CoU randomly kills one of our members outside of Mordor, just pointing out that we can do the same.
Pounder's left nut is pretty good
Come back Morpheus.
I miss calling you a Ram Rooter :(.
No Rhoads, the reason Tuareg doesn't like Pounder is that they are the very antithesis of each other. An old, respected, competent player who never talks much, but can put his money where his mouth is, vs. a young, laughingstock, hack player who never stops talking and lacks the ability to back up the overwhelming majority of those pearls-of-wisdom that drop from his mouth like crap from the ass of cow.
He hates the fact that everyone likes Pounder, and thinks it's fucking weak sauce to kill someone who has for half a decade done nothing on t2t but help people who need it, pretty much regardless of what guild or faction they belong to. And even if they don't. He's mad because no matter what he does, no one will ever think he's half the player Pounder's left nut could be.
And he's that annoying person you all knew in high school who hated everything solely because it's popular, and always had to be contrary, because he had nothing original or interesting to say. So failing for this lack of substance, he nay-says everyone else, because then at least he can hear himself talk.
Of course, I could be wrong, and I certainly mixed my metaphors pretty horribly.
Damn it, I can't stand this anymore :P
It must suck that almost everyone likes Pounder and not you right? damn it, stop flamming the guy for no reason gezz.
Sironur helped kill Pounder?
that aint too cool ;)
I thought Sironur helped kill Pounder. How could he possibly be cool? :P
As for talking shit, Tell me when the last time you wrote a constructive comment?
The only person I talk shit to here is you, And that's cause you talked first.
I love how Azmodan calls me a newbie, yet he doesn't know where the well is from Ulkhalad. Face it Azmodan, you are just another little alias kiddy. You got nuked for Transfering gold, thats how incompetent you are. As for being fucked in the ass, Well, them gay fantasies of yours are showing through again.
keep ya trap shut, moron, And stay out of mordor.
But you like seeing these same people killing couriers in Mordor for their packs?
It really pisses me off seeing immoral Sauron-serving PCs get killed with the whip.
Wow, whoever constructed that site Raqtor is in a seriouse need to stop watching dirty movies, and maybe get a girlfriend and maybe a little hope of a life?...Wow, my god, WOW!
There's always room in Widower's belly
Because wherever Widower went, I'm sure there is no room for anyone else.
Why don't both of you go off to whereever Widower went...and stay there :)
Wasach do us all a favour and close your mouth.
Perhaps you should stick to sitting in your tower where we don't have to hear you blather?
hehe, another piRATe bites the dust!
Perhaps he should have stuck to raiding unarmed merchant vessels off the coast ot Tolfalas
Arda was getting real boring anyway. I mean, Udungul vs BkD was boring as hell... :p
Gothwin the cocksucking silvan Lady 'Cock Sucker' Death (Shadowspawn of Mordor)
Thanks sounds so jummy to me :) *mmmm*
Duniv fingers: I'm fingerfucking Gothwin.
That site cracked me up... thanks Raqtor!
You had better hope it does Tarn, you're going to need allll the help you can get.
Bluesbreak is aparently some fucking newbie who comes to talk shit here to the people who fucked his ass on the mud.
Ugh that really messed up this comment page with that long url Might as well put a much nicer one in too.
Its real time generated so you wont see the same as your friend.
So Vabur? Want a cookie? Want me to kill you? You got a decent contract, maybe I should. Plus BkD is just a bunch of smelly annoying dwarves anyway. What guild did you think I'd hang out in? Valacirca?
No look at it this way
Looks much nicer.
i dont think he said that at all.. but jump to your own conclusions
Good now, now that you have confirmed that you have a char in durmanhoth once again tarn, then use that to comment these logs okay? :P
Sironur is pretty cool... doesnt deserve a random death
Well, this should help getting CoU on our side... :p