Wow, that must have really hurt his ego. Such a scathing insult. ;)
No, we killed her because she said Spartan was mean
Ok, correct me if I read this and the last log incorrectly, but you killed her for taking eq off the corpse of an npc she started killing but you came in and tried to steal? Man, that's about as pathetic as you can get.
Maybe now Solace, and others, will understand a simple concept. Might is right.
Taking the moral highground does not keep you alive in this game, and if you want to stick up for yourself because you think you're being abused, you're likely to end up dead.
Warriors are hard... *whines*
fuck me, that BLEM hurt
Can you do better?
I find it amusing that Spartan got the crap beat outta him by a bloem. while he was NOT soloing her.
Does anyone else think this is really funny? I dunno, but I found it quite amusing