It's all in the log! Read and see! *points to the log*
Aye, I said I'd died to help a mate, and I did it.
I have no shame, the only thing tat sucks is that I didn't kill one of you before dying.
But don't worry, if you ever go out of your GH your time'll come too. And mabe more than once.
At least we pirates stand together.
Dread, Corrupted Lawmaster of Umbar
*raises a curious eyebrow at Bashgeroy*
Cerol, you sound like a male typist.
Anyway...all those nukes sucked:(
Tuareg, yer deeeedd.
Filil is used to playing with characters who can take care of themselves and hold there own in this type of situation, don't string him up for getting the newbie killed, it was probably a mistake :P
Well, SoU killing VCs is pretty thematic and VCs killing SoUs is pretty thematic so whats the problem? (contracts are used just cause try killing 10 people off contract. It gets kinda expensive)
I find the slaying of Dread ridiculous. The pirate has done nothing harm to the elf lovers that follows the Witch Galadriel. Revenge will be taken for Dread's life.
I must also say I find Tuaregs comment so hilarious I wont even get upset with it.
Cause SoU likes to fullfill 1k contracts on VC newbies, and dont like when they answer and kill one of their, got it? :P
Yea I love how SoU isn't allowed to attack VCs. Hope CoU isn't heading this way
This wasn't random.
I was going to kill some VC one day and asked Juggalo if he wanted in, he told me that the only way he was allowed to kill a VC is if they had more then a 3000 gold contract....
Ugh! .. Didn't expect to see Leto in some random kill like this.
Naw, they didn't have their 'landlegs' and got disoriented so far from the sea.
I like the one when he kills Delgaur and solos soltan better... :p
Don't be too sad Woody.
legend avaar
Avaar suicided at 23:24 04/19/02
Avaar the dunedain Orc-target (Impartial)
Departed from Arda Gender: male
Age: 1m 6s
Info: .
Awwww. Now I am sad.
what lvl is filil, like 12? you used 2 people on him? you attack in edoras and dont rap four times beforehand? nice job
I find this log to be extremely ironic. You've said over and over how you find it unfair that your guildmates are killed because they happen to be in the same guild as you. You've even reprimanded me for killing one of your guildmates for a contract. Isn't it funny that you just did the exact same thing? You attempt Filil for his contract, then kill Dread because he's a member of a guild you're upset with. At least he wasn't idle.
legend quam
There are no legends about anyone of that name.
Go away.
I hope you took that head back to GH!