Front row seat to watch Eothalion die while killing Spansh, I love the monster backstab on Klouse that did no damage.
shut da fuck up!
Hey guys... no need to do the normal bullshit on this log. The only mistake in this whole situation was that spansh and eothalion were protecting at all when they shoudlnt' ahve been. It would have been much better off.*shrug* One problem using telnet like I do, its hard to avoid being spammed when that many people move around cause you cant' tell whats going on.
The point is this, I didn't attack your little lowbie ass, I kind've wish I did now though. Don't come into my lands at low level if you don't want to be killed. That said, your comment was directed towards me, I know this because I read the, 'Hey Holic.' part of it. So if you want to start talking shit in my general direction I'll take care of you myself, got it?
Ah, so clearly it's Holic's fault that you had 80hp and they had whip and globe. Those bastards. How dare they go into Mordor with their top line equipment and attack someone at dlsg? :P
Tarn has the point, i had 80hp when the hunt started plus a low eq and with globe and whip hiting me. And Holic, why you are so proud have a friend that can kill a level 13 with 2k C inside Mordor ? Damn loosers.
Not much you can do in a situation like this 'cept have good eq, good healing, run fast, and hope they aren't attacking you. Oh and dont be dumb.
Blah Tuareg, they were blind, what would you have done different?
Heh, Klouse always yells 'I owned that mothafucka' in some whitetrash wutang slang when he kills someone in a 7+ gangbang wielding the whip.
I figured it would be fun to reverse that kind of idiotic statement towards him this time. :)
Yeah, because Klouse can't defend himself here.
nod, i was that part about ancoron, but i was kind of defending klouse against lotraz's comment, i mean not really sure what klouse was supposed to do but whatever
lucky me.. i was in that party with nothing but a staff and had to leave (next class period :P)
Eothalion, how about I just wait til you get another contract and do my best at keeping you at level 12 forever? And Avaar, read the log, Ancoron faded and ran away :P
nice job from both sides, good to see some people dont just fade and let their members die or run away *cough ulric* at least klouse and pounder tried to help out their friends
Hey Holic, try to post the log that Rivik suicides with mmail + whip a few hours after that.
Hahah, notice how Klouse got majorly owned there... damn he must suck!