I decided to test the so-called protectors of Rivendell, and see what they can do. See me pretend to be a badly damaged level 11, and how eagerly they step up to the plate to attack. Then see them run when they get a big surprise!
And you had to quit? Quitter. *snickers* Stoopid fucking name.
Shut the fuck up Netboy. Sucky name, sucky skills. You're too fucking dumb to realise who you're dealing with.
Nope Frankiej I am not like you .... This was because I was mad at myself ... so I quit .... not because I died :)) I am not afraid of dying :)
Eell well well,
Was that an attempted quit at the end of this log?
Why doesn't that surprise me
poor skills of you. Lucky that I was at DLSG when you began the hunt .... But you were near death at the end. A little bit more EQ I had ... You were dead :) With all these flasks and vials...