Tuareg was just complaining how vallejo had his new alt jumped by Fra. Well in fact his ass did the same to me. Was a nobody thief at the time.Sunshine takes it upon himself to slay me because of my alt. Cause he is a loser, has no balls, AND THEN he tells everyone I'm an fra alt so its justified. Then once they find out how ridicules it was. They try to cover it up with I stole from megs. I'm on the hitlist:) Nowonder you guys got fucken raped. God I love it.
Oh man that shit about giving gold to alts in fucken fra really really fucken TICKS ME THE FUCK OFF. Is it that we know the mud, we know how the fuck to make gold to level fast, do you constantly have to say we cheat to attain this? GOD YOU GUYS ARE FUCKEN PATHETIC. Just cause you can or never will attain skill or the desire to play or whatever like we do. Don't go spreading nonsense bullshit. And in fact ifyou would of known I was on the top twenty at 1 or second place. Untill megs gangbanged me for no reason 3times in a row, so know what tuareg you know jack shit about shit, so shut the fuck up. I gave that gold tomyself and if anyone needed. Thats my own accord, we didnt need to have alts passen cause we were that good. Fucken moron.
FRA alt this, FRA alt that, who gives a fuck, talk about something else.
Squibb's job consists of: *relaxes and watches a vidoe camera that is illegaly placed in a womens bathroom*. *drinks beer and farts*. and *leans back and enjoys free porn on the new job network*
Or at least that is what he tells me.
Whats this??? Squibb got a JOB???!?!?!
Just one more sign of the apocalypse near at hand.
LOL just read the last comment by Miz, hell, I'm gonna miss your consistantly smart-ass comments as well...
A) I have ALWAYS killed a ton of thieves in Mordor, always fun and sometimes you get a nice $$$ bonus
B) I had no idea it was Baklen's alt at the time, just suspected it could be an FRA alt, but I was going to kill it either way because well, I just hate thieves stealing from BD in general because 90% of the time the gold is x-ferred to a friend and the friend's theif x-fers gold to the first thief's main char, just like those thieves that log on into BD tower for 2 mins at a time then log off
C) I only realized it was Baklen when he went 'Snorts' after we killed him
D) He started an MC case to remove the Meglivornth for it because Tuareg said the reason we killed him was he was an FRA alt(btw which i had only told Tuareg that i suspected it could be since he was high level theif in less than 1day)
E) Its all in the past, one hell of a fucking war that lasted waaay too long(at least we should have had breaks :-P)
F) I'm starting a new job so ill miss all of you since I wont be active for awhile(unless I get fired for missing work because of hang-overs) so have fun, give it hell, and I wish you all luck in life
Hey Sunshine, were the direct tells you sent Baral after having killed him also a part of Squibb's plan? You know, the ones about him being a FRA alt, and who knows what he does with his gold?
Yeah, they must've also been sent under Squibb's orders. Evil Squibb, bastardly Squibb. Squibb controls us all. It's his matrix. All praise Squibb. Hell, Squibb made me say that too.
Blame Squibb.
Basgheroy, for once you have earned my respect with something you have said. To lie is one thing, but to lie more when the truth is staring you in the face is just embarassing.
HAha, right tuareg and my name is Barry sanders.
from now on Tuareg's name isn't just sunshine
Its Sunshine, Baklen's Bitch.
The legend part, not the people that made the game... ;p
like orlando
Alot of players quit that weren't really considered good, but those people still made the game, lots of people have gotten legends and stuff and never really deserveing them.
Oh and Naith was good? didn't know that... :p
Actually saw Naith on today. Was whack
i mean it sucks to see people like those quit the mud.
Alt killing was wrong, but common Baklen ya got to admit that was one badass war we had going, no one really won on either side. Then over the stupid war alot of good players stoped playing on both sides of the line. Sucks to see people like Naith and others (a few megs quit playing to).
Well...we have all done this stuff.Whoever denies it is a poser.I think I've kinda stopped doing it though, after the war.For example, I left Haroth alive during the time before he joined Udungul while I wanted his alt dead really bad.
Tuareg, you are a liar.Don't tell me you were innocent.I bet 10 bucks (which I don't have anyway) that you knew everything even if Squibb hadn't literary told you 10 times what was going on.
Damn, just confess it?Wtf, shit happens and people didn't look down upon such things once...or they did?
Are you sitting around doing nothing with you spare time?
just gear up and type 'find flamer'
it'll tell you were Tuareg is, and with every death we will send you FREE t-shirt!
Is anybody else thinking of murdering tuareg?
Reading comments here are way more funny then Ricki lake heh
That was also a lot of gossiper flamming :)
I'm not angry about the death, just how it was done, cause of my alt shit like that:)
Mordor is mordor you say but as you saw they were waiting for me, I was only on for 9minutes, and I logged right on after logging of baklen, stupid mistake. *shrugs
But mordor is mordor? isan't that what everyone says?
Although i remember that day.. Baral was talking something about it in Loth when me and Viking where going inside, it had even an MC case right?
fdl. ouch. that looked painful