I lose my hunter towards the end of the log, but I still get kill - kinda neat, just lucky timing I guess.
Avaar, I meant the case when I attacked Jackal..or it was Jackel?? at the contract guy near Rhos.He laughed, tried to break me, then ran his ass off to his guild.Too bad I had lousy awareness and lost him in Mirkwood.
jackal isnt udungul you retard bashgeroy, and dont act like you wouldnt use gh if you were attacked that close
I hunted people for Sunflash on at least 3 seperate occaisons that I can count
'Show me a log of fucken sunflash wacken anyone and I'll say its fucken fake. I think he did it once in his whole entire life, '
Baklen, where I said he killed people?
I was not talking about Sunflash on the post Baklen, read again.
And yes, let's all idle in rhos, to make it easier for everyone shall we? :P
Err, which guild?The thieves?Or megs? eh?
Btw, why the hell isn't Udungul in Osgiliath?Or, oh well, it's easier for Jackal to run off his ass from rhos to his GH if it's closer.After all, why should we tire the guy?:P
Show me a log of fucken sunflash wacken anyone and I'll say its fucken fake. I think he did it once in his whole entire life,
And Tuareg they ainur's are so fucken tight about that guild , I'm already talking Dalamar about it
Waiting to talk to Roscher
You are a fucken moron and you forget I get I own your ass.
So what I don't defend shit Rhoads, I simply stated that he does not try to get away he has been killed fucken 30fucken times I think even more. he complains yes cause well 30times is a fucken lot. I never said he has skill, but rather I said he knows a hell of alot about the mud. And he gets those weapons cause he can. *shrugs* I would hate to see him go, he is the reason quest info gets out cause your bitch assess are to lazy to go out and find it, he is the one who dies doing shit . While you stay inyour gh or whatever it is and idle.
Bah, it is funny how when some people are friends with someone who dies they say stuff like 'oh, he is an explorer, he dosen't care about pkills,etc' yet when his friends or himself goes and kills an enemy that usualy does nothing and it is the same thing it is like 'ha ha ah, he killed you, jerk, bitch'. And those people are the same who whine everytime someone try to defend their 'dead friends'. Ironical maibe?
Sunflash is an Ok person, but he has a big mouth :P
Tuareg, as much as your my friend, im going to have to agree with Baklen and Avaar on this one, Sunflash is a very smart and layed back person, Ive killed him many times in my day, its absolutely worthless and a waste of gold, this guy is a great player, and knows a lot you probably dont know...
*Gives Sunflash a big High Five!*
Heehee Well Tuareg, I'll way now when your ass is nuked.
Yay, cool log, hehe, warrior hunt!
It's been like this for the past 4 years.Actually, it used to be worse.Screw you americans, this lag ain't nothing, it comes and goes, you should go through what I go.
I am, for the last 2 days!
On the other hand he is a quitter and an idiot :P
Yeah, sorry about that Woden. I didn't have the gates triggered and once we headed back towards it I didn't have enough time to type it in so I just went for it. Thought for sure he would use it as a HB. Oh well...the deed was done.
Say it like it is brother, bah he is a cool guy and litterly kian he doesn't yell he says get lost and runs around its funny:) we had some good times me and that fool, getting trapped ina camp of uruk-hai just to get a meat saw. And Avaar give me a ring dammit we need to hook up on some shit.
woden had to be there because leto is too scared to do anything on his own ivon
*nods with baklen
sunflash doesnt try to hb, he just runs around and dies and goes on, he likes to quest and find out new things and in ways besides pk he knows more than most out there, not really a point in killing him since i doubt it bothers him at all
I just don't get it why did you have to take part in this kill Woden, is he enemy of the guild or something?
IF you know sunflash at all any of you
he doesn't run from pkills he lets them happen he doesn't care. Anyways he has done more in adventuring and gaining then any of you have. *shrugs its his preference.
Thanks Avaar!! :)
good thing woden was there, he saved that whole pk! (sad part is that its true)
your my hero woden!
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