Take this, Fimbu! :)
Eh? Of course most of the quotes in my log aren't mine. Most of them are said by other people. As with Galuf's log.... I don't get it ;)
- Fimbu
Hehe, I remember that Manni. I have it all logged, I think.
Hehe, the hawk said Manni is a turd. There was one quote towards the beginning where you mention Will in MD and I spent like 5 minutes pondering how whoever that was knew me, because my name is Will and I live in Maryland, then I figured out it was from Michel Delving. Too much time away from the game :)
Galuf, was it you that I always told to shut up, or was that someone else? Ah, it was Mithgil, thats right. There was a great conversation where I triggered ^ Mithgil todo ^ Mithgil, shut up and then Tanis and a few other people triggered responses for me saying that and it all snowballed. Good times.
Cause lot's of the quote's on Fimbu's log aren't his? :P
'Karlun has a log, Jad _really_ prefers sheep.'
Wow. That qoute archive was nifty! I didn't get all the way through it, but what I did read was funny.
Heh, why did you even bother including my line? :P
One question
Why are some of them quotes in Fimbu's Tidbits logs, But are credited to you?
other than that, i take my 'hand' off to you, sweet log
HAHA! This was funny! Good one!
Even I'm in it once or twice. Guess I can be amusing on rare occasions.
Galuf deserves a medal for this.
FDL. Damn galuf, i wish I had known you and fimbu better cause I would have had hella more fun on the mud.:) This is great. You know the only suggestion is to make it so one doesn't have to scroll over each time a sentence is more than one line but still its great. (reposting again with good format wouldn't be as bad as some of the logs me see)
lame, boring, go pk someone
Truly awesome. There must have been some really old quotes there =) ERs were still around! *gasp*
Hehe. Seriously though, this was AWESOME. There were some REALLY funny ones... Especially the 'Someone: This is god. You are wrong.' One. I can't stop laughing.
Damn funny, problem it is that it's all screwed to
It gave me laugh...darn funny.
Thanks Galuf
hope you have word wrap... sorry :(