An advice to assassins,never talk with your targets if your hearth isnot enough cold. *sigh
It means that you shouldn't talk to your victim if you've recently had a fire in your hearth.
i dont think he was a kloker. When he first joined my guild, i had to teach him the basic hunt triggers. Unless of course, the typist changed. or, hes never played assassin.
hmms, back in the day I think Sharkan was a kloker. Not sure, don't take it to heart, haven't seen his char in 3years.
har har ima kill you
That was a pretty good call actually... Simple yet effective
no you wont azmodan :P
call me in, pounder is cool :(
I'll be around for a hunt a backstab and etc on sharkan.
Who the fuck even attacks Pounder? The guy never harmed anybody plus he's neutral to all guilds. Sharkan, the next few days should be rough :)
Don't worry Morpheus, I'll take care of Sharkan as my first and upmost priority
I would never spend gold on contracting Pounder. He wants to help newbies, more power to him. sorry he got contracted though, he does not seem to deserve that kind of shit. Too bad the MUD is too full of cowardly motherfuckers.
who's gonna waste their gold contracting Pounder???
Heyas Morpho :)))
Heyas MORPHO!! :))
Heyas Morpho!!!! :)
Heyas Morph !!! :)))
you dont kill Pounder, It just aint right..
I cant think of a more prolific newbie helper than Pounder.
Ok. Lets stop before this gets wierd. I am no mother, or a beer nipple. Don't praise me, my rp is to help. if i don't help i am not an rp'er. So it no didfferent than koda defending dol amroth or U/SoU defending mordor. I like helping newbies so if you guys are introducing a real new player just show them to me. I will try my bestt.
This is the first fucking time I regret leaving the MUD. I'd give my left nut for a maxxed char with which to break Sharkan's back time and time again. There would be something nice about gangbanging him over and over again with a coalition of players as diverse as the MUD can produce. This is like killing Mother Teresa... someone who has always been above petty conflicts, and devotes his entire existence on the MUD to helping people (and is the only person like that to also be one of the MUD's best players)... would a few of you please make a miserable and dead Sharkan your reason for logging on for the next week or so? I really regret not being able to.
you cant kill Arda's most loved resident :(... it's just not right.
I'd dearly hate to be you right now.
wtf! Pounder why didn't you tell me you had beer flavored nipples?!
I don't know him well but I never wanted to be anyone but me :) Not sure if the Knights wanted him either. Not that he aint a cool guy but jeez!
Stupid, plain stupid, Pounder is possibly the nicest person I've ever known, and also probably the Eldest...Can't believe you killed him
I've attacked Pounder, it was RP though. He is cool though perhaps not as cool as fucking but besides beer, what is?
Yeah, well i was pretty dumb thinking it was just a joke.:( And yeah i did an alias from the wrong room else i would have at least broke to get some sence back:(
Arg. It would be nice to know at least why someone contracted me. *shrug*
It's because Pounder is cool as fuck, that's why. Although I must say not even trying to break him is a little pathetic.
Oh and I dont think anyone ever attacks Pounder. Not sure why, but no one does it... :p
Sharkan use to be beornings. He left after I killed him
Who the hell is Sharkan? Isan't he that guy that kept asking newbie questions all day long? A beorning?
If your hearth isn't cold, maybe you have a fire going? In which case I wouldn't touch it to try and find out. ;)
I wouldnt want to be in Sharkan's shoes right now:)
I think this is the first log of someone killing Pounder, At least that I've seen.
heh i thought it was a joke from a friend. *shrug* I should have drunk vial oh well.