
Posted by
Summem [legacy]
22 July 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Kharil killed me, I killed him...well I didnt actually kill him...but caused it. Gman and Summem show him how it is.


  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    28 July 2002 04:30:42

    Kharil! Stoppit!

    Mizrahi is one of the nicest people I know.

    A helluva lot more people will mourn his passing than will celebrate it.

    No more Mizrahi-dissing.


  • Author
    Kharil [legacy]
    28 July 2002 01:02:58

    And again a FRA member has to prove what he's made of. This should keep you from commenting for at least some time, multiplayer.

    (Still awaiting the day when you're leaving the mud. A lot of people will celebrate the day.. I hope RL pays you back for being the asshole that you are.)

  • Author
    Mizrahi [legacy]
    25 July 2002 14:51:51

    Hahaha, Sunshine got his butt kicked again

  • Author
    Lanthanil [legacy]
    24 July 2002 16:19:46

    man dudes, chill the fuck out, and sharkan if you are gonna post that many times at least spell some words halfway correctly :) and gman, you took it to that level of yelling and stuff after kharil only said that he screwed up and died from it, so everyone simmer down just a tad.

  • Author
    Glen [legacy]
    24 July 2002 14:32:13

    whats the point? can't you read it normally without color?

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    24 July 2002 12:25:02

    Yeah Sharkan. We get the goddamn message already.

  • Author
    Sharkan [legacy]
    24 July 2002 09:53:18


    You are not ametour pls log coloured

  • Author
    Sharkan [legacy]
    24 July 2002 09:52:26

    I like read logs also you are good at it but cant you log coloured?

  • Author
    Sharkan [legacy]
    24 July 2002 09:51:17

    Pls guys i like to read logs and we see you are good on pk but cant you log your pkills coloured?

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    24 July 2002 08:11:07

    .sdrawkcab epyt uoy nehw daer t'nac I

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    24 July 2002 07:33:26

    Kill the Whales!

    !naigewroN a ma I

  • Author
    Hobson [legacy]
    24 July 2002 05:28:05

    hmm.. also did you know a dork is a whale penis?

  • Author
    Izratan [legacy]
    24 July 2002 02:30:43

    We need new logs. NOW

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    24 July 2002 02:29:47

    you so wrong Duniv! why don't you just go sod off in your sister?

    ...I'm only joking, couldn't resist it. I do honestly agree but sometimes it's like the person is holding this HUGE neon sign saying 'HUMILIATE ME!!! PLEASE!!!'

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    24 July 2002 02:04:33

    Hmm. Leander has a good point. You people do realize that it's possible to disagree without accusing people of sodomy and incest, right? Why not just state your feelings, and what you feel to justify them?

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    24 July 2002 01:02:40

    Read you goddam mail, Ruiniel.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    24 July 2002 00:52:53

    Fuck you all, I log on after some days of RL stuff to do and just want to ATTEMPT someone and everyone is in their GH:(((((((((((((((

    COOOOOOOOOOOL job, Summem:)))))))))))))0

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    23 July 2002 23:43:58

    i dont care what you all say, just post another kharil pk....please

    he has shown that he is not worth my time

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    23 July 2002 23:40:47

    Really Gman? I'd think hed be mad cause he has a butt plug up his ass :P

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    23 July 2002 23:37:53

    what did i tell you. nothing but shit comes out of your mouthes. you are all ugly i am sure, and i'm fucking your sister. fdl

    unf unf unf

    ps. kharil is mad cuz he is ugly, and he sucks at the game too. plus he doesnt' know how to make alias t r and sh

  • Author
    Raen [legacy]
    23 July 2002 23:37:04

    Dude, Kharil, you got a butt plug up your ass. Lick it.

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    23 July 2002 23:07:11

    Gazza, that is the 2nd coolest trivia I have ever learned, my rl insults will be increased tenfold, thank you.

    Dude, Kharil, chill out.

    *shoves a butt-plug up your ass by request of Raen.*

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    23 July 2002 21:37:38

    Jasumin... tasteless joke, but for some reason it still made me snicker

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    23 July 2002 20:24:20

    Did you know that a camel is a dude's penis?

  • Author
    Kilth [legacy]
    23 July 2002 18:18:21

    I didn't know that, Gazza. Amazing.

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    23 July 2002 17:47:10

    Kharil you are as good as Lotraz throwing it back! don?t.....

  • Author
    Kharil [legacy]
    23 July 2002 17:42:19

    Thanks Leander, I don't like it either to argue in Lotraz-style. Looks like it hurts to face the truth, eh Lotraz? Fortunately it seems to hurt enough to make you shut up for now. And Summem.. go get your 'butt plug' from Gman, you really don't seem to be able to think about anything else anymore.

  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    23 July 2002 16:59:41

    People cut the shit about incest and serious stuff like that....Its rather frowned upon.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    23 July 2002 16:30:28

    Did you know: 'dude' is a camel's penis. ?

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    23 July 2002 16:22:41

    I think whoever said Kharil needs a butt plug is right :P

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    23 July 2002 16:20:04

    Oh... enough.

    Its futile to try and argue anything with you. You are too blinded by your own hatred and smallminded thinking to see what kind of idiot you are making of yourself with these failed attempts to put logic into a world you don't understand.

    No more replies from this part.

  • Author
    Kharil [legacy]
    23 July 2002 15:58:32

    Just because your father did and still does it to you (since you still are a child) doesn't mean that my father does the same. And I never 'blamed' you for playing too little, I blamed you for never leaving your guildhall when you're playing which is something different. Next time you read or hear something make sure you hear it right. Also Summem started the 'better respond quickly' thing which looked redicolous since HE always responds right after a comment has been made about him. That's why I 'blamed him for playing too much' as you say (actually I'm not blaming him for anything, just showing him how stupid he looks when he suggests others to respond quickly to him).

    PS: How many chars I have and what level they are is not of your business, fucker. If you play one char for 100 days or 5 chars for 20 days each is the same and there are a lot of people who became 100 days old. The difference between you and me is just that I don't reveal your alts here (although I know at least one of them) while you can't help yourself but have to reveal mine all the time.

    (In other comment threats, don't make a fool out of yourself now by telling me that you didn't do it in your last comment (I know that) and what an unbelieveable liar I am ... blah. We both know that you like to twist people's words against them)

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    23 July 2002 15:24:35

    Kharil, aren't you the one with 10 level 20's or was it 20 level 10's?

    Hmm... so you blame me for playing too little and you blame Summem for playing too much.... And all the same time you are among the most active on this game right now. It seems as if you are just making excuses to spew out your hatred against the world... did your father rape when you were a child?

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    23 July 2002 12:26:39

    You like to talk alot of shit Kharil

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    23 July 2002 12:03:37

    Whoah whoah whoah there buddy. Lets take it easy, take it easy. Enough making fun of the addicts, we are a soft subtle bunch.

  • Author
    Kharil [legacy]
    23 July 2002 10:54:18

    Yeah, it's just a game.. and you're just a fucking dim-lit cheating retard. I bet your asshole is everything else but tight since you're having Vallejo's fist, head and whatever else in it all the time. Guess I should transfer some gold from one char to another now.. oh no wait, that's what you would do. *fdl*

    For Summem.. look at how long it took until you responded to my comment.. full 18 minutes *woh*. When I logged on today I saw Gman and you were last on 43 minutes ago, ten minutes later you appeared again. Would have been a sensation had you stayed away from the game for more than one hour. So you are the one who's usually responding directly after a comment has been made and you're also the one who can't stay away from the mud for more than 50 minutes. Don't throw with stones when you're sitting in a glass house, little addict.

  • Author
    Raen [legacy]
    23 July 2002 10:00:00

    Kharil needs a really big butt plug, for his anal retentiveness. Your butt-hole is too tight dude. Like you said, 'it's just a game' so settle down.

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    23 July 2002 09:46:26

    ok Kharil its all luck...all the kills Ive ever done all luck. He said it folks I have no skills at all. Kharil you are just mad cuz you got owned just take it. Quick better comment right back and talk some more shit

  • Author
    Kharil [legacy]
    23 July 2002 09:28:37

    Yeah but you're not me, fag. Surrender is for weak people like you. You've had some luck lately, not only in this log but in others too. But luck can change quickly on a game and don't expect fortune to be on your side again next time you try me. You're not the hot shit that you think you are.. you can set 3 aliases 'sh' 'r' and 't' plus a trigger to hunt, but that's about it.

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    23 July 2002 08:37:10

    talk some more shit bud

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    23 July 2002 03:55:47

    now we can only wonder how many times he'll spit out 'i solo'd you, and this is how you repay me?'

  • Author
    Rhoads [legacy]
    23 July 2002 03:40:36

    LOOK! Gman has an account! :P

  • Author
    Gman [legacy]
    23 July 2002 03:19:24

    i wanted his C, oh well i guess ill have to kill him another time ...too bad his gay break killed him. if i were him i would just surrender to us now so we can fill his C, cuz i assure you... the log will be here , if not by us someoen else *shrug

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    22 July 2002 23:28:45

    It was an exciting log none the less.

  • Author
    Kharil [legacy]
    22 July 2002 23:23:44

    Nah, tried to fade after the emote (part of my alias) but failed 4 times and then lacked the EP for the last try. The jump would have killed me anyways though. 5 more HP or one more pasty and I would have made it after the second break in the cellar, but that's all 'ifs' and fact is I died, doesn't mean much for me though.

  • Author
    Vittorio [legacy]
    22 July 2002 23:09:16

    next time when you try to emote kharil, wait 2 seconds before you actually go through the huntbreak? heh

  • Author
    Summem [legacy]
    22 July 2002 22:56:22

    I messed up hardcore, hit the wrong alias and headbutted instead of stabbed or else he woulda died alot faster:(