I already died right? yet the still beat on me :( (Thanks to Bragl for not headbutting after he realised i was idle.- else i was dead)
While I can't excuse Lotze or maybe even Ivon for doing that, the only time I *ever* wait for flask to reset, is when we have none and I need one. And well, like 2 people come in to check on it *ever* while I've been waiting there.
Lotze sometimes waits there to get the exp from them, and is more than happy to sell the flasks. They don't 'claim them for our guild'. Stop making such retarded assumptions. We hardly ever have more than 6 or 7 flasks in a whole uptime.
It's just like waiting for dws to reset or carapace, so stop making a big deal out of it. Why don't you just get there first to wait for it if you're so pissy about it.
And a brain.
I need logs.
Eat me.
Heh, How many different ways can you stuff up 'Your' and 'You're'?
quam go back to fucking you'r mom.
You guys swear an afwul lot!
think of the children!!!
let them stand their who cares?
But you don't deserve flasks anyway
I dont
Aww. Isn't that sweet. Ruiniel has brotherly bitch love for Ixnay
Anyway, there's nothing wrong with attracking again - may be this parody will turn into a real war thisway...I mean, in the rimmie - durm war, if you went out of your GH you knew you were gonna get attacked..
That was good timing to get back, you must have been on what, 6hp?
I hope you understand that Ixnay is my bitch and I love him like a brother.
And Ixnay, you scared the shit out of me with this 'playerkill'.
eighter come out of mt or shut the fuck up
basically, Azmodan sat outside erebor killing dwarves...he was probably faded though since he is a chic...oh wait, you've been nuked for how long? Either create a new char and post under that name or fuck off you panzy.
WHAT! who said that!
Yeah blow me i was on all day and after i got tired of taunting your fucking guildmates to come out of their pussy guild to even defend some dwarf's they just walked past me and quit so i sat in my fucking inn waiting for a boot.
Warriors headbutt, I fade when I'm killing shit, wtf is wrong with that? Its better than sitting at inn rooms for hours, bitch. *mutter* I'm not even going to get into it..
cause you walk around faded :)
How come you guys never attack me with 2 people? wtf
Uh, well, We just assumed that you would have some balls and want to fight back, but i guess we were wrong.
i just removed a section with alexa spamming me with weaps...and the folowing stats from my client.....oh, and im missed the guild reply :p
Why remove your comm when you don't remove the responce ? ..
That was a nice get-away Ixnay .. didn't think you could .. Nice nice
So they wanted to kill you again? big deal :P
oh, i talked to bragl after this, hes actualy a cool guy, and i found someone who spells as bad as me :p
Dishonorable dickheads.
blah should have been an attempt, but i posted it 3 times already removeing stats etc. so it can stay :p