This was Dwain's axe, he wanted it badly.My first zmud kill:)
This was Dwain's axe, he wanted it badly
Yeah, I'd say that was the main reason
Maybe they just felt like killing him, Tarn, but are just saying that the axe was the reason?
Yea, dragontooth axe isn't worth killing someone over
Jug, reading your log, Rui could have just as likly been idle for the first few rounds since you located him in gorgoroth. dont that make you hipocritical?
Difference, Rui reacted fasted.
Being idle was his own fualt, no one elses. Goona idle, do it where you cant be killed.
And good luck killing me and all. It'll be hard when I don't play. This idle kill just kind of pissed me off enough to stay on though :)
Breaking someone doesn't mean shit if you're already dead.
Blah blah, I broke you, tough luck.Don't think you'll get away from me, they all die:P
He suffered the consequence for this shortly after. Dwain will too.
WOW, you killed him when he was idle 3/4 of the battle and for a piece of shit weapon, BRAVO!!!