Now this is very rare, special hit with prod :)

Posted by
Vabur [legacy]
24 April 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Enjoy the entire battle with a tower guard. Bonus hit included.

Citadel, outside(w, e, sw and s)
- HP:230 EP:66 -
Citadel, outside(nw, w, se, sw and ne)
- HP:230 EP:66 -
Citadel, outside(n, se, stairs, e and ne)
 A Tower Guard
- HP:230 EP:66 -
Guimli tells you: eek. Please keep the sword... im almost there...
bs guard
You sneak up and stab Tower guard from behind!
- HP:230 EP:16 -
You plunge the prod deep into Tower guard nearly exploding the heart.
You electrocute Tower guard sending a bolt of charge through the body cavity.
Tower guard misses you.
You zap Tower guard with a staggering shockwave.
Tower guard misses you.
You zap Tower guard with a staggering shockwave.
Tower guard massacres you with incredible force!
You electrocute Tower guard sending a bolt of charge through the body cavity.
Tower guard misses you.
Tower guard is in average shape.
- HP:209 EP:17 -
You sear Tower guard causing severe nerve damage.
Tower guard misses you.
"byroN WHAT!?
You singe Tower guard.
Tower guard misses you.
You tell Byron: WHAT!?
- HP:209 EP:17 -
You zap Tower guard with a staggering shockwave.
Tower guard inflicts massive damage to you.
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard misses you.
The guard screams:  Traitor!  Scum of the Evil One!
- HP:192 EP:17 -
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard misses you.
You zap Tower guard with a staggering shockwave.
Tower guard inflicts massive damage to you.
Tower guard is in average shape.
- HP:177 EP:18 -
Byron tells you: tell me
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard misses you.
You sear Tower guard causing severe nerve damage.
Tower guard misses you.
You sear Tower guard causing severe nerve damage.
Tower guard grazes you.
Guimli tells you: where are you?
You sear Tower guard causing severe nerve damage.
Tower guard misses you.
Alexa tells you: a silver flask sold to Vabur for 150 gold.
Alexa tells you: Your bid for a silver flask was successful, please pick up lot 927 within 10 minutes.
You zap Tower guard with a staggering shockwave.
Tower guard misses you.
Guimli tells you: where is the sword
You zap Tower guard with a staggering shockwave.
Tower guard misses you.
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard misses you.
You scorch Tower guard on the shoulder with a large bolt, charring flesh!
Tower guard misses you.
Alexa tells you: a pair of mail pants is now on sale as lot 928, minimum bid 175
     gold fresh
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard misses you.
You zap Tower guard with a staggering shockwave.
Tower guard hits you very hard.
You scorch Tower guard on the shoulder with a large bolt, charring flesh!
Tower guard misses you.
Alexa tells you: a Dol Amroth pack is now on sale as lot 929, minimum bid 200
"guimli meet at mt 7 gate in 2 secs
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard misses you.
You tell Guimli: meet at mt 7 gate in 2 secs
- HP:166 EP:19 -
Tower guard doesn't look so great.
- HP:166 EP:19 -
You sear Tower guard causing severe nerve damage.
Tower guard grazes you.
You sear Tower guard causing severe nerve damage.
Tower guard misses you.
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard grazes you.
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard misses you.
Alexa tells you: a dwarven hauberk is now on sale as lot 930, minimum bid 200
     gold exc unall
You zap Tower guard with a staggering shockwave.
Tower guard misses you.
Guimli tells you: there :)
You sear Tower guard causing severe nerve damage.
Tower guard inflicts massive damage to you.
You sear Tower guard causing severe nerve damage.
Tower guard misses you.
Tower guard is near death.
- HP:147 EP:20 -
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard misses you.
You electrocute Tower guard sending a bolt of charge through the body cavity.
Tower guard misses you.
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard hits you very hard.
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard misses you.
You zap Tower guard with a staggering shockwave.
Tower guard misses you.
You zap Tower guard with a staggering shockwave.
Tower guard misses you.

- HP:135 EP:21 -
You scorch Tower guard on the shoulder with a large bolt, charring flesh!
Tower guard hits you very hard.
You scorch Tower guard on the shoulder with a large bolt, charring flesh!
Tower guard misses you.
Alexa tells you: a dwarven war shield is now on sale as lot 931, minimum bid 150
     gold exc unall
You sear Tower guard causing severe nerve damage.
Tower guard misses you.
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard misses you.
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard misses you.
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard hits you hard.
You miss Tower guard.
Tower guard misses you.
You zap Tower guard with a staggering shockwave.
Tower guard falls to the ground.
Tower guard is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged!
You decide to put Tower guard out of his misery.
- HP:117 EP:22 -
You killed Tower guard.
Tower guard has died.
Do: starting commands.
- HP:117 EP:22 -
Tower Guard's sword : Ok.
Tower Guard's helmet : Too bulky.
Tower Guard's cloak : Ok.
some gold coins : Gold may only be pocketed.
- HP:117 EP:22 -
Tower Guard's helmet : Ok.
some gold coins : Ok.
- HP:117 EP:22 -
Do: Commands completed.
- HP:117 EP:22 -
You put 50 gold in your pockets.
wear helmet
You wear Tower Guard's helmet.