One of ours die, two of your fall.
Thats whats nice about 2 day old wizs because their skills (cept dodge) dont matter to much cause they just cast away
Actually, true, Ailin's FBs fried you both:P
Probably Talan, but they were good enough to kill your lame ass ;)
ailin=tank mage
ailin=fluffy puppy with staff
ailin's common skills are like 80's probably :P
I'd rather be an idiot than Bashgeroy. 'Nuff said.
Of course that idiot Duniv just killed you twice bashy
We all know your an idiot, Duniv:)
Azorn, you shoulda been lost too.And if some of the 3 warlords in the party had attacked Toto you were all dead meat.But as I said we all fucked up.
We lost Deadlok, and Martok there could have been alot more deaths in there...
Duniv tells you: Newcomer is a fucking tank.
I guess thats right, Ailin is a tankmage himself. running, striking, breaking. :P Finnaly I can contract someone else, thanks for getting Bashgeroy.
That log is about as confuseing as falling down a blowhole in east virginia
that's all I'm saying
Woo! Look at me run!
Because I'm an idiot. It was late at night. I was wondering the same thing right after too.
Why do people drink phials right before they know they are going to get into a huge fight?
Hehe funny comms :) says a lot :P
There is only one thing to say: 'OUCH!'
*grumble* I'd have been nuked for swearing that much on the Guildcomm...
That was pretty funny stuff on the durm-comm though!
nanatono gayedan ;9
We were nexpecting Martok, Azorn, Duniv and may be Deadlok.Blah, too many morons...believe me or not, I wanted Martok dead because he partied with Duniv.
Bah... why my party does not even have a single healing with them? Nice works durmie... And Toto, you bastard.
Some quotes:
[ Durmanhoth ] Azorn: We will get Newcomer
[ Durmanhoth ] Martok: I WANTED NEWCOMER GOD DAMMIT:)
[ Durmanhoth ] Deadlok mutters, who had mmail and whip?
[ Durmanhoth ] Martok: newcomer
[ Durmanhoth ] Azorn: Newcomer
--- I have whip + hauberk ----
Duniv tells you: Newcomer is a fucking tank.
Party say from Gothwin: NCNCNCNC!!!
Anonymous figure says: Kill NC
Hmm, by the title you're referring to Martok's death earlier by FRA, correct? The description is just a bit confusing. Some of that aftermath on the Durmanhoth comm is pretty funny. I like 'Don't attack FRA' part, when FRA had been involved in the setup.
All screwed up!
Blah, sucky durms.
Fuck you toto, i read that crappy ass log and here you come and post this one for everyone else to read with all nice colors and shit.
What a bastard.
Nice killing guys. I wish i was there :(