Day shall come again! (This kill is for the FRA.I kept screwing up over and over...I hope I've done something at last:P)
Manni, shut up and stick your cock deep into your ass.
The FRA are cool guys.I'm not a FRA wannabe, they are just friends.Some of them.Period.And I've done nothing to you which has involved any fra.Shut up.
I'll choose my friends however I want to.
I've always stood up for what I believe in.Nevermind that at times I was alone against 3 guilds.Don't you dare compare my ways to what 2/3ds of you guild does.Durmanhoth is 2 cool guys and suckers around them licking their dicks.Udungul is Talan and again the suckers.
When I think I owe something to my friends, I gotta make up for it, don't I? If I don't feel like doing something I won't do it.Now crawl back into your hole.
Yeah, I'm being a bitch and it's none of your business to like me.After all you are the bad guy.I don't want you to like me.
And, Manni, I've fought against the FRA.They had honour, they knew what good fight means, they were fun.I couldn't call them lame.But I see examples of lameness from durmanhoth (and escpecially from Udungul) every day.
And don't ever again talk shit about me.If you don't like me, you have the durmie armoury, I don't report 2 man attempts, your welcome...
So, I like the FRA.Why not be friends with them?
And the more you say you hate me, the more I know I've done my job well:P
This needs to be said. Normally the FRA would say it but Ruiniel is giving them immense oral pleasuring, and I guess udungul won't talk because they got spanked in this log I didn't read. That being said... Ruiniel, kindly remove your mouth from FRA's nutsack. I'm not taking a side in this war because it's between a couple groups of people I'm close to- plus I don't play any more. However Ruiniel, I still don't like you, and your grovelling is pathetic.
'hah! You suck, if I wasn't a moronic newbie, I would have got away! hahahahaha!'
Nice one!
A nice one, I have to admit... so much better than all the recent bangs/bang attempts.
Props to jackel, i can't rightly recall a time i told the person that just killed me that they suck :P *coughs*
Wow, Ruiniel is the best. Mad FRA wannabe skillz
Good solo Ruiniel. I guess now that i said that I am kissing your ass, is that correct Gazza?
Damn you have a big stomach... you must have drank a gallon of Miruvour.
Who is all in this war, btw? Just to keep us all updated..
A solo attempt during a war. I have to hand it to you, that's not something you see every day. Nice kill.
Looked like he paniced just a little bit, lol. How can an alias screw up? Shouldn't he have said 'If I hadn't screwed up my alias.'? :P
hmm... Alright Ruiniel, I forgive you darling.
--- Fimbu