They were in mordor killing, they died. Pretty boring kill, and I didnt mean to kill pounder but i suppose he deserved it anyway.
The Mistress of Darkness was here!!
I know man... its just frustrating when you try to respect everyone in the game and try to get them to have fun and people sit and talk about you even though they haven't bothered to get to know you at all and what your about. I try my hardest to do that with everyone esp thieves who people contract attack etc. *shrug* well peace out all
Pounder, getting special treatment at T2T means that people don't talk crap about you or try to insult you at every turn. You are lucky, not many people on the mud are treated with such respect, though it would be nice to see more people dealing out such respect instead of trying to give it to themselves.
And i am sick of people thinking i get everything handed to me and that everyone treats me special. I quest all my own gear, i don' t care if i die in mordor (though of course i would prefer not to be), and i generaly try to help people out as best as i can. Shut up with this 'pounder gets too much special treatment and i dont crap'. And don't be surprised or mad if i have a trap on your ass next time:P Peace.
I'm getting sick of everyone treating Pounder like a sissy. If he's in Mordor kill him.. if he's the nicest person or not.
Beware the standardized tests!!
Unless you get held back
or when you cant get on the mud cause your school is dumb and blocks it. less then 20 days of highschool left.... forever!
Hehe.. well thats what happens when you remove comms and stuff. However I doubt reading this thread will make them put it back ;)
ROTFL. netwarrior, that is one of the funniest god damn comment i have ever seen. hahahahahah. Dman :P
wow :) 102 .... guys the mud is at port 9999 not at :)
aww, whatsta madder Azmodan, you scaredah da big freaky ER's?
you pussy
100! WOOHOO!
And what the fucking crap are the higher level ER's gona do? make it harder to kill in mordor? wow that's nice!
Fine, Talan. A faction of Udungul patrols Mordor. Semantics. ;P
Annd from what I understand, Kujo, ERs will eventually migrate to Mordor, but they will first be put into the newbie ER areas, in Harad. I suspect that Mordor will be the domain of the higher level ERs.
(last i heard)ERs arent being reinstated in mordor
We will see who wants to protect mordor after the ER's are reinstated and are running full tilt...
I believe that protecting Mordor has fallen to the PoM...of which Talan is the most visible member...(no insults intended here, so don't take any)
Mordor is lawless so there is a thematic arena for pKing, just leave it at that. You go into Mordor and expect to be pK'd regardless of who you are. I just love seeing all these different twists on who will or won't attack which persons or groups in Mordor...
FDL. Tuareg, you are like 10 years old right?:P I just am surprised at amount of people becoming fucking fags because they don't know how to have fun anymore at the towers. A. I would have been slightly mad at toto if he attacked me cause we go back;P Its mordor, i shruged and sighed cause I messed up. If we had just hid when gates were breached/ran out them and for the lair or for isen we would have done ok. I don't take it personally when people attack me in mordor its lawless. So tuareg quite being so stupid and thinking i expect not to be attacked. And i felt it was my duty to stand and die with freak because i failed him and trying to get out. Is there something wrong with not-running? Freak and me battled furiously to bash the guards to death to make a path to freedom for us and we ddn't make it. Big deal. It was good kills, freak was very mad/sad because he loves this game and puts lots into it. I had fun and learned something new from this death. Why can't some fuckers leave it at that ever?
Pounder died but Talan said he didnt mean to kill him.
The issue of Pounder being treated like a piece of antique porceilan came up.
This led to attacks on selective RP, which Manner interpreted as an attack on the SoU.
Manner's previous character was nuked for celebrating the World Trade Center Bombing.
That's where we are now.
Yeah, all of northeast arda, sorry. Thranduils dale and laketown too, but i just didnt feel like writing all of them out.
'We are easterlings sent to invade erebor...'
Isn't it all of NE arda? which should also include Thranduils? (from what i've been told and heard about your RP) I still like your RP though Talan ;)
And about Freak, should have casted lightning a hell of a lot sooner, but damn some people don't have their days.
Screw this, I'm not reading 86 comments just to catch up on who's calling who a bitch lately. :P
*applauds freak* Way to fight back, even if you know you dont have the chance, good try...again, to see pounder die just makes me sick
*applauds freak* Way to fight back, even if you know you dont have the chance, good try
Timmay!!!! Blah blarugh bloo blah timmay!!! (If you didn't see this south park episode ignore)
If everyone would work on improving their theme, instead of pointing fingers at others, Arda would be alot better off. I think this log page would be too.
Uh, Paraiko, you really have no idea what your talking about when you talk about Udungul apparently.
We are easterlings sent to invade erebor, whats this crap about defending mordor?
gazza, a guild maybe based in mordor would have the defined goal of defending mordor...but thematically neither SoU nor Udungul have any business there.
Its mine, I tell you! Shit, I smuggle so much gold out of that place that Smaug would be jealous.
Wtf, this is funny. SoU are saying Mordor isn't theirs. Udungul are saying Mordor isn't theirs. Whose the fuck is it?! :-p
I just read the Rimsilval comment from Manner, and I skipped down here without reading what came next, so if this has already been covered, forgive me.
Manner, our contribution to Arda is our library, which non-member cannot see because y'know, we kinda have a problem with the idea of opening our guildhall to everyone. And about the validness of our theme, it was sound enough to be accepted by Valinor at its conception, so it's sound enough now.
New articles are regularly added to our library. We are following our theme. You say you hardly go to're not following your theme of protecting it then. Maybe cleaning up your act would be a good idea.
Some comments on SoU's theme:
Defending Mordor is NOT a part of SoU's theme. The Sons are agents acting beyond Mordor's walls. In fact, it should be a rare occasion that the Sons even enter Mordor, as it is beyond their sphere of influence. Sure, they would occasionally enter to assassinate a key rival, but under no circumstances would they actually patrol it looking for a fight. The Udungul fill that role, as they are the tacticians who serve as elite shock troops, warriors, and killers. The Sons, on the other hand, are strategists. They serve to organize the disparate forces loyal to the Dark Lord into raids to demoralize the forces at the front lines facing armies such as the Udungul. They remain in the shadows, working to present themselves as a covert force of terror.
And Mizrahi, I do agree in part with your comments on the often bland RP of the Sons. But as a blanket statement it as patently untrue. There were a handful of members who tried to present a unique personal theme to complement the guild theme. It was a rarity, though. Most members were content to pass themselves off as just loyal servants of Sauron. Boring as hell, and something I wanted to change, and the failure of which and with the degradation of the bulk of the guildmembers' RP and dedication were what ultimately turned me away from the guild in disgust. Ah well.
Manner, that was me. :)
You corpse looted our mels, remember?
oh wait, i remember, that was with another typist..ok...sorry.
Uhm, I dont really care what happened, I'm just saying what i heard
Grum seriously knows how to make up shit, he did not solo mein edoras thats one thing The second thing is that i was idling one up, 3s from gossiper, which seemed to me a perfect place to idle at without anyone bothering you. I come back, i find myself dead. If grum really said he soloed me then he is a liar and he knows it, I just dont remember who was with him, maybe Aranuir not sure. So Tarn, whatever... I said what i wanted to say here, I am not going to bother anyone with my posts anymore on this thread, I am acting silly i have to admit.
Yeah Tuareg, and here is more FRA logic for you to fail to understand:
Piss off! Noone likes you, you are not welcome.
Yea, I was wondering what the hell was the deal with Manner. Cause Grum said he soloed him in Edoras and I was like what the hell. But that explains it. Course dying in edo by a solo attack is pretty bad unless you've never played before. (Or your wandering around with 5 hp). Then I wondered why he hadn;t turned into a mushroom cloud when all those transferred characters got nuked. But that clears it all up. Wow, I'm going to sleep well tonight finally knowing the answer to this.
Manni, you hibernated, go away! :)
Heh, actualy the char ruiniel is there since the 30d after the suicide got away
And then hibernate after you get stomped and create an alt under the inconspicuous name 'Ruiniel'?
No in all seriousness though...Hibernating is bad kids, m'kay? :)
What, piss off 90% of the pkers of arda and get stomped a bunch? :p
Yeah, as I read the title to Vallejo's log before I took it more as a farce on the RP attitude and excuses that people make in the name of RP rather than singling out any individual group as a 'fake'. And if there was a group that was fake about their RP, SoU certainly wouldnt be the one that pops into my head first.
Most of my targets know how to break hunt.May be you should do like me?
Why do some people (names are being excluded for Tarn's sake) log off IM in conversations but stay online? :)
'Invaders had penetrated the dark la... You know what? I'm not fake, they were in Mordor and we wanted some free kills so we went for it. None of this RP bullshit, we were out for fun.'
Did I even once single out SoU? It doesn't seem I did, Manner if you think your guild is being singled out because they're horrible at RP.... then you're doing it to yourself.
At anyrate, Faris ended up with Manner because I gave it back to him :P
yea, i'm still curious how Faris ended up with Manner
I agree with Lotraz about Bashgeroy there for sure. And even people over level 14 people, for the most part, don't know shit about escaping PKs. And Roku, you really need to inform yourself before making allegations about alts. Martok has been killing people here since before I can remember, and Spartan has been here since like last week, I think.
Hence with that 80% the whole 'Lets RP just like it would be in middle earth and kill whoever we want without lawsys, etc' isn't very feasable.
pethatic attempt to be funny. all i can say lotraz.
oh so manner is faris that is really interesting one would have guessed though although i thought he was hardbanned for good but perhaps melkor forgot about it or he changed isp or what the hell but who did you give manner to faris because i thought someone else had him awhile but oh well who gives a shit anyways and how the hell do you manage to end up talking about yourself everytime you fucking write a fucking comment bashgeroy and what the fucking fuck are you fucking talking about with that one big line you fucking basgheroy?
Nothing can be further from the truth, Trempk.Unless you count the level 10-14 pathetic newbies...
I dare anyone who was on when my last character got nuked to present me with a log that says:
^*****: I am celebrating:p
Thats the thing that was posted on my nuke-reason. Thats a copy paste of my last legend. If i did say that on the comm, then i would shut up, but as i said before and will say it again, i said: 'some people around here are celebrating' Melkor re-instated me, then nuked me again because he was just....'pissed' psha
I do believe you Manner. I still think there's a slight possibility that he doesnt represent the entire guild in that single tell.
yah, finding excuses to PK is lame - you either want to PK someone or don't.
I feel embarassed only with one of my PKs - with all chars.Hmm, actually two.
Anyway, that's crap.
Just ... learn how to parahraph:P It might be helpful IRL too.The reader's attention gets distracted when he or she reads long, uninterrupted texts.See Mizrahi's post:P
Do you guys realize that probably like 80% of the mud population sucks at surviving pkills or you just don't care?
Martok seems to me like a spartan alt *cough*
I don't bother with you because your comments are adamant and suggest that you have no idea what you're talking about. This has nothing todo with politics or past chars, I'm merely stating that your actions generally reflect on your tact, and on the amount of time I should invest in even looking your way.
Speaking of which, I'm pretty much done here.
Too many M names in a row!
Hmm, yeah... While that doesn't really make his argument less valid, I'm inclined to not listen to it now.
Mizrahi i know why you wont bother with me, because you simply have nothing to say but refer to my past characters. If you want us to get into political issues, i suggest you start talking to me on another forum, then we can talk about something that you have no idea about. Ok mr. miz?
Celebrating the World Trade Center bombing.
What for?
No, what did he get nuked for?
I'm not even going to bother with you. My post was very easy to comprehend. You're awfully dense.
For a second there I forgot I'm trying to talk sense into a person who got a char nuked we all know what for last September.
As a personal aside...I think if Manner had replaced 'harder' with 'more boring' then yeah...He would have been more accurate. I hate the trend of moving everything towards RP NPC protection etc guilds. They're boring as all hell and don't allow for the same level of interaction between guilds. Whereas before, guild alliances were flexible and there was typcailly some sort of balance in power. Some day this rigid system of aligned guilds set into alliances is going to bite the game in the ass.
Wow Mizrahi, this is the first time that i read such a long post which contained practiclly NOTHING! What did you say in your post? I really read your post 3 times trying to find the point behind that long waste of space, but I seriously couldnt see anything! Lets see:
'It?s not as easy as for the FRA to always be seen as greedy twofaced fucks all the time. I know I can rarely do it. You wanna see a good example? You have Vallejo and Lotraz, two relentless fuckers that love nothing but themselves. I haven?t seen many mudders who are as bitchy to the outside world as these two. Those who I had seen would make me some wonderful guildmembers.' Is that paragraph supposed to be sarcastic in anyway? Because if it is, i fail to see it since it seems to me pretty much real. Longfinger, there is a member of your guild who sent me that tell, I do not make up stuff, if it is not real, then it shows you what kind of members you have. Mizrahi, again please to do not insult me by telling me i am a three year old.. The reason why i did not mention durms in my comment is because i simply forgot, but that is not the issue since they do not comment or critisize our RP'ing skills. Rimsilval have contributed so much knowledge? WHERE IS IT!? Do i have to become a rimsilval in order for me to see the seeds of the massive knowledge treasure they have gathered? SoU have such an easy RP to follow...lemme ask you something Mr. I know it all, did you ever become a SoU member that makes you capable of spraying such a comment? And, please explain to my small brain, how is FRA's theme hard to follow?
Point is, this is the first time i engage in such comment battle, but i wanted to change the view that SoU allows certain people to kill our PC's.
Tarn, you just had to post 1 second before me? Bastard.
Please take a special notice to __visibly fulfill__ in the 5th paragraph. If any SoU talks to his guildmates like 'How fare thee, fellow servant', you got all my respect. The last post is refering to how it looks to the _outer crowd_ though. For some reason, only external opinions seem to be of relivance in Arda.
this thread is already looking pretty fun! keep up the good work
Uhm, I'd just like to address a certain statement.
Manner, SoU's theme is HARDER to follow then FRA/Rims/Durms(whom you for some reason forgot to mention, gee wonder why, selective hypocrite) ???
No, it is not.
It's much easier.
I don't have a problem with the SoU (yet?), but with all due respect, you're disgracing them spewing your senseless blather on this public forum.
Anyhow, in order to visibly fulfill SoU's theme, all you are required to do is not kill any of Sauron's servants, and protect Mordor. Nothing is wrong with that.
It?s not as easy for Durmanhoth to constantly fulfill their shady assassin who fulfill contracts theme as it is for the SoU to protect NPCS and kill morals.
It?s not as easy for the Rimsilval to behave ?scholarly? and continue to come up with new writing material all the time. When was the last time you even checked their library before you complain, do you have any idea how many articles it holds?
It?s not as easy as for the FRA to always be seen as greedy twofaced fucks all the time. I know I can rarely do it. You wanna see a good example? You have Vallejo and Lotraz, two relentless fuckers that love nothing but themselves. I haven?t seen many mudders who are as bitchy to the outside world as these two. Those who I had seen would make me some wonderful guildmembers.
In conclusion, Manner, your ?hard to follow theme? involves technical subjects. Arda is satisfied when they see you raid Caras Galadhon or protect Mordor, and do not bitch and whine when your guildmembers just happen to kill someone at random. Those SoU are killers, but hey, they RP well!
Where on the opposite, you have those two guilds, FRA and Rimsilval, and I?d like to add Durmanhoth because you?re obviously too piss fucked scared to mention them ? 3 guilds that have to be creative in attempt to perform their RP well, use their imagination, and even when they do, Arda doesn?t appreciate it not being able to even see their efforts. When these three guilds kill, it?s because they?re a bunch of people who are only there to murder, they don?t RP as well as we do, they don?t have to kill elves all day long like poor old Manner.
Finally, as I said, I got nothing against SoU?s or any ?side taking? guild?s theme. It?s totally legitimate, and they?re all cool. Too bad such theme is being exploited by a petulant 3 year old like you, who claims to be an ordinary role player by hogging their best gear and killing some infidel honor guards all goddamn day long. You said you barely visit Mordor, well, what the fuck are you waiting for?
There are different kinds of ways to RP, and different sorts of themes. Now if you don't have anything better to say then quotes that were apparently made by a FRA, shut the fuck up already.
PS: Flamers of sorts ? please refrain.
Oh and well a comment about how we should feel sorry for all guilds with a 'hard' theme.. last time I checked all guilds with the exception of Udungul have chosen their own theme and gotten it approved. If you have a problem with roleplaying someone who defends mordor then well.. dont join a guild like that and dont create a guild with such a theme and then start whining: 'boo hoo, I'm forced to abide by a theme' no you're not, just leave if its so damned hard for you to handle a piece of cake like roleplaying a servant of sauron.
damn it Ailin I thought we could talk to people who arent members..
oh damn, now I'm screwed :(
Only hand gestures and invisible ropes and boxes, I heard.
Shh Longfinger, no talking!
Why thank you anonymous guildmate and Manner the guy I never met for defining the guild I've been in for about 5 years. Silly me, I could've sworn I had at least talked to someone. Oh well. Now I know better than that.
Btw...usually what i do when i see pounder in mordor is just attack him and make sure he leaves...if you were wondering.
Okay, so maybe I should have killed pounder. As i said in the title of this log, he deserved it anyway. I kind of hesitate to kill people who dedicate their lives to helping people, ya know?
Oh well, thematically, hell yes i should have killed him.
So, next time pounder, you bring a party into mordor, i guess i'll have to give you the heave ho too. :P
Vallejo, you know more than anyone else that i do not kiss anyone's ass especially yours or FRA in general. If it is a matter of fact, I have never even talked to any FRA member since Ketan told me, 'whatever allaince we had with SoU, it will no longer be around, and my members will do whatever they want'.That excluding Newcomer because he kept on attacking my mates. Talking about cocks and stuff is something we all expect to hear from someone who doesnt have anything to talk about. Plus, my comment was not directed to this thread, but to other threads that everyone had this common accusation of us allowing durms to attack in mordor. As Tarn said, most Durms dont attack in mordor so they can pk there. Plus, you had this log that you posted with a title that clearly mocked our RP, which makes me think who the fuck are you to talk about RP! You spend most your time making gold with your 10 characters just to pass it around to multiply the number of characters you have! So dont you ever dare insult me in anyway unless i insult you directly. You tried to screw me because i had whip, and i was then a so-called-friend of yrs. So please man, do not embarrass yourself with your comments, keep them to yourself. Go back to your so-called-guild. Interesting tell i got from a FRA member that clearly defines FRA:
***** tells you: we never talk to each others, we just help eachothers when one of us asks for it.
Manni: The current BKD would have had fun fighting him while he was in Erebor, trying to make it an entertaining event for both sides.
The Clan BKD would have killed him repeatedly until he went inactive or begged on his knees for it to stop.
And thats the basic principle between the 'I use RP to get a vivid feeling of Tolkiens world and have fun doing so' and the 'I use RP as an excuse to PK and boost my selfesteem'.
I know 95% of the people that comments on these pages are of the latter category (I was myself and to a certain extendstill is). That however, doesn't change the fact that there is a huge part of the first categori playing this mud.
I've been trying to hold myself back from commenting but I have to. Manner, you have the most ginormous stick wedged in between your ass. Not one FRA commented on this thread before your little spout about how you're the abused adolescent child because you're joined a guild with a straight forward theme that clearly defines what you can and can't do. So by doing this you directly attack FRA and spew insults forth, which is really quite stupid because you kiss half of our asses when we're on the MUD. That said, here's some advice about that mouth of yours... put a cock in it.
Yeah, I did make some other comment like that a while ago...I don't know. I just think it would be interesting, not that I'm for one side or the other really. The war would probably be over by the time I get back :P
Though in a perfect world, PK would be more prevalent than it is. If a band of guards saw a few rouge servants of Mordor killing in Edoras, you better fucking believe they would kill them. If a few adventurers entered Mordor(which in itself is a huge assumption), and defenders of Mordor saw them in there, those followers of Eru invading the Dark Lands would be slain swiftly. So if you want a way to avoid PK, it would be this: Don't kill shit. You can successfully avoid 100% of PKs when you are level 1-3. After that, you can limit your involvement in PKing...But of course you can never escape it completely.
In regards to Pounder, everyone has a great respect for him, myself included. However, I also question the extent to which he is treated differently than everyone else. It's one thing to look the other way when evil allies kill a couple couriers or Ulkhalad or something. However, when someone like Pounder repeatedly leads parties of morals on extended raids into Mordor, there is some point where you must draw the line.
Balinul, if Pounder had regularly killed Erebor dwarves, do you think BkD would have attacked him or tapped him on the shoulder and politely asked him to leave?
No kidding, Tarn. That test sucked. Badly.
And Manni, I get this feeling that you really really want to see a war between FRA/etc against Udungul/Durms/SoU, because you say that you see it coming all the goddamn time. If I look back over comment pages from a few weeks ago, I'm sure I can find before where you've been like 'I think I see a war between the FRA blah blah' coming! Sheesh.
Anyway, 95% of durms dont kill in mordor so they can enter and pk people
Bashgeroy you said it, no body else did, you suck. You cannot wage a war on 100 people and excpect the best to happen! You kill once, you die once, and it will keep on hunting you until you are over yr pking paranoia.
To the rest of you peopl, I am sick and tired really of you people accusing SoU of not Rp'ing against Durms. Believe it or not, WE ARE NOT IN MORDOR 24/7! I go to mordor once in a while just to check for needle. Thats it, i do go there for another quest but thats my business. Anyways, what i am trying to say, is I, and am sure that a number of SoU do as well, avoid killing PC's in mordor. It doesnt make sense to me, it might be our RP to protect mordor citizen's, but mordor is HUGE! We cannot kill every guy who comes in! True, if i go in to check on ulkhalad, and find a PC i would see if he is attacking, try to defend, but never hunt. If my guildmates wish todo so, its thier business as mordor is lawless, and if you go there you gotta expect the worst. But one thing is certain, WE WILL NOT ALLOW DURMS TO TOUCH A SINGLE CITIZEN IN MORDOR WHILE WE ARE AROUND. If you see us do it, then tell us! But if you do not see it happening, do not open yr mouth about SoU allowing Durms touch our citizens. If you see a durm in mordor, give us a tell, i am sure that we will organize a party to defend. We might be allies but we are allies against PC not NPC. Theme comes above aliance. We do not have an easy theme to follow compared to FRA or even Rimsilval, 'we are greedy bastards and stuff', or 'we are seekers of knowledge'. FRA and rimsilval are just a stupid excuse for experience PKers to gather around and tell each others how good they are. If you are offended by that sentence, i do apologize, but it really pisses me off when you guys comment on how we do not 'obide' by our theme when you do not have a theme to start with. I would accept it from someone like Balinul, or any other BkD, because they know how it is like to be restricted and forced to obide a theme. If you want to start flaming me, please do, but i am sure it will just end like always. 'you dont know what yr talking about' 'FRA is more than just that' BlaBlaBla...
Oh, and the AP calculus test is hella lot of waste of time. Cept now I dont have to take my final exam *evil cackle*
oh and beer
Well, durms and Udunguls are sorta allies. Yes, it somewhat goes against durms theme, but then again its like any law in the US (and prolly other countries). It sounds great on paper, but its probably going to have to be changed a bit to get implemented. It would work in middle earth, but we have lawsys and everyone can max a character and fight the same. If it was middle earth, durms would be a couple super elite fighters with few equals (cept like aragorn and those fellas). But its not middle earth. Heck, only about 100 people on average are on. Also, we can go from minas tirith all the way to grey havens in like a minute. So dont bitch about theme and rp and all that shit because yes, its nice, but its impossible to be perfect in an imperfect world
Really Balinul? Well, lets see. Being able to kill people for free in mordor and not in the rest of the world in not right either. You kill someone in mordor your still killing someone. You kill someone outside your still killing someone. Who cares if its lawless. Hes (talan) fucking easterling chieftan (or whatever). He should be arrested/pked/etc on sight. He should also kill everyone thats not his ally on sight. But, that would be dumb. Its a fuckin game. Go have some fun and quit bitching about rp shits.
Tarn, as far as I know, there's no lawsys that limits Talans ability to PK Pounder or Mordor-killing durms in Mordor... or? :)
I suck
Blah.Not because I died twice, because I died twice and didn't kill anyone:((((((((((((((((
I mean...Martok was supposed to die before me, he was ND:((((
You wouldn't happen to be mad cause you died twice would you bashy? To bad I had to eat dinner otherwise there would've been another char helping kick you guys around... :p
Balinul, come back and let's just kick the crap out of them?I'm sooo pissed...heads will fall..
Who ever cares what they do?They are always gonna lie and whine.
Yeah, bastards, I'm gonna die a thousand times more...but you'll come with me!
Balinul your being really stupid lately. This game is about theme, but also playability. Talan should kill all the good elves he sees on sight anywhere. But we have this thing called a lawsys. People should do a lot of things, but they cant cause this is a fucking game, not middle earth
Crion... No moron. If they did that then Raqtor couldn't enter mordor any more. They were probably waiting on a circlet or people to show up that want the fang and then Raq and montar would kill them
No, thats the agenda of 'Protect so our friends can get the good stuff'.
I look forward to see the day when Talan finds his balls and starts protecting Mordor against durms instead of guilds that aren't PK oriented.
SoU are PoM right? Well I find it funny that I saw Montar and Raqtor at Ulkhalad when the needle was in. They said they had the fang claim, and I noticed neither of them had Circlet. Does this mean Raqtor would kill Ulkhalad why Montar shielded him? Is that how to protect things now days? Kill them? I guess they can't get hurt if they are dead allready, right?
Malaugrym, if you spent some time talking to Pounder you'd understand.
Camillus' Tips for avoiding PK's:
1.Stay out of Mordor! It is lawless.
2.Stay out of guilds! They always have enemies.
3.Don't shoot your mouth off! Self-explainatory.
4.Don't be involved in PK's. In any way.
5.Don't flaunt highly-prized uniques if you have them.
6.Respect other people and what they do. (not always easy)
7.Regularly send or give gold to one Camillus Groktongue.
NOTE: There is no solid way of avoiding PK's unless you decide to stay an extremely low level.
Ok, let credit be given where credit is due. Seems it was the SoU deciding to PK Pounder, Talan even tried to bandage him.
Which actually doesn't make sense, now does it?
I mean, Talan, one time you claim to be PoM and protecting against intruders ... and now it seems to be only against _some_ intruders? I mean, you even seemed to yell at Vallejo for saying the truth about why he PK'ed some dudes in Mordor the other day.
It could very well seem to me by your inconsistency that you are in fact only interested in PK, and this RP shit you claim to run is nothing more than that ... a shitty excuse to PK.
But oh well, I can only see what actions you are taking, obviously I don't know the true story behind it all ... and clearly the actions doesn't matter, you have argued so yourself, right?
Uh, yo, balinul you fucking stupid hippy, if he didnt want to get pk'ed he should have stayed out of mordor. And even when he did go to mordor, we didnt try to kill him, he got killed mostly cause of shielding his friends.
Thats not why you got yelled at Tuareg. You got yelled at for being a stupid fuck.
And Mal, the reason Pounder got the respect he does is, that he has spent most his time on T2T helping others while trying to make his own and everyones elses fun on the mud better.
Or in other words. He has helped the players on this mud, while not harming anyone.
The fact that Udungul decides to PK Pounder proves my point that there is no way to avoid taking part of PK'ing. But, let that be for this discussion, as its a whole other matter.
*scratch* Can someone explain to me the treating of Pounder as some delicate flower? It doesn't make sense to me; were he a newbie, which I am quite sure he is not, as I remember his coming back a few months ago as being treated as some big event, you would think that he would be killed in Mordor for presumptiveness, and if he is an experienced player, then it still doesn't make sense, as there would be no need to shelter him from the terrors of the outside world. Not trying to be judgemental; I'm just curious.
If it is like that dude, it will problably only be a mordor war though. None of the kills i have seen are outside yet. Later!
Finally there's some decent action on this page here again. I'm not quite sure, but I smell FRA and Rims against Udungul, Durm, and SoU cooking itself up, just from the logs I'm seeing here.
Man, you PoM guys are fuckin posers, lol.
Good kills. its always nice when lat lures people to kill us by accident:P fdl. I should have tried to get out of the gates but i didnd' thave the alias to get out. So we had to try to get out of gates through lair. I suck oh well.
Lateralus is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged!
Toto removes the elder's shield.
Toto throws an elder's shield at Lateralus, almost cracking a bone!
hahahaha.. harsh, dude.