from my views

Posted by
Ixnay [legacy]
09 May 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Only so fast i can run. And of all the places to be killed...fucking bree :p i even rented a blinking room!. ah well, was fun :p


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    10 May 2002 21:54:29

    Yea, Martok gets a 40hp headbutt right after he drinks the dream phial. Ouch

  • Author
    Azmodan [legacy]
    10 May 2002 21:27:13

    there is one 40hp headbutt tuareg

  • Author
    Ixnay [legacy]
    10 May 2002 18:39:46

    i think both headbutts were big 40hps. dam hard heads :)

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    10 May 2002 17:24:44

    I see it was the 40hp headbutt that got you.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    10 May 2002 00:27:29

    Hey Bashgeroy. Its called luck. Hella luck

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    09 May 2002 22:03:03

    STOP FUCKEN MAKE EXCUSES WITH MORDOR.You either wanna PK someone or don't.WTF if your able to do something.It doesn't mean you should do it.


    Excuses like this really drive me mad.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    09 May 2002 21:50:29

    Umm, Talan actually does attack only silled people.And he would be dumb if he didn't gangbang:P

    Tarn, attacking at Rhos and Thrans is not a bad idea.I have so many kills tghere..even soloes...

  • Author
    Azmodan [legacy]
    09 May 2002 21:50:19

    yeah, why the fuck not bastards?

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    09 May 2002 20:08:40

    Josi, its mordor, people wanted to kill you so why the hell not?

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    09 May 2002 19:37:53

    Raq and Leander are good at soloing people, but most of these people aren't big names. It would be hard as hell to pull some of those things off on good people. (No offence to you two, but attackin someone good in thrans is NOT reccomended)

  • Author
    Josi [legacy]
    09 May 2002 19:12:15

    What about me Talan? You tried to bang me up in Shelob's lair, and didn't have any VoV's or Flasks...

    (I love the lair)

  • Author
    Ixnay [legacy]
    09 May 2002 18:31:20

    im gonna do a u turn and agree with talan :)

    Gangbanging is not a problem, on the right person.

    If you know you have a C or are wanted, your running a risk of attack, so if you have the resurces to have mass healing, your gonan use wise for the killers....they know you are gonna use the healings, so need to inflict as much hurt on you as possible.

    But saying that, everyone has to go kill stuff and make gold at some point.

    Lok and leander and Raqtor, they make a nice job of doing it...but admitedly there not exactly people known for there abilitys.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    09 May 2002 18:10:56

    *shrug* what can i say, i only gangbang people who carry around vovs and full flasks who have eaglesight on and are skilled.

    Otherwise there's no point. They can just stand there and absorb damage forever.

  • Author
    Martok [legacy]
    09 May 2002 17:35:32

    Talan Gangbanging? *hmms* Did you expect him to take on 2warriors and a Wizard, without help? *smiles*

  • Author
    Darknova [legacy]
    09 May 2002 14:21:27

    *gasps as his boat is keeled*

    Danggit, thats the third boat I've lost this month! *smacks bashgeroy*


  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    09 May 2002 13:27:51

    Me am gonnah keel yah!

  • Author
    Vabur [legacy]
    09 May 2002 13:09:26

    Come on say it Rhoads, all Talan do is to gangbang, this time i'll agree with ya :)

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    09 May 2002 12:30:08

    heh i dont like getting involved in these petty slanging matches

    But Azmodan dragged me in

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    09 May 2002 12:13:32

    Once again I'm given good reason to never read this log page again.. when will I ever learn?

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    09 May 2002 10:17:54

    Ohh man what a fucking good come back!

    Maybe im a little taken-a-back by the fact that you've _finally_ made a post that contains correct grammer, But wtf does that mean anyways?

  • Author
    Azmodan [legacy]
    09 May 2002 10:07:46

    I'm not the one who lives in a cemetery

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    09 May 2002 09:25:36

    So Azmodan wants another guy to blow horseshit all over him?

    Some people are just fucking sick.

  • Author
    Azmodan [legacy]
    09 May 2002 09:14:21

    blow me horseshit newbie

  • Author
    Bluesbreaker [legacy]
    09 May 2002 08:37:08

    Well at least Azmodan has learnt how to spell 'you're' properly...

    Now all he needs to do is use correct grammer (and stop being a little fag alias kid :P)!

    - Bluesbreaker Kicks Azmodan in the arse for dissing him

  • Author
    Azmodan [legacy]
    09 May 2002 05:19:41

    wow great youre a moron

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    09 May 2002 04:02:53

    Nice running. Not sure why you essentially allowed yourself to be killed though by reporting unfaded.

  • Author
    Morgar [legacy]
    09 May 2002 03:57:08

    I'm guess getting mixed up with Montar has it's advantages but so many people get us mixed up :)

  • Author
    Necsipaal [legacy]
    09 May 2002 02:25:48

    Eh, Ixnay, didn't I advise you to withdraw?

    Believe in my words for they are wisdom :p

    Necsipaal, shadowbringer. ;)

  • Author
    Montar [legacy]
    09 May 2002 02:14:28

    I love how he reported me instead of Morgar

  • Author
    Limdul [legacy]
    09 May 2002 02:08:36

    i could've sworn that SoU had ith

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    09 May 2002 02:01:35

    I'm not bragl's mother, but he is in my guild, and Udungul really dont like being attacked. We are a cohesive group and we all take one attack on any member personally.

    So, if you want to 'get to have maxed partys of 5 people chaseing' me're more than welcome.

  • Author
    Ixnay [legacy]
    09 May 2002 01:56:46

    Can't you guys learn the fucking lawsys?

    read back a few logs. you clearly did attack me. just lucky you i got linkdead.

    and talan. I had my attempt on bragl...

    who are you, his fucking mother? let him do his own work, not get maxed partys chaseing me all over arda. By you logic, i now get to have maxed partys of 5 people chaseing you. and expect you to not give a fuck :).

  • Author
    Nagash [legacy]
    09 May 2002 01:37:42

    'at least the gold will re-level me :p'

    You have the following 2 subpoenas:

    You have been accused of murdering Thegpor.

    How do you plead? [(g)uilty or (n)ot guilty] : You are indeed innocent. All charges are dropped.

    You have been accused of attempting to murder Ixnay.

    How do you plead? [(b)ribe, (g)uilty or (n)ot guilty] : You are indeed innocent. All charges are dropped.

    Can't you guys learn the fucking lawsys?

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    09 May 2002 01:07:23

    Oh, are you dumb? We're after you cause you attacked Bragl. How hard is that to figure out?

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    09 May 2002 01:06:23


    Good job guys.

  • Author
    Ixnay [legacy]
    09 May 2002 00:45:32

    and no, im not asshamed of useing the GH with a party of that size :). at least i tried to use an alternate break.

    but sucky :p