Time for Porkie to sit at the table with the big boys!
Porkie enters the game very swiftly it seems...Anyway nicely done lad.really.I liked it.hope you don't get contracted for this ;)
I think it was a nice steal... and a wounderful 4 gold cover! Very nicely done. I just stole from newbies at random when I was a thief =P (I will never do it again) Although most of them had higher awareness than I had when I was level 18... *mutter*
coming out of what? the closet?
erm, thieving from people at trainers isn't really big time thieving...but I'm not even close to a big leaguer so don't listen to me...
and people think coolioman was a dumb name...
got pork? :)
Ah, ok then ;)
See, Brahm, that's the kind of comment I already know and didn't need. I know I'm no big shakes. Just trying to join the party. :)
Okay, so lots of people have done this before me, and most of them have done it better. Don't make comments like that, please, and ruin my big coming out party!