Invaders had penetrated the dark la... You know what? I'm not fake, they were in Mordor and we wanted some free kills so we went for it. None of this RP bullshit, we were out for fun.
so ok then ill start posting under guest this time ;)
oh, you saw me leave MT? Was that before or after I passed Deadlok up by Rhos? I mean, if your such a tough bastard and want to kill me so bad, why didn't you try it? There was ample opportunity, it's not like I got totally geared up and I check everything :( all I was able to get in Gund was a vov.
you calling me a piece of shit is like the pot calling the kettle black. Post under your current characters name or fuck off you little pussy. Better yet, do the mud a favor and go away.
Oh i saw your gay ass on today wasach you got a fucking shield and a rapier! you left mt! too bad im a crackhead and i got nuked for some gold :( and yes i like to give out h..... are you married to tuareg ? cause you sound like em? maybe you are him! or you love the guy anyways your a bigger piece of shit so shutup
I can be that transvestite!
and yet another bitter old never-was resorts to passing out alt info.
Tuareg is fucking high on eating too much shit what are you talking about? i reported i ran??????? and did you just notice me get nuked fuingul?
My goodness...
This page has turned into a typical Jerry Springer Episode. Unfortunately with the same weird appeal.. We just need some transexuals and we can just sell this to any american tv-station as a script.
All this talk makes you wana kill tuareg's alt
You said it Tuareg, not I.
Sunshine talking about 'mental destruction'. That's hilarious.
Get a grip, you bitter loon.
meow????!!! meeeeooowwww:((((( meeeooww??
I just found out who Radlyn is, and I love you guys for killing him :-)
You're all so damn bitter.
Eat a bowl of shit, bitch!
Seriously... a person executes a nice kill in mordor just for the fun of it. It it turns out to become a thread of flaming and personal insults between the 'serious' and 'elite' players in this game.... Damn, isn't it a bit pathetic? Uh, well never mind, I guess this will never stop.
But I want to say it again: Nice kills guys.
-Norin the Nameless.
Eat a dick bitch!
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Hahah, Adunazon is nearly as stupid a fuck as Nichodemus was.
Thank god we got rid of those!
Adunazon speaks the truth, which is more than I can say for most of you. Have a nice day.
Oh my, is that a tear in my eye? I think it is! That's goddamned heartbreaking Adunazon. How can you go on living when you're obviously a shattered human being after I misplaced your affection with your inane asshole-type attitude? My my my... and here I thought you were being a cunt because you snaggle toothed bastard that no one liked... not because you wanted to be my friend and I was mean to you. Color me surprised! My deepest apologies for inadvertently making you lose your dignity!
Aww i think Adunazon's feelings are hurt:( how sad
Vallejo I'm not starting any slandering that hasn't come from your mouth long ago. I would figure that if I bandage someone the first time I meet them, they wouldn't really have that much of a reason to be a consistent asshole, but apparently you find justification. I've never claimed that 'I was better than you' even though I do question just how good you THINK you are. The bottom line is you find it appropriate to be a fuckwit first, and if somebody kisses your ass in return, you call them a friend. That's not how it works with me. I came to you with good intentions and an open opinion and you wrote the book. Every day I see more chapters added with your violent, misplaced and self-righteous attitude. Am I bitter? Yes. You took my motion for friendship, or at least impartiality, and flung it like shit in my face, which is why most of the time I save myself the mental anguish of listening to your mouth flap. But really, you weren't the point to that post that I made, I just used your name since you posted a log implying that because you don't TRY to RP, it's more appropriate for you to pk people in Mordor. Give me a break. I've been hearing that shit for years, and it's bullshit, plain and simple.
Awesome kill, Just cause Crios died.
Moron needs a lesson in reading before he talks shit.
Yeah, Adunazon liked RPing a fuckwit. ;)
Adunazon is such a bitter little fuck isn't he? Couldn't come up with anything better then to start slandering people and calling them assholes, that's a brilliant argument and fascinating use of quotation marks. But seriously, I'm just waiting for you to tell me how much better then me you are because you bandaged me at the bottom of Zirak-zigal one time ages ago. That's about the only thing you have, or ever will do of note.
Funny how anytime someone tries to actually ROLEPLAY they're labelled 'posers' or 'fake' or whatever other pathetic insults you can think to throw. No shit RPing is fake, that's the whole point! Some people RP assholes, other people like Vallejo don't need RP as an excuse to be a fuckwit.
Before this turns into an RP argument I'd like to say nice kill :)
I just thought of something. Talan, dear, if your entire clan does nothing but protect Mordor like you say you do... then why do I constantly see you and your cronies outside of Mordor? You should stay inside Mordor CONSTANTLY. I seriously doubt Sauron would let the people who are hellbent on protecting his lands to go wander around aimlessly killing elves and dwarves. What's up with that?
I love the thief backstab too. Whine whine whine Tuareg, that's all we ever hear out of you. And you fucking wonder why no one ever has any qualms about killing you.
Fuck you vallejo , and your mama too.
Protecting mordor isnt fake if you are in a clan that has its entire fucking theme as being the defense force of mordor.
Atleast your honest about it Vallejo, nicely refreshing. Good kill, I love that he knows it's futile...Crios says: fuck me
funny shit
Thats the way it should be Vallejo:) Nice shit.
Btw, Nice name Radlyn. Whoever you are.