Wombat , I think you were talking about this log... Rappa is my best friend in RL.
Ar-Aval?iyada was here!!
'Nothing happened though...'
Thats correct Manner, that is excactly what happens on T2T... nothing!
Except the guild_alliance system, no changes visible of major propertions has been implemented in a long time.
Now, its fair enough that the Ainu doesn't want to change the game, except (!) that Melkor ages ago talked about his vision of ArdaV2, thus making us all wait for them.
However, Valinor is as divided on the question about that kind of changes as we the players are... this thread is a very good example of how divided the players are.
So my guess is, that nothing will happen at all, not one bit! :)
I never intended to say or mean that assassins do not deserve legends, Serex. I might be one of the few people who is not complaining about how new changes must be implemented. I really think the game as it is now is near to perfection and no addition or alteration should be introduced. There is one idea however, that i liked which was proposed by melkor a long while ago. He said he is thinking of making the assassin proffession disappear and be only to 25 elite players. In order to become one, you have to kill one of those assassins. And in the process he said he would spread the assassination skills among the other proffessions like Stalking to Rangers, disguise to wizards and thieves, deception to thieves and warriors. And assassination as a common skill. I dont remember if this is the right order but this is what i remember, and i thought to myself it was a nice idea. Nothing happened though...*shrug*
Serex, it is amazing how everyone is an impartial assassin who kills everyone for money and dont care about align.
Everyone is like, very few are different.
So an assassin who player kills people isn't roleplaying? Then what the fuck is it?
Mad? nah, friends voting against me? *laughs I guess so, but it really doesn't matter cause I know how it was, and now im just bying time.
Still mad you didnt got a legend baklen? :P
No its not the sad fucken truth. The majority of people who got legends for pkilling were devon and fjant. I'm talken the last couple of years. The last rp f uckers who got legends, werewhat wally, orlando, wildchild, trillium, a bunch of fucken NO BRAINERS, well I likeOrlando, but the rest could suck dick for all I care, the mcouncil shouldn't be the one to decide legends.
*puffs* done.
Balinul, flagging the game will defnintly create more problems and restriction that is really needed. I have tried a flagged mud before and i got to say it sucks a lot from the excitment of the game. However, there is no other obviouse solution to the problems you pointed out and would much rather see the mud wait for a better solution than using the flag system. And lets face one fact, most of the guys that do get legends and are remembered are people who PK madly. Thats the sad truth...
You're a clever man Manner, you seems to understand what I am saying :)
I don't actually hate PK though, god knows Ive taken part of PK throughout most my time on that mud. I think PK is fine and should be a part of the game.
However, I do not belive the Administration has managed in any way to deal with the problems PK causes. And in the last year, especially with the political outcome of Arda's biggest war, the FRA/Meg war, things has changed for a worse.
And the result is, as Ive said numerous times before: Griefing, harassment, cheating, multiplaying, etc.
My arguments is not a result of the current BKD/Udungul war, hell those arguments started long before that war. However, that war just so clearly shows the problem Im trying to raise.
Personally I don't belive a 'PK flag' is the optional solution. However, I belive it is the easiest to implement that yields the greatest result.
Camillus, in all seriousness isnt the number of kill logs posted here enough to illustrate clearly what Balinul is saying? I mean we atleast have 20 kill logs posted per boot if not more, and they are rarely all the kills that actually happen during the boot. Is this game turning like Quake? Come on, this game has far much enjoyable features than typing hunt joe and backstab/streak/headbutt/kill joe! A lot of the people around here including myself, enjoy RPing proffessionlly with other guild such as KoDA and Amruins, and also making gold with weapons of our choice like whip. Occasionally someone would try to attack you to acquire your EQ even though you havent done anything against him. This brings in the PK aspect of the game that from what I see Balinul hates (Not sure Balinul if this is how you see it, just saying my opinion). However, i think flaging the game will limit the game a lot and make it far much less exciting. In my opinion the ability to pk whoever you want is a great feature to this game and remain only a feature not the dominating aspect. I have spoken to people like Bashgeroy who actually gts his blood pumping from typing kill someone, i think thats too much and should have some work on that.
In Balinul's defense however, i do believe that Udungul are taking RP+PK too far. I do not mean to disrpect them or anything, but truely I believe they enjoy pk'ing BkD more than they should and i think it blinds them from RP. Mordor is a protected land, and is lawless. However, i believe that a warning should be given before hunting the pray so it doesnt look like an attempt for a free-kill. We all know what we would do if we saw an amruin hunt us in edoras. We will either report or gangbang him leading to a-so-called 'RP war'
Ah, striking in RP combat. I love that. Steal some of your oponents HP when yours gets low :-p *pokes Irun*
Wow, a pearl of wisdom from Baklen, who woulda thought :P
Aye tis be true,
I hope to see more of your ignorant knowledge of Dwarves and the Tolkien world too Talan. Works both way I guess
Well, i take that back, Josi just reported Edelidan for striking him in erebor.
Probably see a few more logs of Josi's pathetic huntbreaking skills surfacing on the log archive in the next few days
2 in CU yes
4 outside (Grum, Spartan(2x), Edelidan)
Hmms, if you don't want to fucken have people die in yoru guild. THEN DONT DO STUPID ASS SHIT, stop whining like a bunch of bitches, if you dont want to mud cause its like quake, then fucken leave. But you wont, cause you actually do like the game. Second dying happens and it happens alot. Its balance. So who the fuck cares. Go rp, if someone doesn't want to rp with you then fuckem. Don't expect people to benice. Do your thing, and you will have your fun.
Josi CHOSE to enter mordor and kill our npcs. Therefore he died 2 out of the 3 times we killed him. (i think)
he hasnt been in mordor, and now hes level 19 again because we dont attack him outside mordor at all any more.
About the war; if you dislike it so much, then go to your GM, be it Talan or Nurgamazur, and tell them that it is not accomplishing anything.
I have really heard a ton about this becomming a Quake like game, but I have never seen it. For one, how would people die in mainland arda if there were no PK? Not by NPC's... that is just a rare occurance of lag, disc, or rare mistakes. Just imagine how many level 20's and above there would be if there were no PK, or severe limitations to it. Even now, when people say that PKing goes on too much, they are just refering to specific examples, which anyone can do to try and prove a point. (I.E. Spartan tricks and harms newbies, so all of his friends must be evil, people that do the same thing.) I am friends with Spartan, I'll be damned if anyone says that I've ever done something like that.
Oh yeah, and look at people like Ansel... a good, nice, hardworking citizen of Arda who has more gold than anyone has probably ever had in the game. Nobody runs around and tries to PK him, and as far as I have seen before I hiberntated, he hasn't died(unless things have changed). The moral of my defunct story is, 'Nice guys don't finish last, and PKing depends lots of times on how you speak and act towards other people'. I.E. Not flaming every single person that comments or uses their oppinion.
That was what I was thinking :P
Talan wrote:
'2. EVEN if you DO join a guild at war, if you play a 'peaceful' char, you wont be attacked nearly as much as the 'pking' types of players, brahm, relg, azmar for example.'
Yes, that is obviously why Josi who as far as I know never has participated in PK's has been killed 6 times in a 14 days period.
Good argument Talan!
I agree *grumble* with some of what Talan said, he does act very IC in the mud. I don't see it so much from his Guildmates but whatever.
As we have seen in the past though, being a 'peacefull' member of a Guild is no immunity to pK's nor does it lessen the liklihood of your getting pK...this goes back to comments by Tarn on other logs.
RP is not confined solely to combat either, RP is more how you specifically play the MUD in regards to it's theme. Concerning the treaty, there wasn't muc of anything RP about that treaty either. If I remember what I was told, it was to prevent Guilds from being full of level 5 players because we kept killing each other.
Balinul is absolutely correct, you can not ignore pK in this game and that is a shame. Because there are people that do not want to involved in pK but are forced into. Yes, this MUD is becoming more and more like QUAKE.txt and no that isn't a game I want to spend my time playing either.
Just some thoughts reading over these last comments...
1. You dont HAVE to join a guild thats at war. If you want to be at peace, dont join a guild thats thematically at war.
2. EVEN if you DO join a guild at war, if you play a 'peaceful' char, you wont be attacked nearly as much as the 'pking' types of players, brahm, relg, azmar for example.
3. The Udungul has a lot more RP than just pk. We act in character, and do engage in 'normal' rp combat whenever we go to another guild's town. (edoras, Dol amroth, Thranduils)
Not on this MUD, Baklen. Here, RP is defined as the measure of how well you follow an archaic and wholely unthematic treaty in order to prevent everyone from dying.
Some peopel should be banned from here, really :P
Man someone fucken define rp for us all.
I a little uneducated, isn't being something that you are not , roleplaying?
Okay, who's about ready for Avaar to shut the fuck and go away besides me?
Why dont we make this simpler and have 3 categories of stuff. RP combat, RP/PK combat, and straight pk.
Rp combat: The stuff Amruin does when you go and attack a soldier. You dont have to perciptate in stuff like this, either report em or so go away, I'm making money not roleplaying
Rp/PK combat: A thematic war envolving pk. You cant avoid this. Its like the BkD and Udungul war
PK: Fulfilling contracts, making lv 20 people level 19 for the hell of it. etc
Cause its sure getting confusing defining shit.
Manner, you hit it right on!
'If you guys do not enjoy that, do not RP with them.'
If that was possible, Id certainly do that. Its not however. Sure, I can avoid the SoU/Amruin kinda fights, but I cannot just say: 'I do not wish to participate in Udunguls RP of running around in 5 man groups gangbanging whatever they can!' ... And now the funny thing as well... Since Udungul started this... BKD has not participated in any suchs events... infact BKD has only been forced to do just excactly what Udungul does... Gangbang in huge parties.
Lets try to rephrase it slightly:
'If you guys do not enjoy that, do not PK with them.'
I don't have that option either!
So what it boils down to is, that you have the option to RP... But you do not have the option to PK. ... That is the option I want the players to have.
And that means Avaar, that you can screw yourself, because I know what most of my friends on the mud are playing for, and Ive been there myself... However, Im not of that perception anymore, but I certainly do respect their wish to play the game how they want it done, and I do belive they should play the game they want.
But they shouldn't force me to play the game how they want to!
Are you clever enough to understand that Avaar?
I agree with Manni. Drink more beer and smoke more weed. And then go pk some people
the mud and pk is all talan's fault
i mean he does have 23423 pks, i dont even think anybody else pks on this mud except for talan since the pk game favors sheriff's so much
balinul, grow up, like 75 percent of your friends play this game merely to pk
RP RP RP RP RP... If this is really what we are forced to read after each comment thread that goes over 50? I mean this log is an ancient one that has nothing to do with RP. Every guild has its own role playing mechanism and set of rules, you have no right to force anyone to obide by your rules. True, you can start killing them of to try and drive your own ideas in but that rarely ever succeeds. For some reason the past few days, EVERY moral guild has been taking a shot of the hammer on SoU and Udungul's RPing methods. They say we loot corpses, they say we fireball at ND, blah blah blah...
If you do not like the way we RP do try and avoid RP'ing with us. If you come to Balforth don't expect us to let you live. We will bandage when you bleed, we will stop using specials when you are Dlsg or lower, but as much as we could possibly do, we only succeed in 'trying' to follow the set of rules we had written in our 'only' treaty that as i can see ATM with amruins and maybe VC.
Udungul may have their own 'freak' idea of RP that involves more pk into it. If you guys do not enjoy that, do not RP with them. Do not kill in mordor, avoid going to mordor in the first place if you do not want to be killed. It is lawless after all. There is no reason for you to be in mordor if you see Udunugl or even SoU on knowing there might be a chance for them to attack you or even kill you.
Balinul, I have been hearing you talk about how this game is turning into a pk'ing one since like 2 months ago. I understand your point and somewhat agree with it. But you have to realise that this game cannot be controlled by one mind and it will never be, if someone doesnt want to do it your way, it doesnt mean he is wrong. He is just different. Sorry for the long comment, probably the longest one i have ever made.
No Talan, I am not defeated argument wise. Your idea of RP is to bring it to a more realistic level. You do this by focusing on one single side of RP, namely PK, and then put it on the pedestal and say that RP War = PK.
In other circumstanses, I could very well have agreed to that philosofi. A game like DAoC (http://www.darkageofcamelot.com/) is an example of how PK is implemented to support the role of RP War in a great way.
However! T2T does NOT have the same mechanisms. There is several reasons for the lack of those mechanisms. Some is lack of design or idea by the coders, others are due to parts of the playerbase of the mud.
So the result of your idea of RP is those Ive listed numerous times before:
- Harassment
- Inactivity
- Griefing
- Less focus on other aspects of RP
- Cheating -> Nukes
So no Talan, I am not out of arguments, I am merely realizing that this mud is turning more and more into Quake.TXT by the day ... greatly helped by people like you. And as fortunate you may find that, that is not the game I wish to waste my time on.
Sad to say, in this little college town the Denny's aint that bad.
the waitresses are all hotties and are used to drunk bastards like me coming in and hitting on them.
NOOOO! Don't tell me you went to Dennys... that is just the lowest of the low. I'd rather eat the orc's slop from Sauron's toilet than eat there!
Actually, I did have a nice night...didn't get laid but that's ok because I got to watch a female friend of mine getting it on with another chick at the bar...
then me and my friend were the obnoxious drunks at Denny's after last call :)
You guys need to smoke more weed and drink more beer.
yeah where are we whining Tuareg? :)
Doh.Why would you want to be an easterling general?Are you that low?:P
Mmmmm.... shit snowballs. Sounds like you had a nice night Wasach!
Actually Paraiko, I wasn't even going to bring up that discussion in the MC room. Or were you talking about the case? Manni, I wasn't asking for anything from the MC except the setting of a standard, perhaps at first it was toned like I was but I was really pissed off at the time and there's nothing like dropping that many levels in that many days and not being allowed to do anything about it.
Would I like to see a standard set, yes, look at what happens to people like Sunflash (well, back then anyways) when he was getting beat down constantly. I think by the time they got done with me, I had 100K exp and stats that were in the 80's, hell I still burn my hands trying to pull a brand from the fire...
but that is all past and prologue. No Guild is perfect RP-wise, some Guilds try harder than others and some are more successfull at it than others. Problems arise when a Guilds members disregard agreements set by their Guilds coucil's and THAT's when shit starts to snowball.
...no comment. *wades through the thick crowd of reporters*
Actually, not one VC has even commented on this log, unless i missed someone.
Hate to say this, but I'm on Trempk's side in that Balforth corpse looting thing with Paraiko. Definatly corpse looting
Btw, one thing is you not follow the treaty your guild signed and be ok when people 'pay back'. But dont follow the treaty and complain everytime people 'pay back' it is really annoying :P
Oh funny people mentioning Trempk going faded, when Duniv used todo it himself cause he 'had a huge 4k contract' and all :P
For real, people here just want to pk anyway
Woo 70th comment!
Ye all rednecks!
I'll hold my toungue. This thread has just become too pathetic. Brahm, you might get more respect from myself and other members of the guild if you showed some in return. If you really want to gain respect for your guild, slinging insults at mine isn't the way to go. Perhaps actually speaking with one of our council members would be a better way to resolve such issues?
BKD Udungul war is real war. When we go out to invade, we go out to kill our opponents. We dont have silly arguments about bandaging your mortal enemies after they bleed. If a wizard fireballs you at 50hp, its your own damn fault for not being smart enough to leave.
And assassination is a part of that war. Instead of trying to battle a guild 4 times our size, we sent our assassins and thieves in first to even up the odds, and then sent our invasion. If you're an easterling general, thats the way you'd do it, and thats what we have done.
Balinul, i'm glad you called me a redneck, it shows you're totally defeated argument wise. I dont think you've ever started calling me names before...but...thers a first time for everything apparently.
Beer mmm...
Who wants a beer? This string of comments suck.
There the redneck was ... the destructive PK (hidden as RP) between BKD and Udungul. That was what you refered to, right Talan?
Well, i'm glad that this log of my death has yet again spurred the neverending stupid kind of arguments over RP that the BKD and Udungul will never have.
Ha ha, Paraiko's full of shit as usual. Balforth was dead before the fucker even entered the room.
Well, at least I can say I'm not a corpselooter, Adunazon. And the two times she's corpselooted me, it was her party that left the room, only to come back to loot me and leave just as quickly.
Fuck off Paraiko. I was talking about Anathema corpselooting me at least two times at Balforth, and many others as well as I've heard. Also no one gives a shit about what you think about RP, Paraiko. And if a wizard or two wants to fireball someone at average or dlsg, why the hell shouldnt I headbutt someone when they are dlsg or near death? One such as yourself shouldnt screw around with sturdy dwarves if you can't handle it. Little do you remember the day that we killed you at balforth. Your group had blatently and obviously killed Morphiend with like 6 people like 5 minutes earlier, so we fucked up you and whoever that other nobody was to get our revenge.
If you buttfuckers were half as concerned about YOUR RP as you are about other people's RP, Arda might be a halfway decent place to play in. And to Brahm, it's SoU policy that if you flee the room after you've killed Balforth or any of his assassins and not looted the corpse, we're going to reclaim his equipment. You don't want to get your shit looted, take it before you leave the room. One other thing: Fuck off.
Blah. Apply the all-or-none philosophy to anything you feel like concocting about Adunazon, too.
I assume, Brahm, that you are referring to the incident where Trempk was faded in RP combat, a clear treaty violation. For me, it's all or none. I would prefer none, but I'm required to follow all their rules until they are broken, which Trempk did. Trempk chose theme over RP combat, and I responded in kind. So, thematically, why would I let him make a profit on auctioning Blackfang and littering Alexa with crude attempts to deride us with pathetic cliche feudal jargon that makes any intelligent Ardan groan in disgust? I opted to throw it in the trash instead. Scorched earth tactics.
Regardless, any BkD lending his voice to an RP discussion is just plain silly.
Hmm, let's see. I want to both do as little work as possible in creating a persona that requires absolutely no maintenance or originality, yet still have easy access to an armoury and be able to get free kills whenever I want to by blatantly abusing RP combat rules while still maintaining the charade of being in an RP guild. I know, I'll join BkD!
Thats because you can't defend it, Duniv, because you know its true. Hell, your guildmaster is almost famous for it.
I was thinking of issuing a reply to that remark, but these discussions nearly always turn into finger pointing contests. No guild is perfect when it comes to RP. Perhaps instead of bitching about faults, people should make an effort to make a positive contribution themselves.
No no, Sou dont loot your corpse, they corpseloot from the NPCs you kill.
It really sucks to hear 'at least some in our guild abide by our RP rules' or things like that. RP is an enjoyable thing, and if a member of a guild doesn't abide by their guilds rules, what the heck are they still doing in the guild? GM's do have lots of power, they should use it no matter how good a player they have to kick out. And the last I knew VC gave back all eq and gold on accidental RP deaths. But then again, the last I knew about VC were during the days of Weston, Kikila and Arnwe as GM. I hope it hasn't changed, like how they can use any weapon instead of not being able to use evil weapons.
If your squabble was about alleged level bashing of Wasach by SoU, then it wasn't a squabble, it was Wasach bitching and moaning because he died a couple times to people of different guilds for contracts and other reasons, including accidentally. I don't particularly mind Wasach or most of the things he has done since, but that was a pathetic waste of the Mortal Council's time.
And don't mention our MC squabble, Wasach ;)
I was an uppity little bastard unused to FR diplomacy, being still enamored of the strongarm tactics of my ER and his associates. I freely admit it ;)
Rhoads, you and I were in negotiations over crises a lot, and you and I both know that neither of our guilds are anywhere close to perfect in regards to RP combat. The situation snowballed downhill pretty rapidly, despite efforts of the more diplomatic members of our guilds, like you, myself and Theodrek.
If it weren't for Dwain, I'd remark that KoDA do in fact have an excellent record, but Dwain more than makes up for the many, many admirable RP'ers in KoDA ;P
I didn't have any real dealings with VC, so I'll keep my mouth shut about them ;)
of course, Guilds agree to things like that then not all their members abide by it.
things occur without our knowing it and just because you (Manner) do it, doesn't mean that the rest of your Guild does...
I would really think it would be cool if all the Guilds agreed not to loot corpses during RP combat. It would decrease alot of the bad feelings that result when someone dies during RP combat.
I rarely saw sou bandaging really, i also remember bandaging your ex gm after all teh crap sou did to me :P damn i am dumb
Talk to Hochopepa, me and anathema killed him the other day with two fireballs, he was perfect when we both stated casting, but he died after the hits... We gave him good amount of gold + his stuff back which we didnt loot. I always have trigger to bandage in RP battles, trigger to bandage the one i am focusing on. In huge battles of course, I tend to just stay alert and ready to bandage when someone falls. It happened to Viking once, I bandaged him while two of his guildmates stood there watching him bleed for 3 rounds. And I am only talking about myself, not mentioning that I am not the best RP'ing member in the SoU.
I have only killed one person in RP combat, and that time it was the result of him not leaving the room while I got a crit and two massacres. I certainly did not take his gear. I can't speak for every instance, but no situation comes to mind where a player was killed in RP combat by SOU and did not have their gear returned.
Cool log. Thanx for posting.
OH... Try to reimburse means they return the money you have on your corpse :P
Since when? I also never heard of that Manner :P
uh, since when?
Wasach, sons always return EQ and we try to reimburse people if we make a mistake and result in actually killing them.
yeah, what kind of dumbass assassin would do that Tarn?!
hehe he said redneck :P
Oh, and I never said I really tried to roleplay my character. What kind of assassin randomly wanders around arda typing hop every 2 seconds when ever he sees someone
I was simply using the phrase 'RP combat' as the current stuff that KoDA, Amruin, and VC do (like the treaty all those guilds have). I was not including pking. PK can be in RP (as can roleplaying a psychotic blood thirsty killer), but thats not what I was talking about.
That is funny Tarn! Let us see what is wrong with your very long post:
'My RP is killing people. Tarn likes to kill people. He likes to complete contracts and get money. But he also just likes to kill people. Nice violent person.'
That is fine and jolly ... except, I don't buy that excuse anymore. Especially not when that happens to be the very same excuse used by half the mud. And, it happens to be the very same excuse used for the RP of each and every character certain players has. (I don't know if that is the case for you Tarn - I don't know your alts).
Then you say:
'RP combat is a name for something the amruin and VCs do when someone attacks their city (oh and KoDA)
(but the last time I checked people returned the persons eq when they die accidently in rp battles)'
Hmm, does this fit very well? I don't think so! :)
When was the last time durms (Or any other dedicated PK guild for that matter), returned the gear of someone they killed? Does a big part of the PK's not involve actually getting certain items? (At the least it must seem so for Sunflash).
So when someone dies in in Lothlorien due to a VC, then that VC are supposed not only abstain from hunting, but also return the equipment and try to bandage...plus be frowned upon for 'being an oppertunist' and 'bad roleplayer'.
But when a Durmanhoth roleplayes the 10th incarnation of the 'psychotic killer assassin', he should not only hunt and loot the corpse but also be cheered for his fantastic RP?
But alas, I must have missed something, I must have gotten something wrong ... at the least Im sure some whitetrash redneck will tell me soon.
Or perhaps this is just a game where constructive RP are dying to the benefit of destructive PK (hidden as RP).
So if guilds return eq from corpses of people that have been accidently killed sometimes is it ok if I sometimes hunt in rp combat?
I thought only the Knights returned eq if you died during RP combat with them...
not that I don't get a kick out of other Guilds whining about not getting their eq back when they strip an RP-caused corpse quicker than Tarn'll get drunk and hump a lamppole in Europe...
Why didnt Alder just get 5 other people together with the best uniques in the game and bang you Nogothrim?
Stay outta Sweden!
RP combat is a name for something the amruin and VCs do when someone attacks their city (oh and KoDA)
My RP is killing people. Tarn likes to kill people. He likes to complete contracts and get money. But he also just likes to kill people. Nice violent person.
Oh and what happened. I attacked the elven baker in caras (the one you buy pastys from)
Woden enters. Woden says: Leave
Then Woden attacks me. So I'm like cool, lets do some quick rp battle, I'll run away in a sec or 2 cause Khralek attempted me earlier and I was still in combat with him.
I get hit my a major lag. Prolly from my service. I go from 185 hp to dead and by the tents (after I noticed I lagged out I quickly typed some dirs as to run to my rented tent)
Woden just sorta stayed their rping with me. I didn't drink from the flask I had in my pack (make that 2 flasks) or the phial I had in my hands. I just sorta died.
Also as Woden's lovely log showed, he tried to headbutt me while I was nd (dont have to much of a problem with that, other than the fact he knew I wasn't doing anything and clearly was having connection problems)
Also, he just killed me, no attempt to bandage or anything.
Then, after I revived and returned to get my eq (yea, the dying sucked, but it wasn't the end of the world) (but the last time I checked people returned the persons eq when they die accidently in rp battles)
Khralek is there. He hunts me (we are still in combat) and beats the shit outta me, almost killing me.
I recovered a hauberk, my phial, and a shield or somethin. I ask for the rest. Woden refuses giving some excuse like we have shit eq so we are just gonna use yours
Then, rather annoyed, but at my unfortunate lag and the fact that Woden was being annoying, I got finds on all the VCs on. Keller was the only one out so I went off and killed him
Then, still not happy, I got a find on all the amruin on. Theodrek only one out. Killed Theodrek.
At this point I realise I will be 1. broke after I pay the fines and relevel, 2. have an even worse reccord (I could attempt some people, but without the funds, not much fun (and I hate just making gold)), 3. Pissed and wanted to do something drastic and exciting
Oh, also I'm graduating in 6 weeks and going to europe for a month so my amount of playing would become less and less anyway.
Basically, thats the entire situation just incase anyone was interested.
But dont worry folks, I'm still around.... :p
Ooh! Tarn bandages when RPing! Or wait... Tarn doesn't RP like that. His RP is to kill people that has contract... How could that match? Please enlighten me. I feel so utterly stupid.
Them explain to us what happened :P
I dont kill idle people. I bandage idle people. And I dont kill people in rp combat, especially if they are idle
Bah, you guys don't care if you kill someone who is idle, them what is the problem? If he killed you while idle, you proly deserved :P
Thats just wrong Woden
FDL. Why'd you remove the logs Woden of you idle killing people. There was starting to be some funny comments.
Bkd/ARDA vs Durmanhoth rather.
Shit, it makes my day:) *laughs
I could of sworn Alder was around with the Second BKD/ARDA War.
Doh, cool log.
Nag, nag, nag. Shut up.
hahah i guess that means you have a higher IQ than me....hahah nice work talan!!!
Sorry it just threw me off when you said you had his Contract..gues i'm an idiot. You see when i was a durmie still only durmie assassins could take contracts. You have 2 and 1/2 years on me superstar.
Alder was a Durmanhoth warrior. I can see that sometimes someone of your IQ has a hard time understanding even the simplest of facts, so I hope this explanation is simple enough for you.
I attacked alder at least 10 times and every time he would go for a locked room or try to get me to follow him into the lvl 10 barrel quest so he could fight me...Its truly hilarious to me that the entire time i was enemies with him he had the ability to attack and hunt me. I was one of his enemies and he didnt even try to kill me once. Truly the most pathetic assassin in t2t history...haha hilarious to me.
Hehehe, everyone makes mistakes. Hey! Are you mocking logic now!
I hate this place because i'm only retarded enough to post here when i am hammered out of my mind...which makes me look like a fucking idiot to all you superstars when i make stupid mistakes in my posts...
There is nothing wrong with gathering tons of healing and good eq to lock people up with. Thats great. I think people like alder like to pk this way because when you are being attacked and being hunted, you are in control. When you are an assassin, you have no real idea what room your prey is going to. You just have guesses. I believe alder, and all his chars, are completely awful assassins. He does not like to have all the variables to deal with. That is why i think alder is a pathetic assassin and why he should never have become one, if he ever did. What pisses me off is when people like you who have no fucking clue about what was going on back then...use obvious logic like, Well how can you know everything in the world nogothrim, to protect your pals...I stand by it all..
No, I don't know a single thing about Alder, and I was playing at the time, but was a newbie and never heard of him, but I did not say or pretend like I did. The thing that annoys me the most is when people (not just you Nogo) make blanket statements about people that they couldn't possibly have known everything about, unless you played at the exact same time as the other person, and was in a continuous party with them. I am sure you had a char that was around at that time, but I don't care because Alts don't concern me and I don't like to hear about who is playing what char. When someone says, 'They guy never even attempted to solo anyone in his life' it is just annoying cause it is usually an attempt to mock someone or try to gather people against the person criticized. If people are dumb enough, or unlucky enought to get locked up with someone with crazy EQ and vials, then hey, what is wrong with that?
Aldur wasn't an assassin, Aldur was a durm :P
maybe he turned assassin for a week or something...*shrug*
So i'll say pussiest assassin in T2T history for the week he was an assassin.
You are right camillus. I really have no idea...hell i never even played when the char alder was around. But obviously you know he solo'd tons of people or you wouldnt be being so sarcastic. So camillus since you know so much about alder...tell me someone he solo'd using hunt and backstab instead of his usual, Get 4 flasks and awesome eq and wait to lock up someone. Thats great and all...but i just dont see why you need assassin primary skills to do it...yeah i'm pretty sure alder wasnt an assassin
Obviously you know Nogothrim, cause you were around him at all times, and were actually his best friend. Maybe every time someone attempts someone solo they should tell you so you don't presume things.
Ummm wasnt alder a warrior? How the fuck could Alder have Kazin's contract. If alder was an assassin he gets my vote for the pussiest assassin in T2T history. They guy never even attempted to solo anyone in his life.
This is like the eight billionth time this has been posted by the way.
yeah...That was perhaps the stupidest thing i've ever done while pking. I had a full flask in my pack, but i wasnt paying attention to my hp. :(
I had Kazin's 10k contract too...*grumble*
Ha ha ha, that's a fun one. In case anyone was wondering just how dumb I am, the answer is 'very.' I was disguised moral for something before that little episode, and I forgot to disguise off. We ran in, and Alder + Orc commander + Orc leader started tearing into me. Rappa also didn't get my favorite line of the log:
(ghost of) Alder says: at least I killed rappa, whoever that is