Its boot and I didn't get my claim .. So I quested an ESS and went for a C. Didn't believe it would work with only an ESS and an empty backpack but he was low after his buisness in Gundabad.
No not really .. But I have the coolest prompt .. I bet you don't have that ;-)
Wow! His guildcomm looks almost exactly like mine =) Even with the green name! Have you been spying on me...?
im gona come back and solo wasach with an ess
I can't remember what log it was but I recall asking to see a pK with an ess. Raqtor, your my motherfucking hero! I'm gonna buy you a keg of Aule's hammer for this log!
Duniv, you suck. And you look funny too
Nifty log. Yeah, it is nice to see cool logs without flame wars ascociated with them.
Yea Raqtor, you cant be a good pker without being a macho jerk... :p
Raqtor is my bitch! Hands off him!
Nice kill Raqtor. You always seem to have some good solo logs that take the bitchslapping attitude away from PKing. ... and you are damn sexy... er, sorry I was thinking of Squibb.
raqtor, your a cool guy anyway:P