good ol´ tricks still works
I dont think Azmodan left any messages here Kilth. :/
I know Vidar and I know how he gets his gold. Unlike you freebie-aliasing botters, he gets it fairly. So shuttup.
Yeah, I think it's happened to half of us actually. I know Rancor partied me to Mordor about 5 years ago while I was under the impression that he was the VC AGM, which he clearly was not :) yeah, I died pretty quickly.
And Trempk, just because they transfer gold doesnt mean they know anything aout the game :P
i think nagash did this to me when i was a high level on my past char :P thank god it was before everything was added :)
lvl 18 and you fall for that shit?
Thats so lame...but funny =)
i remember someone doing that to Baneofevil
if i could meet them, i'd shake their hands
You go to hell, you go to hell and you die!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahah, that is funny for so many reasons!
Well, I mostly liked the 'cannot get killed by 'an' auto...'
A 5d old level 18 should know better anyway.