Oslo has the courage to actually do stuff when I'm on, even if I was idle in the bar for the 10-20 minutes prior to this *whistle*.
nice pk Brahm
why did you alias the letter s though? *boggle*
Not to take anything away from Brahm's skill, but it WAS Oslo after all.
Wow!!!! That's one of the coolest logs I've ever seen:)
Impressive. Not much else to say really...
Nice pk. That one showed great timing and patience. The title wasn't as cool as mine was though =).
Nice kill Brahm!
Leave me outta this Brahm! All I wanted was your Phial!
Bah, thats how they're spelled in that place by bywater. :P
Brahm, you twit, learn how to spell sheriff. Or I'm going to stop talking to you. *scoff*