Orlandu and Talan

Posted by
Bashgeroy [legacy]
20 April 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Sometimes you expect things to happen in a certain way...then life changes the situation.Living a sucky life makes one a cocky bastard, just like life.Well, the situation was not as it had been planned..Roxette rock, yay, I managed to post it:)


  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    26 April 2002 19:14:59

    Oh, and Talan has no room to talk. Last time I saw him on alone with no allies to help him set up traps for him, he sat in his guildhall doing finds for over 3 hours.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    26 April 2002 15:04:44

    No no, guys, you don't get it.Talan was expecting only me and Brahm.Then..oh well, there were other things to consider, it got messed..daaammnn!

    Yeah, that's how things work, that's how life fucks you.That's what I mean by the title of the log.I've been fighting this bitch (life, i mean RL as well) too long a time and now I know him too well..I've become like him.I'll fuck you just like life does.That's what happened to Talan.He wasn't expecting all of us.Not the guy's fault, he did well.But life will always find a way to fuck you.It will always find a way to spoil even the best plan.Things change.

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    24 April 2002 01:56:59

    Hmm... I don't see what's so much the trouble here... Talan miscalculated my thiefyness and messed something up... No big deal, we do it all the time. And Balinul stays in his guild a lot... Where's the problem there? He doesn't want to get killed? So what? Just kill other people outside of their guild that are willing to take the risk. You can't blame him for not being willing to leave.


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    23 April 2002 18:20:39

    I like how the past 50 posts are Talan and Balinul rambling on... Oh and BkD is not a pk guild anymore. If they were they, 1.wouldn't be the dumb bunch of newbies atm, 2. I'd prolly still be in em, 3. Would still be BkD and FRA runnin around killin shit for the hell of it

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    23 April 2002 18:07:57

    I hardly belive you are qualified to talk about my intentions, reasons or thoughts ... and to be honest I really don't care one bit what you think, belive or say. Psst!

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    23 April 2002 18:02:10

    You didnt go inactive, you did the same thing your bitch ass always does after one of your chars gets threatened. Before this war you were running around arda as usual, going to mordor and whatnot. After it started, you still logged on for a good amount of time, but never left your guildhall

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    23 April 2002 14:12:39

    Nice, messed up my post! :)

    Anyways, true, I haven't left my guild very much the last year or so... In fact I haven't really actively played alot the last year or so, is that hard for you to understand?

    However, even though I considered myself inactive before you decided to boost your ego by bashing up a non-pk guild, I still participated in a few PKs on some Udungul.

    That didn't really mean I went very active though :)

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    23 April 2002 14:10:21

    Yep Talan

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    23 April 2002 14:10:21

    Yep Talan

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    23 April 2002 05:46:33

    Balinul: if you NEVER LEAVE YOUR GUILD, you have no right to speak about how anyone else who DID leave their guild fucked up.


  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    22 April 2002 22:32:41

    Uhm Talan, what are you talking about?

    Are you trying to say, that I have no room to talk here because you would like to see me 'miscalculate'?

    I really fail to see how your desires influences my rights to use this site.


  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    22 April 2002 21:40:22

    Furthermore, i'd like to see you 'miscalculate' by leaving your guild when ANY udungul assassin is on. You really have no room to speak here.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    22 April 2002 21:38:36

    No, i admit it.

    I didnt think that far ahead. I knew the room would lock some of them out, and that was good enough for me. I didnt realize that Fimbu would be able to/want to pick the door. Remember that this all happened in about 15 seconds. If you think you could have figured all that out in fifteen seconds, your really overestimating yourself.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    22 April 2002 20:16:26

    Heh, youre a funny little twit Talan. Either of these two things must have happened:

    A) As Brahm claims, you did in fact not have eaglesight while passing Rammas, thus only expecting Brahm and Bashgeroy.

    B) You did have eaglesight on while passing Rammas, thus having good reason to expect 4 man in the group. Yet you decided to continue with the plan, getting yourself and Orlandu killed.

    Option A is a reasonable explanation. Its fair game to be surprised, and not knowing everything your enemy is up to. However, you just said this was a lie, thus it cannot be how things happened, right?

    (<sarcasm>Everyone knows Talan only talks the truth</sarcasm>)

    Ok, so option B is the only viable option left. So, Talan sets up a trap where he puts the odds 4 vs. 2 ... where hes on the losing side.

    That sounds pretty dumb right?

    Well, there may have been an explanation to this. He may have calculated with the special entering rules for the room he used. However, having just seen Fimbu - a well known thief - in the party that was about to kill Orlandu, he must also have known those rules were of little effect in this situation.


    Talan screwed up, and has a hard time admitting it.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    22 April 2002 20:08:46

    I don't know, I know talan, studied him throughout the years, and well, he would of did it:) I hate him just as much as anyone else, but I respect him more than anyone else. After watching. Anways hewould of tried to pull it of solo if he was a warrior. So yah he would of still tried.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    22 April 2002 18:39:49

    Yeah..you're just lying now...I refuse to lower myself to talking to you.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    22 April 2002 18:27:50

    Bullshit Talan, this is why I ignore YOU on the mud. You're twisting shit around and lying like a bitch as usual. You thought it was just me and Bash, or there was no way you would have tried to pull that shit. You werent eaglesighted when you passed us at Rammas or you would have called it off and Orlandu would have just rented a room.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    22 April 2002 15:59:20


  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    22 April 2002 08:20:39

    Talan is lying! He only thought he was trapping 2 people!

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    22 April 2002 08:14:37

    Please do not draw me into your stupid arguments.

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    22 April 2002 06:36:32

    Yeah..thats why i tried to trap 4 people with only 2...*scratch* riiiight brahm. This is why I ignore you on the mud.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    22 April 2002 05:42:43

    Yeah, Talan's got no balls. Always hiding behind 4 people with 2 phials, or in his guildhall.

  • Author
    Juggalo [legacy]
    22 April 2002 04:22:35

    Hmm, maybe similar to the bug where Ultilh got those what, 3 pierce through the chest hits with ice staff that did no damage?

    Just a thought.

  • Author
    Newcomer [legacy]
    22 April 2002 04:14:57

    Err... someone explain what does 'peanut gallery' means? I found it rather funny and if I am right, I am ready for some strings of comments about this ;)


  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    22 April 2002 03:55:48


    Dont ask why.

    Where is Ailin? I said Ailin has no balls, not you Vallejo. Ailin needs to respond to this comment, not some peanut gallery sittin spectator.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    22 April 2002 02:03:42

    Hmm, why does he have no balls for killing you? And what logic is it that would make you think it's a good thing for him to let half of his party die?

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    22 April 2002 01:13:16

    Uh, yeah, i know. I'm not an idiot. Thanks for assuming otherwise tho :P. I was just talking about the fact that Ailin has no balls, and should have stayed outside while we killed the stupid half of his party.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    22 April 2002 01:11:54

    *boggles at what Wasach said*

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    22 April 2002 00:59:21

    Bah, Barren already said it.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    22 April 2002 00:56:38

    Read this kind of late...But Talan, you don't need to wield a staff to cast with it, and if he don't wield it you can't disarm it.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    21 April 2002 22:20:49

    why is that Ailin?

    I don't have esp and never had a problem with Orlandu, ever. He's a good friend and I've never seen him leave a friend to save his ass or backstab a friend either. Just why is what I said insulting to talan of all people?

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    21 April 2002 21:49:57

    Wasaach, I believe that is the most insulting thing you could have ever said about Talan

  • Author
    Roku [legacy]
    21 April 2002 15:11:34

    As much as Bashgeroy sucks and I love reading his deaths, I gotta say, nice work

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    21 April 2002 14:33:30

    *grumble grumble*

    Nice battle, nice log...

    Next time can't you guys get led into a trap and just kill Talan. Orlandu's to cool to be killed with Talan.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    21 April 2002 07:09:08

    Yeah, either that or he was being shielded and the twist actually did break his concentration.

  • Author
    Vallejo [legacy]
    21 April 2002 05:54:32

    Bug abuse, Adunazon, bug abuse. That's all us FRA scum are good for besides MP'ing and character sharing. Go ahead and say it, I know that's what you're dying to say.

  • Author
    Adunazon [legacy]
    21 April 2002 05:01:16

    How the hell did Ailin keep his conc through 2 bites and a twist? Interesting.

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    21 April 2002 03:59:12

    Just for the record Talan. Even if disarming did stop a wizards casting, all he would have to do is not wield it again :P. Then he would cast all day long ;)

  • Author
    Denezar [legacy]
    21 April 2002 02:28:07


  • Author
    Mitch [legacy]
    21 April 2002 00:02:01

    Nice log. Really good fight as well. Props to Bashgeroy (what level are you now? hehe) and all the other fools who fought as well. Orly and Talan, that was hard shit to defend against, Good job.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    20 April 2002 23:55:26

    Hehe, Fimbu rocked:)

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    20 April 2002 23:50:58

    Heh. I didn't want to kill Talan either. Oh well.

    When Orlandu led Bashgeroy and Brahm into the trap, the door locked before Ailin and I followed them. I picked it to get in... Not sure how Ailin got in. My perspective on this log is kinda nifty... If anyone wants it mail me.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    20 April 2002 23:44:40

    Nah, we woulda killed them!

  • Author
    Manthalion [legacy]
    20 April 2002 23:44:24

    I think this was the coolest log I've read in ages. Props to ALL the people involved in it! A true log-Oscar, if you as me.

  • Author
    Brahm [legacy]
    20 April 2002 23:27:23

    Orlandu, a lot of BKD could probably say if you and other non-udungul werent there, they would have survived too. ;)

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    20 April 2002 23:04:21

    Look how many times Talan bit Ailin.

    A true demonstration of MC fighting skills if you ask me!

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    20 April 2002 23:03:45

    Orlandu, remove this report, it's gay.

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    20 April 2002 22:49:59

    I'm not mad :(

  • Author
    Ailin [legacy]
    20 April 2002 22:49:40

    Yeah, that was fun :P I've always enjoyed killing Orlandu, too bad Talan had to try to trap us though, I didn't want him dead!

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    20 April 2002 22:48:27

    That's what I mean by the log's description.If..if..if..life will always fuck you, friend.Just don't be mad at life, he isn't perfect either..

  • Author
    Orlandu [legacy]
    20 April 2002 22:46:13

    3rd time is a charm, eh Bashgeroy?

    If either fimbu or ailin weren't there, y'all woulda been dead.

    It was a good fight though and I had fun :)

  • Author
    Talan [legacy]
    20 April 2002 22:44:04

    Fucking Ailin. I hate you. Cant fucking stop a wizard from casting by disarming them otherwise you'd all have died :P