hrm, this shows my extreme lack of skills and stuff. shadowhand corpselooted my stuff :/ im level 16, he was like, level 8. my fine was 2700 :(
Hehs, I like the title inside the log 'low level corpse robbed me'... Damn! Bites when a corpse robbs you.. special when its a low level corpse!
I think it was a cool kill. My first kill was... awful compared to this.
By: Trigger
i forgot to turn that trigger off :P i'm still working with trigs and stuff :/
Do I even have to point out the irony of this?
Avaar, what the hell is wrong with you? Has your account been transfered to Terius or something? Yeah, the log wasn't good, but hey, he's just learning.
i forgot to turn that trigger off :P i'm still working with trigs and stuff :/
Avaar, shutup. But ya, this log was kinda...well, sucky. That spam from you trying to fade every 3 lines was really annoying :p good work though
what the fuck is this? this log makes me want to beat the fuck out of you, you need your nuts ripped off and shoved up your mother fucking ass never post anything again or ill rape your mother and make you watch it while your dad mollests you