Donated whip and SoB.
Adunazon the dunedain Councilmember (Shadowspawn of Mordor)
Last on: 1h 36m 11s ago. Gender: male
Age: 4h 55m 36s
Can be mailed: Adunazon@Osgiliath Adunazon has recorded a life story.
Info: He had a lot to say. He had a lot of nothing to say.
Hmm, Adunazon... You realize that I'm probably none of those things if I can so easily make fun of the pathetic rock biting loser from Indiana that you are right? But anyway, I'm through with you, you're pointless.
Apparently Adunazon did care enough. ;)
Wow Holic. You sure know how to hit where it hurts. I mean.. I'm in tears. You talk big shit from your comfy little char, but I wonder just how big your mouth would be if you had somebody standing in your face. I'd like to throw in some worthless RL insults at the end of this, but I don't care enough about you to gossip about that shit. Just remember, you might have big balls in Arda, but when it comes down to it, you're just another self-loathing loser who thinks talking shit and pking people over a computer screen makes him tough shit. You entertain me.
Fuck respect, its all about dancing on someone's corpse
no no Manner, a bang is with 10 or more people.
Back to the log, nice timing is a credit which has to be given to Ailin and Co. It was a good hit, spartan should have healed at osgiliath since he was close. A bang is 2 or more people by my definition. Unless an assassin hunts for non-assassin player and does not type an attack command. There is nothing else to argue if you want to play old school. If you gangbang or get banged, just admit it. Do not make excuses and nor should the opponent do. Since they used it against you, just use it back!
Azorn? not me, plz try again!
Holic, have you been spying on Adunazon in the shower again? Bad Bad boy!
In my opinion (perhaps you care, perhaps not) you have to take what coming. If you are solo'd or are soloiing, if you in a pk-bang or are pk-ed by a bang, it doesnt change anything. Both have (dis)advantages....Being solo'd, good you have a decent chance to escape......Are you soloiing, good you get respect, but they failure is higher.....getting pk-banged, your chance of survival is small, but you will get more fines and if you escape, you'll get -again- respect. Are you in a pk-bang, you have a bigger chance to kill your target, but the respect is smaller, especially when you fail... So all stop arguing about what is a bang and what not, what is good and what is not...just play the game the way you want too, but accept the consequences. This is my opinion, nobody elses.
Nikka, thats why you bought Azorn from a friend?
I tend to agree with Camillus. These comments are completely rediculous. This is a game, and your comments probably don't do anything to enlighten anyone. This MUD would be far better off if the comment sections for individual logs on this page were removed altogether.
3men don't hurt? Well then you are obviously doing something wrong.
I ponder to think that you think I'm Dreyboren, I used to be along time, but I sold him to Garkin, who in returned gave/sold him to the current Dreyboren, but not b4 he got Vie!, looks like there trying to follow in my footsteps, and I mean cant you see, Dreyboren sucks, I dont, I would of escaped :)
Rather make sure to kill spartan with 3 men then to try him solo and risk his ego growing bigger and have him telling everyone how good he is and that he cant be killed, aiiiight
LOL Tarn, you're right. This is just a game. Close your mud client and look around, what you see is life, not this terminal window.
Do you guys ever really take a step back and look at all these comments and stuff? Its really funny that you guys are talking about a game and not some serious world crisis or something. Oh, and 3 people is a bang. Well, at least it was. Dont know about now.
Yah, 3 men doesn't count..
But Holic, when would Adunazon be able to talk shit then?
Oh and also, Adunazons typist is some ugly loser guy with bad teeth that latches on to people cause he's lonely. Don't let some fucking no-pussy getting person guy talk shit to you. They get their rocks off by mouthing at people here... lose your virginity before talking shit to people for fuck's sake.
I dodge 4-6 men parties and live most of the time. Those are real bangs, the 5+ ones that is, this little piddly 3 man shit shouldn't be anything for someone who tries to walk around killing people all day long. If you can't dodge 3 men easily then you don't need to pk''s a man's game.
Umm, yeah:P Let's just assume it is so, Tuareg, explaining to you is as pointless as arguing with me.
Anyway, my bangs have some peace of mind in it.First, I try to organize them well, we split who will trigger what because we know what they are gonna use and I use cool people lately.(though this was Fathom's bang, not mine, not talking about this one:P)
Whats a meg bang, and what is with all this alt stuff? Orc talk... just orc talk.
*gasps* An intelligent comment!!!
*Heart shutting down, must administer cpr*
Death commencing must save myself!!
Thank you Camillus :)
Seriously, everyone that is whining in this log is a bunch of bitches. I've held my tongue long enough, but fuck guys, everyone... Ketan, Talan, Spartan, Holic, fucking all my friends and all my enemies, stop talking shit and start doing something. Who cares if it is a Gangbang or not, who has skill or not does it matter when one party ends up dead and the other does not? Wheet wheet, whine whine f you and f this. When the hell does it end? Responses please!
Ruiniel said:
Rolling On .......Ruiniel? Floor Laughing..
And does anyone else but me find it funny that Nikka and Dreyboren have been logging on at the same time?
Btw,it's not lame to gangbang.It's lame to do nothing else.But if you organize a nice gangbang, that's skill too.I can't find any skill in the meg bangs though - if I make it to a HB, I live..that's not skill.You can't count that I'll always be idle or will always have crappy connection...
i couldnt find a good target for this so i chose tuareg, he seems to get pissed on enough here :/
(viewer discresion advised) dont go here if you can't take a joke.
hehe, the url actually works for any name before the .has-a :P
Well, ketan, how many people were in ruiniels party exactly when we attacked? 4? 5?
The situation was that Ruiniel was waiting at North undeep for spartan with a party, who we thought was poseidon and gazza and other rimmies, but it turned out to be a bunch of FRA, oh well, didnt figure that out until ailin started casting shit at Spartan. :P
Right, Adunazon. You sure got me there. And way to call me a 'band geek.' That really hurts, man. For the record, Spartan, Jayz, Talan, and Jackel all tried to pkill Ruiniel about an hour after your first post. Elite solo skills there, huh? Also, a point of clarification: When I call you a fucking retard, I don't actually mean 'Uh oh, he's getting too close to the truth!' I mean that you're a fucking retard. And lastly, Dreyboren was level 14, not level 12. Talk is cheap. I know you'd use your mad skills to teach me a lesson if you hadn't been nuked, but I guess now we'll just never know!
And mels should be just reset every 2 hrs. Then I'd start a mels clan that just walks around and randomly charges and headbutts lots of people
Well, just because you gangbang, doesn't mean you suck. Actually, a people try to solo people and fail because they are dumb and tried to solo people when they should've just gangbanged the fuck out of em. Its more fun anyway
Kill cops. There, not relevant, but still fun
Tarn, that was a comment relevant to the log it's attached to, don't you know we can have your account removed for that?
Ouch, good timing. I'd kill you all but uh I dunno
Adunazon, you seem to be under the illusion that your opinion matters. Talk shit with a character that hasn't been nuked and maybe we'll put a little more weight behind your words, until then you're just another Tuareg.
Holic tells you: Ketan left gh, headed south, pk him! I hate him.
Ailin tells you: Holic just left innroom, headed south, pk him! I hate him.
This really happened, i gues fra is turnig on each other!
Damn that Dreyboren!
c) Ketan, angry little band-geek who lashes out when somebody puts a pile of his own stinky dogshit in front of his face.
Slow down Ketie-pie. I don't know who pissed in your apple juice but I'm just using this most recent example as further evidence that most FRA I know claim that they are the best players on the game, yet rarely have I ever seen a kill with less than 3 people, and this new log of 4 people killing Dreyboren, a level 12, just proves my point. I can always tell when something hits close to home because you get your panties in a wad. And don't worry, I'm sure you'll have 3 or 4 of your elite guildmembers pk me when I'm level 12 or so. I guess you'll show me.
Yeah, i think that's funny as fuck too. I don't think Spartan believes that Dreyboren did what the log shows. Maz told me that Spartan accused him of doing finds on him *rotfl*.
I like how Dreyboren is asking to kill HIS BEST FRIEND spartan in the log, I mean they go to school together, prob share the same men, and everything else, I guess we can see who the real friends are here...
And 3 people is only 1 more person than 2. I don't think 3 people is classed as a gangbang these days.
Adunazon, why are you such an ignorant fuck? Seriously. For starters, I wish you'd either start playing again, or post your bullshit with a character name that I can kill. And now for why you're an ignorant fuck: Spartan killed Hrafn with two people. We use 3 people to kill him, and suddenly it's a gangbang? That's right, one person makes him amazing and makes us suck. Not to mention the fact that Hrafn had no idea they'd be coming, but Spartan should have been running finds on every FRA online since he knew we'd be after him. So again, let me sum things up:
a) Spartan: shouldn't have died if he would have been careful
b) Adunazon: Ignorant fuck with something to prove, I guess.
Thanks for listening.
Yes, Mazza is my brother. I tried to convince him not to choose a name so close to mine, but *shrug*. I've been pondering filing a case for him to have a namechange cos everyone thinks he's me.
Spartan makes a couple of solo and 2-person kills, and gets greeted with a sweet little gangbang in prime FRA fashion. I'm still trying to figure out where gangbang = skill, but don't mess with FRA, they're the best!
Nice work.....
Good timing guys.
would gazza's brother be mazza or is that gazza's alt?
Glory be, da funks on me
I don't know about his zmud skills but I once locked him up in Narchost and he almost killed my party...he fought hella good.:P
Warrax is the master of zMUD. I'd say more but my bro's mudding and he's gettin pissed waiting for me :p
AH! My SoB :(
To borrow a quote from Spartan: Doesn't this look easy?
Warrax kicks ass...he's cool.
Spartan says: Hrafn
Spartan says: please
Spartan says: listen to me
Spartan says: Can we stop killing each other? I mean this mud isn't like the stone age. Come on.. and if you think im begging for my life.. YOUR DAMN RIGHT
He should beg...
Spartan is misquoting me :P
Nice timing. Ailin tells you: Why don't you start killing some of our experienced players.
It's not like Hrafn and Warrax have been around for 5 years.
Next few days we'll see Vallejo making some gold with whip.
Nothing that Spartan never did right? :P
Why Avaar, you sound bitter, hmm, I wonder why...
impressive, nice to see people's alts always sticking out for their main chars guild, i guess this is a good kill for fra and co considering it only took 3 people