SoU wants to attack FRA? Just fine with me, guest starring Gothwin!
You're dumb Gazza. Happy?
gazza, believe it or not, not everybody in this world has to be little ms perfect and type in capitals and use proper grammar, go back to your guild bar and masturbate about ketan and vallejo you little faggot
And you're the one sticking yourself on the pedestal and saying -I'm- dumb, when you can't even spell the 3-word phrase correctly?
Your dumb Gazza
Adunazon, I see a lot of point in this log. For one it shows that despite common belief, SoU and other members of the shadow alliance are not as 'safe' in Mordor as they like to think. This log is great.
It's a pkill log Adunazon, if you don't like it, you're reading the wrong web page :P
This log, like Ailin, is rather pointless.
Gothwin, you have no idea. You should see my Gothwin Shrine.
Ailin, I knew you had a crush on me for a while now...but damn
Damn, that shits wak!
'Malik, Not Another Teen Movie'
I had to read this log like 4 times before I understood it
I did this at 5 am in the fucking morning :P
Desperately trying to make a joke eh?
Damn you people, can't you log in color?!
All the logs without color just don't amuse me anymore
Oh snap! Spartan you really taught that son of a bitch Vildoran didn't you, you clearly told on him! What a fool is he!
Ethereal bashes someone with the flat of the blade, knocking _him_ to the ground.
Ailin, if you're going to edit logs, at least do it right.
Vildoran! How dare you kill Etherael in Mordor!