Less than 5 hours old and I already have a contract...not nice guys :p What a kill it would have been too.
i thought he got Nuked.... hoom
If you had spelled it correctly, I'd be offended. As it is, I'm just laughing. I wish you would've had the balls not to suicide, you'd be fun to kill a few times.
Kian is a newbie.
Burglars are level 10.
no, i remember watching allantir play at cc claim, you were there, arache the dunedain burglar, 2 days old trying to steal cc with your fellow fra alt butt buddy karvid
*lol at Avaar*
Nice try.
Lv 20 is dumb, getting a char to level 19 is all that matters
I'm no super powerplayer, and I could get a character level 20 in under 2 days easy.
im pretty sure arache was lvl 9 when he was like 2 days old...
Yeah, but you still have to mudd 15hours /uptime then. That is 5 hours a day. That's much. At least I think so.
Nah...it is pretty easy to make 10k an hour if you know what you are doing. Even without being a thief.
Well, as I said, you'll have to mudd ALOT to make that kind off gold.
Oh yea, forgot that. yea, whip helps a bit too
That's a thief with a whip for you :)
No actually, just play a thief and loot all the npcs. You make 5k in 10 mins. do it every couple hours. you make mad cash real quick.. Oh now make another 200k Baral and go assassin... I wanna see some good logs... :p
Balance all
Minaslvl3 33361
Edoras 38507
Thranduil 46000
=== Total: 167868
Thats all one boot
so its totally possible.
I can also get 5 gold/ uptime!
If you get 150k/uptime you are mudding ALOT.
I can get 5 gold
I got to lvl 19 by 1d old age, what I did is only borrow about 15k gp to train my stuff, and I return this 15k by 2 rl day. So what are you saying about huge loan from friends?
If you know your stuff, it is possible to get 150k per uptime by only age less than 1d mud age.
Maybe you can get more, but the most I get is 150k.
whos bragging?
I think Adunazon is speaking mostly about those who are there with level 20. Many of those players level so quikly due to huge loans given to them by friends. Not that I see too much wrong with this. It's just silly when the same people go around bragging about their accomplishment.
I got to level 21 on my own.
I just have to laugh at all you so-called 'power players' who like to flex nuts when you get on legend top.. even though over half of the gold you used to level was given to you by your P.A.L.s (personal ass lickers). Too bad there's no way to distinguish between the leeches and the people with enough self-respect to earn their own levelling gold.
That is governed by 'legend top'
What's the time limit to re-level in?
Level quick and don't ever die...you die and you are off the list unless you manage to relevel in time.
*doesnt really understand the legendtop and how you stay on there? stay on there btw?
Yeah I was legend top before...but I did it during a war so it didn't last more than a week :)
Making legend top is easy. Just get enough gp and exp to get lv 21 and your on it automatically. duh
Legend top sux:P
But Leto can make it i suppose.
Fuckers, don't touch my masta.
This game is boring. I graduate in 3 days. hahahahahahahahahahaha
I like Leto's name. It's fun to say. I could walk around all day just saying it.
For a day maybe :p I get killed too much to stay there.
I wonder how good Leto will do on the legend top being in a guild and having his friends pay for his way already. :)
Already in the guild Leto? Cool, never knew you passed the guild vote. :P Welcome back man
Erm...two rounds...yeah I would have been toast.
I might have made it anyway...He was only busy for one round. but I am glad it went the way it did. Very glad.
OMG!!! If only they didnt shift grip like a MORON. Serious, you dont need a 2 hander on a lvl 7 with 15k. JESUS!
I don't think i've ever had more than 12k in my banks all at once before :) ... course i suck at making gold :p
I do have to say I miss the >100k gp that was lost when I got nuked :p
oh stop posting with both names ixnay
it was new...i tried to claim it a few days ago...was not mature.
or did the people just withdraw the gold? :)
Not sure about that Roku...Delgaurs C went away.
I think your contracted stay from before when you were here, before you suicided...
ah, got yah :p
I'm not saying to turn down the gold. I was just saying that losing 15k that you earned is a lot worse than losing 15k that was given to you. He's got a whole guild paying for him to level. I'm sure they could replace his stats and gold in about 15 minutes. If he had worked to get 15k at level 7, that would have taken a lot of time, and would have sucked a lot more.
Sure you dont. :) and if they are gonna help..why turn them down *shrugs*
I don't need friends to help me
whats the problem? you not got friends you help you feo? :p
Especially when it's hard earned gold...like Leto's.
My thoughts exactly. Phew.
Your so lucky they didnt get you, losing 15k sucks :)
Just wish i was on travelto and not alias...was trigger to hunt you as soon as i saw it was claimed...could have had a little fun :p
I am so lucky they decided to shift grip.