This should be the third attempt of Groo to kill me. The idiot wouldn't understand he can't take me with less than 3 people
Hmm.. I remember I got a 3-8 HP damage when I am wearing hbs+mmail combo from a random warlord that just want to test their HBs damage.
But again, I am a warrior, don't know about ranger :P
*grumble at his instructor for not giving him A while he only short 0.08 pts from A*
thats why you run through the wilderness losing bragl from the party and then you lock groo up
Thats just totall bullshit you can't count shit like that and if he is getting a 22hb with mmail and hbs, then you are just sad.
Explaining for Avaar because it seems he need it. I had mmail in vgc(near gc,rep,mended), globe in vgc,hbs and herd of sheep. i'm also blind. they're timing me for 2-3 hours. i can't have es on and charmed pet for so long. it would drain my ep too fast. Without es on i can't lock them. Now, let's suppose i have es on, but i have no friend waiting in the room where i'm supposed to lock them. first i have to remove the globe,to get the key,to open the door(could be avoided but i don't know when they'll attack),to close the door,to lock the door,to put the key in container and to wield the globe. Count how many rounds of combat i'll lose. Let's say Bragl have 200 ep after he have eaglesighted. He also have a phial and flask. Let's sum it. he have about 450 ep to headbutt me (against that the armour don't help much). 450 ep are about 13 headbutts. each headbutt will take me 22 hp. What do i have - 200 hp at the start of the fight + full flask = about 350hp +-20 30. So only Bragl will inflict me 270hp damage only from headbutts. so i'll have 80 hp left. I doubt Groo will stay and wouldn't headbutt. So even with hbs and mmail and globe i would be dead. Oh. and herd of sheeps.
Oh, one more thing. I don't mind acting like little girl when i have to
if you have mmail, hbs, globe and a herd of sheep you should have killed at least one of them instead of running away like a little girl
poor sheep :(
Wow, 2 people think they can take on a ranger with hbs mmail and globe, with his herd of sheep. Hehe, you do make me chuckle.
Ezho, maika ti deiba!! Ei.....
Shibanito proxy na server-a na uchilishteto ne mu puska damN!!!!!!
-- Adario
Those poor defenseless sheep! What kind of person would do such a thing?
What a boring log...
11 a.m. mudtime
What's the :::11a:::: in ur log there? :)