To see why I suicided, read my log post under that pk of alder. I did not solo very much. The vast majority of my kills with with me and another person. Also, I got a mac so I cant post logs so I really dont post to many. Yea, when we killed Wind it was prety much a solo cause I lost you real quick and I backstabbed right after I lost ya. But he died anyway so it was all good
I know one of his solos (I kinda observed it lets say;) )He and I were in a party and i just fuckin' fell off the party after backstabbing and hittin 3 times.This can be considered solo I think.Maybe not.Who cares.Anyway I attemted my first moral high level with him..Byez man.....
My apologies then, I heard you were going apeshit then heard you had suicided...
Perhaps you have solo'd many people but I haven't seen the logs here (not that that means anything) so were they all lowbie/newbie kills?
Yeah right... he has 10k fines for murder and i am the most skilled killer in arda :P
Well, hell, why'd you suicide?
I killed two people. Hell of a rampage. And I've soloed many people. And I'll restate for the millionth time, solos are cool, but I dont really care so long the person is dead
Yeah, passed up some nice huntbreaks. Lucky for people that KoDA isn't a pK Guild or you'd all be hurting. There are huntbreaks, but there is distance between most of them and the one's in DA castle require some 'work' to get to them.
It was a nice pK, can't believe Tarn solo'd somone, guess I can't really make fun of him for that anymore...except that it was Theo...
Anyways, that kind of crap where you go on a rampage then suicide is bullshit and I hope you get hardbanned for it. Irregardless of who you are, shit like that ain't cool and you shouldn't be allowed back (but that's just my opinion).
Oh...ONLY 8-10K. :\ Which would have releveled me right there. You bastard. :P
Blah, you'd have only gotten 8-10k... :p
*grunt* God damn that sucks.
You didn't get any reimbursements cause I suicided before I bothered to pay the fine
Ooo. Hey, it's Tarn, man of the hour! ;) Hey, all joking aside, good PK. Damn crit.
Bah. Well, Vallejo. Can you really explain how he got away with not paying any fines? Or how he got away with me not getting any reimbursements? That's what I'd like to hear.
Oh its just my mad skillz Tuareg. Or is it my l33t skillz?
HP:210 EP:2 Rhoads says: well wont worth
I heard you, Rhoads. I just didn't understand what you said/meant. :P
Tuareg you stupid fucking newbie, that was a crit from the Black Sword, dumb shit.
Always amazing to see Tarn solo killing people who are newbies on PK and stuff :P
HP:210 EP:2 Rhoads says: well wont worth
-> Them again Theodrek, you never hear me :P
I'd better not comment.
*agrees with Lanka* For all the times to get a crit, he had to pick the time that I'm almost home. ;)
Damn man...gotta hate the 55 damage on that last hit :/
Bravo Tarn.
Yeah, I couldn't rent the room, I found out. And when I went to claim the reimbursements...I didn't get anything from Tarn at-all. The 64 gold was the reward for chasing Darksword for about 5 minutes when she was wanted in Druwaith Iaur. So, Tarn...I don't know HOW you did that, but kudos. you really fucked me over. ;)
64 gold? unless 'partially' means like 3%, bug abuse.
You passed 6hbs that I counted :)
There was light..
So im not sure if you could of rented a room or
And as I was cutting out the part of the log where I was a ghost, I noticed that I literally passed up a hunt break - the inn room. Good god. ;) That was just so shitty, right there alone.