> look You are standing just outside a cave entrance. The old limbs of a large tree hang down in front of you; you think this tree may be more ancient than all of Mirkwood Forest. The grass has been cut short, and a gentle path leads into the cave. The old forest road continues south. The sun shines brightly in the eastern sky. The sky is brilliantly clear. The only obvious exits are cave, east, south, north, southeast, southwest and west. An empty bottle A brand (burned out) A signpost <HP:230 EP:139> legend vidar The ghost of Vidar On for: 2h 12m 23s Age: 0s Vidar has recorded a life story.