Gates defense

Posted by
Talan [legacy]
04 April 2002 00:00:00
Player Kill

Talan fumbles around trying to counter Rimsilval's archmages while Spomenko, a powerful spellcaster, finds more success. The PoM inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy as they broke through the gates, but the gates were lost nonetheless.


  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    08 April 2002 19:14:02

    Moral of the story is, evil is richer.

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    07 April 2002 11:20:03

    Bash...shut the fuck up...pacifists my fucking arse. It's all very well you sitting there at your computer screen, scrolling down a log at your own leasurely pace. But when you have the actual situation, it's as least as spammy as a PK. You know, someone MIGHT have got a lightning on Talan. I might have, if I didn't see this EVERY time I started casting a spell:

    You start casting lightnings.

    Spomenko counters your spell!

    And yeah, go rush mordor gate, you 'damn pacifist'.


  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    05 April 2002 05:02:51

    Ok, A, the room was so god damn spammy that i couldn't tell wether talan was friend or foe and assumed cause he had mels that hits lots of things he was friend. So what if i don't notice what guild everyone is in and i protect him it didn't hurt the attack on the gates. celestian sorry you hit yourself with lightning when all was dead:( arg. And gazza next time if there is one... drink flask:( Sorry guys. I won't bother partying with people anymore cause i suck i guess.

  • Author
    Leod [legacy]
    05 April 2002 01:19:12

    Hush, Westar.Btw, you need time too.They ain't always reset either.

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    04 April 2002 23:54:03

    Yeah, no guards at the gates...AFTER their bashed down. What about when they are still up and the guard lowers a rope to you? Don't you think it is kind of stupid for a guard to lower a rope and hoist up a mass murderer?

    This whole gold thing is stupid, you guys aren't looking at it right...

    I am (or was) a Knight of Dol Amorth, based in Gondor so it should be my prime gold making area right?...WRONG

    There is only 1 place in Gondor that you can make a lot of gold solo...and it's a bitch. That new thieves hideout yields a pittance of gold compared to the strength of the npc's. No most morals have to go kill on the pelennor (which makes good gold over time IF you have a party) but the only camps that are worthwhile-gold-makers are up in northeast arda, two of which are now protected by Udungul and I was told awhile ago that SoU was trying to defend the loth warcamp.

    As for guys kill everywhere, so just admit it.

    Gondor is a lot bigger and open than people realize, if all of Mordor was coded (look at the map) then it would be but Mordor is much easier to defend than Gondor.

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    04 April 2002 23:17:16

    Can't make gold as moral? Pull yourself together... Killing stuff to get gold takes ages of time.. The key to lots of easy gold has always been freebie items and those can normaly be taken by both sides. Pull yourself together and get to work damnit! Lots of gold coins all over the place!.. at least when i was around there was. and its really not that long ago...

  • Author
    Leod [legacy]
    04 April 2002 21:36:19

    Tried it but it only works if you have connection at home and can log on whenever you want so you can find them reset.It doesn't work with 'You have from 8pm to 12pm to mud.'

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    04 April 2002 21:22:20

    Whine whine whine. Just be a thief and loot BD, MT, Loth, and Linhir and you'll never have to worry about gold ever... :p

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    04 April 2002 20:51:08

    Raqtor, are you crazy?Or you're trying to make the moral life worse?You can't make good gold as a moral.Even in Moria.

    Real gold can be made only by killing morals.Elven scouts suck too.The morals have only 4 ologs who USED TO give good gold and now they downgraded them a bit.Compared to Linhir and the honour guards this is nothing.

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    04 April 2002 20:47:41

    I meant that our guys shoulda attacked Talan earlier.Include him in the lightning bath 2 times and let him defend after this:P

  • Author
    Zoso [legacy]
    04 April 2002 19:07:09

    I'd like to know where this 'Minas Ungul' Raqtor speaks of is. Perhaps it is near the Firth of Denethor? Or Barad Dior? Or maybe the Ered Mithril.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    04 April 2002 17:07:25

    Also, if they had attacked earlier they would have been in the line of the lightning that was pouring out of 4 of them. They could have halted a few of these spells, but not all, and those bolts can jump out of nowhere and kill you in a few seconds.... if there were only 2 wizards then attacking would have been better.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    04 April 2002 17:00:08

    You guys should've attacked earlier. Even if they started to beat you guys up, you could've just left and then the gate guards would kill em

  • Author
    Bashgeroy [legacy]
    04 April 2002 16:04:26

    Wasach is completely right on this one.

    And this sucks because the people who code are like Galuf.They are not muddicts.

    Anyway, let's get back on the log.Talan seemed the only one who knew what was going on.WTF?? You had so many wizards and NOONE casted lightning on him provided that this is a lawless land???????

    Or you thought he was an innocent kid just standing there?

    Pounder shoulda headbutted the shit out of Spomenko too.

    Damn pacifists:((((((((((((((((((((((((((

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    04 April 2002 15:56:15

    Wasach, if you go around making every single city uber-RPish like that, half the MUD wouldn't be able to enter most cities.

    Forget about MT as your example...take Linhir. They give, and stamp, PERMITS to mass murderers (like me) in their city!! How stupid is that?!

    But Wasach, sectioning off large portions of the game like that because of where one kills, would go against playability. And you need to keep in mind that there needs to be a balance between RP-ability and playability.

    Mordor is DEFENDED against people who kill there.

    MT has no 'guards' defending its gate as yet, that evil people can kill to gain entrance.

    It is impossible to gain entrance to the whole city of Linhir without a permit. You can't just kill a few guards blocking your way.

    I like the current Mordor setup. It's hella interesting. Think back to how boring it was just saying 'morgai' and automatically entering.

    I think what you are trying to say, is that most of the cities are '? la ArdaV1'. But who knows what the future holds.

  • Author
    Raqtor [legacy]
    04 April 2002 13:57:40

    The RP is allready to unbalanced in this game .. tho only places an evil can make good gold is where the good guilds defend

    A good aligned player can easyli go to one of the 100 minion camps to make awesome gold without being desturbed.

    And Mordor surely should be the most guarded place .. and since Minas Ungul isn't made yet, you just cant compare like that.

  • Author
    Balinul [legacy]
    04 April 2002 13:56:05

    So next time you go rushing the gates Deadlok, I expect Talan to go try and kill you as well.

  • Author
    Deadlok [legacy]
    04 April 2002 11:42:41

    NIce job Talan. I love it. Keep them gate rushing bastards outta your lands man. I expect to see a lot more of this ;)

    Keep it up!

  • Author
    Wasach [legacy]
    04 April 2002 11:15:40

    This is a cool RP log Talan, I would have to say 'the best so far'.

    It shows a problem I find with alot of places in towers, shouldn't it be just as hard for a immoral elf who kills in MT to enter MT as it is for a Moral hobhit that kills in Mordor to enter Mordor...

    but then again, it's not like there is someone who actually cares about such things which is why my idea reports get ignored (well, the mundane bullshit one's I get a reponse after 6 months to a year RL time...which means I have forgotten all about them) but oh well ;)