Pissed off Rancor who is an old friend, or something. Originally wanted his 6.4k contract, had someone hold it for him which made me that much more disagreeable.
tell karessi find
You tell Trempk: find
Nice, very nice.
-Norin the Nameless
I tell you what I hate especially, I don't doctor my logs a whole lot, hiding my profession and changing the person who sends tells to me isn't that big of a deal. All kills are real and there is no doubt about that. When people completely alter their logs so that you can't see anything I just find that disgusting. You post logs publicly to show what you can do, so what the fuck is the point of deleting every last little detail out of it? I mean really, don't post it if you don't want your actions to be seen, just go on the tag wall and mark 'Suchandsuch killed suchandsuch at 4PM today' instead of wasting our time.
Or how about you write us a story of what took place instead of completely taking out everything you did, this is a display, you don't go to a museum to see the Mona Lisa only to get there and see that they have it boxed up so that no one can see it. Gayasses.
I've been using the poison trick for some time now so :)!
You're giving a bad name to all real wizards like me :p
I'd like to keep looking like a wizard as long as I can, so if anyone asks, I'm a wizard :P
*applauds* good kill.
For those of you who didnt 'get it' instead of replacing his sheriff's name with <sheriff dude> or <ScruffMcGruff> he got original and used my name. :)
Maybe they told Trempk that they were delivering a truck-load of fluffy bunnies to Rhoads as a special 'Good job during the last MC term' present.
Thats kinda funny cause well, Trempk and Rhoads are both amruin last time I checked.
I would have said much cooler things than that. ;) I would give some examples if I was awake.
i didn't drink it! no need :p
Paladinz...his hands wasn't full :)
The vial of poison was delivered into Rhoads' hands ;)
Was a good kill
tell trempk find
You tell Trempk: find
Trempk, you bastard! :) (you were not even on, but ok)
No one was holding my c, that is lame i told you :p
Slick move with the belladonna poison. Too bad his hands were full.