After CoU attempt all attackers left mud and none could left gh till korr.He was so ''brave''came to lothlorien so far from corsairs' docs but never left back. ps:''Annadur tells you: loser, if you want me, leave my little ones alone'' What a pretty a woman serve herself for save her ''little ones'':)
Why people don't complain when Durms or other evil guild picks on the newbies of the other guilds? :P
I must say I find it funny how the people that keeps trashtalking CoU and how much our drunken crew sucks only kill our not so experiemced players. And I would also like to say that when I return from my trip back to Umbar revenge will be taken upon those who have slayed people in my crew.
Have another ale Fimbu, I can still read some of the words!
SHARKen ghdihd ag oodh job yo guys look at it stupid corsairs surround yourslef iwht Shep NEVERleag guihddll But warhnnadur istupid andSharnnkn leaves his nniinn romm alla time/
Oh he was but I was nuked for something that happened 3 years ago, *shrugs* I know what happened I logged the shit. *shrugs
hmm, Bak, I don't see much of a reason to lie about Martok being a transferred character now :P
You must be the freakin' funny girl, you'll get what you deserve once you're back from hibernation, for now, watch your two friends die
Wyngel shut up your fucken mouth and just play.
Like funny girls.
Yeah, someone kill melkor
Kill, then make threats. It's more convincing.
haha, Wyngel is funny
Sharkan and Maniac, you're two fucking little whores, always sneaking around Adornas Inn Room. What to say about you two ? You suck, and you'll die many times. Or will you little fucks hibernate like Etor ? Or maybe, you'd be wiser and do like Frost, just suicide.
As far as im conceroned melkor can eat shit and die one day hi'll pay for being a fucking asshole to everybody.....i'm done with this fucking game
I like it how Sharkan calls COU cowards for sitting in guild hall, but he himself fades on all of his travelto's and hides in his Combe rented room when he isn't killing.
Change your name IRL and you can't get away with something you did 4 years ago either..
Funny thing that isn't why I was nuked dick face, the rule I broke falls into that rule. It was something I did in late 99 and I told ainur about it. Yet still they nuked me, if the transfer was the reason the person who gave it to me would of been nuked also. So shut your fucken mouth. I don't see your ass playen and if you are, tell me whoyou are dumb fuck.
*ponders why Morsist makes comments with both his chars and not just one*
Lets kill some more newbies!
fdl he broke and came back :P
One thing... why people that never leaves their INN rooms talk trash about people who never leave their guild?