Hate his stupid name... and especially hate people that emote huntbreaks... so we plastered him.
What the hell was Azomdan trying to say?
Kill him again ;-)
Let me get this straihgt you people except to get autokilled? somehow erm fuck you all!
What in God's name are you talking about? First off, don't ever accuse me of idle-killing you pathetic wanker. Also, don't ever try to convince me what I should or should not do.
- Fairfax, frustrated with stupid motherfuckers that just love hearing themseleves talk.
Let me see if I have this right, Fairfax... you're mad because your victim used your own tool against you...
I love when assassins get fooled with emote breaks, too bad that can easily be circumvented now. Heck, you guys do the same thing when you make someone un-idle by setting off their triggers :)
err, ok...someone explain to me when emoting a huntbreak became 'a rotten thing to do'. Or is this another attempt by the pKers of Arda to make the rest of us feel bad for escaping and reporting you? If you don't kill them before they get to the huntbreak, whose fault is that? Don't get pissed at the victim because you sucked hindtit and failed your kill. Get mad at yourself, quit bitching about how someone used tricks to escape you. Assassins use potions, vials, and probably a few other tricks I don't know about to successfully pK someone.
Hated to see him die, after all those pk's he did escape, but I would know, you dont live forever,
If you'll notice he was emoting huntbreaks and double backing... if you don't know how to get past huntbreaks then maybe you should let me teach you a few things? :P
The next time you see 'leaps', you will do: 'trigger leaps todo leap into cellar'.
I?m sure thats gonna work :P But yes there is something odd about that name.....
Toxoplasma looted my crystal