Heard VC had mels. We waited in the Caras armoury to set something up, when look who just walks in with exactly what we are looking for...
Ixnay has been around forever... its actually quite funny how I knew him.
Ugh! Quigley... What a horrible thought!
It ok Baklen, i understand :p
And hes not a new alt. he been around a while, i just try to keep him a lil more low profile :)
and he dont kill just for swords either! :p
fucken idiots
Hahah Alkath, who cares if you think he's cool or not? He's a walking target, playing this game for everyone who cares to kill hims amusement. :)
WB is cool, don't kill him just for a sword.
I like the 'severed head thing'. Makes me wish i was a Durm.
Yeah Wyngel, let's watch the newbies Maniac whack CoU them, more funny :P
Args, I really didn't mean to post that about your new alt., my bad bro. I'll remove it once I get home from school.
And you are not better so shut the fuck up ixnay.
also, typical Durms, killing out of contract for a Sword :p
Nod. Do you think he knew that was an unique ? :P
Great example why newbies shouldn't use uniques.
Slaughter them all.
were you going after me thinking that I would have MELS?
Yeah it was pretty funny .. We were there to trap someone else who we thought had mels. and perhaps the persons party. when this lil fella walks right in with mels for us.
He had a VoV he never used and the key in pack .. but no ES on .. Prolly learned them skills from the VC book of tricks.
that was the funniest log i've seen this month..
Wormbaneii says: DOH!