Such a level and yet he completely deserved his death...
He was idlekilled and pissed drunk at the time :P
an example of the great ailin at work
Ooh, and it keeps comming!
your playing is the type of skilless crap that forces you to gangbang a lvl 14 because you suck
Gee Avaar, thats exactly the kind of spoon sharp wit that makes me want to gangbang level 14's :P
ruiniel counts as a fra because him and holic are boyfriends
Then I guess do I kill his fucking friends then, I was really mistaken on that one :(((((((((
I'm Tuareg's friend.
And where is my place, Trempk?:P
Well, I wouldn't exactly count Rhoads as a powerplayer. And what about ixnay and ruiniel... not exactly fra guys. Oh and I hated megs back in the day, but Udungul is pretty spiffy
I'm not talking about anything specific here, recent or past, but its funny how there seems to be 3 sides on most pk/powerplayer happenings. Former and current FRA/stwa/TB and their friends (Vallejo and Ailin for example in this log), former and current meg/durm and their friends (Tuareg and Tarn for ex.), and everyone else (Rhoads and me ;). And the thing is that everyone's a hipocrite. Point it out and trash it when someone from the other side does it, and either defend it or keep quiet when someone from your side does it. Shit, I do it too sometimes, its just fun to talk shit to your enemies I guess, and even more fun when they stutter on the reply ;)
Well Tuareg, I'd love to kill your friends, but damndest thing, you don't have any. And what does my making new chars have to do with anything? You have more chars then I do simply because each char you make carries your attitude and lack of skill and ends up getting fucked up.
He died besides other reasons cause of his legend info I presume?
That's why i'm sorry when he dies too
Shit Dwain is canadian? damn, I feel bad for killing him. cause well, hes dead, but hes also canadian at the same time
mines 4 I think.... which is more eyes then you have! so there! course I think my meg count is something like 4 too. which is also more eyes then some other normal human being has! so there! and my kill dwain count is 5. so just be glad you guys aren't dwain
Yeah, which is why I prefer killing helpless VC newbies. Duh
Tuareg hasn't done anything ever, just going to point that out. I've been a part of his typist dying like 4-5 times, but he hasn't even attempted me save for once. Besides that fact, Tarn, don't be sarcastic. Last time you tried me in a 4 man party and counting all initial attacks you guys managed to do a whole 30 hp damage before I broke the hunt.
Correction Tuareg, Talan waiting in a cell would have got him dead, just like last time he tried to lock me up :P
Wheet Wheet!
Sounds like you were gangbanged by neanderthals, Ruiniel. *thinks*....yup.
Adunazon, you can talk shit as soon as you post a better one, deal? :P
All I can say is mad skillz
Btw, I'm seriously worried about the health of the guys who attack me.I mean..all of a sudden a gang enters the room, they all shout, scream, wave weapons, make strange movements with their heads (risking to bump them into each other), kicking each other etc...
Like your attempt on me?
Btw, That 'stwa' pal was Direkein