To quote Gado: "... who can resist killing figures? :P)".
Does anyone find it slightly ironic that in the ONE log on the entire page that remotely involves him, Tuareg keeps his galaxy-sized mouth shut?
Wow. Tuareg actually plays now?
unless he reads that and decides to flame me :) thatll be fun
*Fdls at fimbu* indeed it will :)
On the plus side, this just may the ONLY log comments section we may ever see that wont involve Tuareg flaming/critizing/mocking/etc.etc. someone :P
Oh my, was that one person? I think it was!
Brilliantly done, Nagash!
Seems like someone got knocked off his pedestal.
If you have no arms it can be pretty hard :P muwahahah
wespect your nagashes!
well, he died from his own stupidity really, hes just unlucky the figure he attacked was better prepared than he was. its not hard to type hunt :)
Hell Barren, Tuareg doesn't even need to comment! Enough people will be laughing at him to get this to most commented ;)
Tuareg, Tuarer uber alles. Why he attacks experienced player armed with weapon as good as ESS ? Nagash, you are my hero :P
Nice backhunt Nagash.
As soon as Tuareg comments on it, and the flaming comments begin, I see this reaching a 'most commented' status :P
Damn Nagash, nice job. That was a tight kill... How disillusioned with yourself do you have to be to scoff at a solo non BS hunt at Rivendell, and then die from it!
Ruiniel, someone's gotta get those phials...And it's not like I've ever seen you without two flasks and a phial or VoV.
Looks like good old nemesis had a hand in this .. never say do you ever hit .. then you know he won't miss again ;-)
Yeah having a phial or something while solo'ing Elrond is pretty normal for a non warrior. You normally need some form of healing.
Nice kill, Nagash.
I just get a kick out of him trying to be his usual arrogant self:
Tuareg laughs out loud.
Tuareg says: do you ever hit?
You killed Tuareg.
Tuareg has died.
It's about time he realises how much he sucks :)
Atta boy Tuareg!
I do nothing?I equip myself...
No comment from Tuareg yet...
I'm quite disappointed.
If you ain't got what it takes, don't sit around bullshitting that your assassin sucks. ;)
Ouchie. And its not like you do anything Ruiniel unless your flasked and phialed/vialed either
Is this log from now? I am damn sure Tuareg was level 20 last time i checked
There is nothing wrong with that Ruiniel :p, smart of him to do it so
Nagash, do you ever go out of your GH without a potion?
The smell wafting from Tuareg makes you feel sick.
I belive most of Arda feels that way about Tuareg. :)